Found 39 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > 1745-1901 > Europe 1745-1901   (Clear filter)

  • Revolutionaries In Europe: 1815-1848

      Classic Pamphlet
    In the three and a half decades which followed the defeat of Napoleon, conspiracy, riot and revolt were constant features of the European scene. No prison was storng enough to prevent Blanqui from plotting, no place of excile distant enough to seperate Mazzini from his revolutionary agents. Cities were insubordinate,...
    Revolutionaries In Europe: 1815-1848
  • Napoleon III and the French Second Empire

    The French Second Empire has been variously described as a precursor of Twentieth Century Fascism and a prime example of a modernising regime. Roger Price continues recents efforts to achieve a more balanced assessment by setting the regime within its particular social and political context. The origins of the Second...
    Napoleon III and the French Second Empire
  • Podcast Series: The Age of Revolutions

      Multipage Article
    This podcast series was commissioned as part of the HA’s education programme on the Age of Revolutions period, funded by the Age of Revolution legacy project. They were recorded with leading academic historians and are intended to shed light on a variety of perspectives on the period. These podcasts were...
    Podcast Series: The Age of Revolutions
  • The Flight to Varennes

      Historian article
    On the night of 20 June 1791 a portly middle-aged man, dressed inconspicuously in brown, with a dark green overcoat and his hair covered by a grey wig, walked out of the Tuileries palace past the guards. For the past 12 nights the Chevalier de Coigny, dressed in a similar...
    The Flight to Varennes
  • Bismarck after Fifty Years

      Classic Pamphlet
    This notable essay by Dr. Erich Eyck, the most distinguished Bismarckian scholar of the mid-twentieth century was written on the invitation of the HA to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bismark's death. Dr. Eyck, a German Liberal of the school of Ludwig Bamberger, found his way to England in the...
    Bismarck after Fifty Years
  • The Battle of Waterloo: Sunday 18 June 1815

      Historian article
    John Morewood explores the events of 18 June 1815 in detail and asks just how accurate is our view of what happened on the field of Waterloo. Summary Waterloo is the most famous battle in a four-battle campaign fought from 15 June to 19 June 1815. On one side were...
    The Battle of Waterloo: Sunday 18 June 1815
  • Podcast Series: The French Revolution to the Fall of Napoleon

      The French Revolution
    In this set of podcasts we look at the origins and the development of the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo. These podcasts feature: Professor David Andress, Emeritus Professor Malcom Crook, Emertius Professor William Doyle, Emeritus Professor Alan Forrest &...
    Podcast Series: The French Revolution to the Fall of Napoleon
  • Interpretations of the French Revolution

      Classic Pamphlet
    The French Revolution raises many questions not least: What sort of Revolution was it - one of "poverty" or "prosperity" ? a bourgeois revolution that overthrew feudalism?  A national struggle for liberty, democracy, or "eternal Justice" ? or, again, a criminal conspiracy against the old social order? What did it...
    Interpretations of the French Revolution
  • Podcast Series: Thomas Paine

      Multipage Article
    In this set of podcasts Emeritus Professor W. A. Speck of the University of Leeds looks at the life and ideas of Thomas Paine.
    Podcast Series: Thomas Paine
  • Liberalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe

      Classic Pamphlet
    Irene Collins explores the origins of Liberalism within a turbulent nineteenth century Europe. From the beginnings of its use for Spanish rebels in 1820 and the insult it became when used by French royalists, to the growth of political Liberalism in Marxism and Russia in the turn of the century....
    Liberalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe
  • Podcast Series: Origins of the European Financial Markets

      Multipage Article
    In this podcast Dr Anne Murphy of the University of Hertfordshire looks at the early origins of the European financial markets from the Italian Renaissance to the present day. Dr Murphy also provides a useful introduction to finance, the stock market and the bond market.
    Podcast Series: Origins of the European Financial Markets
  • Cavour and Italian Unification

      Classic Pamphlet
    It may seem a little perverse to write a pamphlet on Cavour in 1972, the centenary year of the death of Mazzini, but no doubt there will be more than one publication on Mazzini to mark the occasion. To pretend that the two men had much in common would be...
    Cavour and Italian Unification
  • The Enlightenment

      Classic Pamphlet
    Can a movement as varied and diffuse as the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century be contained within the covers of a short pamphlet? The problem would certainly have appealed to the intellectuals of that time. Generalists rather than specialists, citizens of the whole world of knowledge, they relished the challenge...
    The Enlightenment
  • Bismarck

      Historian article
    Readers of this journal will need no introduction to Otto von Bismarck. There are almost as many English-language biographies of him as those written in German. The four short studies by Lynn Abrams, Bismarck and the German Empire, 1871-1918 (1995); Andrina Stiles, The Unification of Germany, 1815-1890 (1986); D. G....