Found 8 results matching '2025' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > 1745-1901 > Britain & Ireland 1745-1901   (Clear filter)

  • Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history

    Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people are the largest minority ethnic group in some communities (and therefore in some schools) in the UK. Yet the past of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller people may rarely be part of history lessons. The result is that pupils of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller heritage may not...
    Teaching Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history
  • Census 2021: using the census in the history classroom

    As we approach the next census in March 2021, we are reminded of what a rich historical source the census is. For historians, using the census can shine a light on particular people and places – a snapshot in time. Big stories can be told through a sharp local lens...
    Census 2021: using the census in the history classroom
  • Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils

      Teaching History article
    Confined to his home during lockdown in 2020, teacher Josh Mellor became eager to explore the history of the physical environment on his doorstep. After reading about different approaches to using environmental history in the classroom, Mellor decided to design an enquiry to explore the changing landscape of the Fens in...
    Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... expanding the reach of the American Revolution

      Teaching History feature
    The Founding Fathers of the United States of America are never far from current political and cultural discussions. Whether prompted by the phenomenal success of Hamilton: the musical (2015), or the shocking scenes of riotous attack on the US Capitol in January 2021, the revolutionary intentions and legacy of such...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... expanding the reach of the American Revolution
  • Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Making a passionate case for teaching Black British history in the secondary school curriculum, Hannah shares here the personal journey she has travelled in planning for Black British history in her curriculum. She cites her inspirations and offers striking examples to illustrate her rationale and approach to teaching this history....
    Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?

      Teaching History feature
    The murder of George Floyd during the summer of 2020 and the ongoing ‘culture war’ in Britain over the legacy of the British Empire have reignited interest in imperial history. This focuses, in particular, on the question of the empire’s impact on Britain itself: on how the act of conquering...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?
  • Diversifying the curriculum: one department’s holistic approach

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Theo Woods shares the experience of one history department as they embarked on a substantial process of curriculum review and development. The department sought to address concerns that the range of history taught in their school, across the full seven years of students’ secondary experience, was too ‘traditional,...
    Diversifying the curriculum: one department’s holistic approach
  • Writing the history of nineteenth-century Europe

      Annual Conference 2013 Podcast
    Keynote Speech from the Historical Association 2013 Annual Conference - Podcast Sir Richard Evans FBA - Regius Professor of History and President of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge ‘Study problems, not periods', Lord Acton famously advised in his Inaugural Lecture at Cambridge. Centuries in themselves have no historical meaning; the...
    Writing the history of nineteenth-century Europe