Found 2 results matching '2025' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > 1509-1745 > Britain & Ireland 1509-1745   (Clear filter)

  • Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Making a passionate case for teaching Black British history in the secondary school curriculum, Hannah shares here the personal journey she has travelled in planning for Black British history in her curriculum. She cites her inspirations and offers striking examples to illustrate her rationale and approach to teaching this history....
    Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?

      Teaching History feature
    The murder of George Floyd during the summer of 2020 and the ongoing ‘culture war’ in Britain over the legacy of the British Empire have reignited interest in imperial history. This focuses, in particular, on the question of the empire’s impact on Britain itself: on how the act of conquering...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the British Empire on Britain?