Found 35 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Content > Periods > 1066-1509 > Europe 1066-1509   (Clear filter)

  • What can rituals reveal about power in the medieval world? Teaching Year 7 pupils to apply interdisciplinary approaches

      Teaching History article
    Much has been written in recent years about how historical scholarship can be used to shape practice in the classroom. As an historian of the medieval period now working as an history teacher, Dhwani Patel offers a fresh perspective on these debates. During her PGCE year, Patel found herself reflecting...
    What can rituals reveal about power in the medieval world? Teaching Year 7 pupils to apply interdisciplinary approaches
  • Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?

      Medieval History
    Why Medieval History Matters, Professor Anne Curry, President of the HA ‘I don't mind there being some medievalists around for ornamental purposes, but there is no reason for the state to pay for them'. So, allegedly, said Charles Clarke when Education Secretary in 2003. In fact, medieval history has never...
    Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?
  • Henry V in the cinema

      Historian article
    Public attitudes to Henry V are very much influenced by WilliamShakespeare's interpretation. Richard Inverne discusses howShakespeare's version has been translated into cinematic form byLaurence Olivier and Kenneth Branagh. Shakespeare indulges himself considerably with his own relatively recent history - Richards II and III, Henrys IV, V and VI, for example....
    Henry V in the cinema
  • ‘Compressing and rendering’: using biography to teach big stories

      Teaching History article
    In principle, Rachel Foster had long been aware of the value of creating an interplay between depth and overview across the history curriculum. But in practice, as she acknowledges here, she had tended to shy away from telling outline stories that encompassed a big chronological or geographical range. Recognising the...
    ‘Compressing and rendering’: using biography to teach big stories
  • The New History of the Spanish Inquisition

    Helen Rawlings reviews the recent literature which has prompted a fundamental reappraisal of the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition — first established in 1478 in Castile under Queen Isabella I and suppressed in 1834 by Queen Isabella II — has left its indelible mark on the whole course of Spain’s...
    The New History of the Spanish Inquisition
  • The Medieval Empire

      Classic Pamphlet
    The subject of this pamphlet is one that, by general consent, takes a central place in European history in the middle ages. The history of the Empire, it has often been said, is co-terminous with the history of western Christendom; and Lord Bryce long ago described it as a ‘universal...
    The Medieval Empire
  • Making learning drive assessment: Joan of Arc - saint, witch or warrior?

      Teaching History article
    Andrew Wrenn describes his work with Barry Williams and the teachers of the history department at Ailwyn School (11-14 comprehensive), Ramsey in Cambridgeshire. Devoting equal attention to the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of history assessment, he shows how this group of teachers developed a fresh approach to assessment out of...
    Making learning drive assessment: Joan of Arc - saint, witch or warrior?
  • Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain

      Classic Pamphlet
    Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain: From the accession of the House of Trastámara to Ferdinand and IsabellaThe history of late medieval Spain is usually seen as a tiresome introduction to the reigns of the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. Modern historians tend to portray them as ‘new monarchs',...
    Government and Society in Late Medieval Spain
  • Seeing, hearing and doing the renaissance (Part 2)

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. In the last edition of Teaching History, Maria Osowiecki described in detail the fourth lesson in a five-lesson enquiry entitled: What was remarkable about the Renaissance? She also shared her resources for two lively, interactive...
    Seeing, hearing and doing the renaissance (Part 2)
  • Podcast Series: The Hundred Years War

      The Hundred Years War
    How can a war last 100 years? What did this mean for the peoples of England and France during the medieval period?  How significant were the battles of Poitiers, Crecy and Agincourt? In this podcast series the 100 Years War is explained, explored and brought to life. The lists of...
    Podcast Series: The Hundred Years War
  • Joan of Arc: Woman Warrior, Witch

      Branch Podcast
    In 2011 Professor Anne Curry, President of the Historical Association, gave a lecture on Joan of Arc to the Swansea Branch. This is a podcast of that lecture.
    Joan of Arc: Woman Warrior, Witch
  • Seeing, hearing and doing the Renaissance (Part 1): Let's have a Renaissance party!

      Teaching History article
    In two, linked articles, appearing in this and the next edition, Maria Osowiecki shares an account of a five-lesson enquiry, based on the concept of historical significance (National Curriculum Key Element 2e) for mixed ability Year 8. She wanted to experiment with an array of creative teaching techniques that would...
    Seeing, hearing and doing the Renaissance (Part 1): Let's have a Renaissance party!
  • Polychronicon 112: The Angevin Empire

      Teaching History feature
    Polychronicon was a fourteenth-century chronicle that brought together much of the knowledge of its ownage. Our Polychronicon in Teaching History is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of the 'Polychronicon' concentrates on the...
    Polychronicon 112: The Angevin Empire
  • Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states

      Historian article
    In the 1960s and 1970s, historians and sociologists who were not specialists in the Middle Ages constructed models of pre-industrial crowds and revolt to understand the distinctiveness of modern, post-French Revolutionary, Europe. Foremost among these scholars were George Rudé, a historian of eighteenth century England and France, and Charles Tilly,...
    Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states
  • Podcast Series: The Spanish Golden Age

      Multipage Article
    An HA Podcasted History of the Spanish Golden Age featuring Dr Glyn Redworth of Manchester University and Dr Francois Soyer of the University of Southampton.
    Podcast Series: The Spanish Golden Age
  • Podcast Series: The Crusades

      Multipage Article
    An HA Podcasted History of the Crusades featuring Professor Jonathan Riley-Smith, Professor Jonathan Phillips of Royal Holloway, University of London and Dr Tom Asbridge of Queen Mary, University of London.
    Podcast Series: The Crusades
  • Polychronicon 127: The Crusades

      Teaching History feature
    Modern research on the crusades has concentrated on three basic questions. What were they? How were they justified? What motivated the crusaders? The first of these questions became controversial twenty-five years ago, when historians with a traditional approach to the subject, who took into consideration only those expeditions launched to...
    Polychronicon 127: The Crusades
  • Medieval 'Signs and Marvels'

      Historian article
    Medieval ‘Signs and Marvels': insights into medieval ideas about nature and the cosmic order. Many aspects of life in the Middle Ages puzzle the modern reader but some are stranger than others. What can possibly explain an event reported from Orford Castle, in Suffolk? This is an amazing tale and...
    Medieval 'Signs and Marvels'
  • Remembering Agincourt: Bilingual Enquiry

      Multipage Article
    Do they learn about Agincourt in France? 2015 was a year of anniversaries. As part of our funded commemoration projects surrounding the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, we have commissioned an enquiry looking at the battle and how it has been remembered, particularly aimed at pupils in years...
    Remembering Agincourt: Bilingual Enquiry
  • On the campaign trail: walking the Hundred Years War

      Historian article
    In the tradition of landscape historians, Peter Hoskins has explored some of the route marches taken by English armies during the Hundred Years War. After the battle of Crécy in 1346 and the capture of Calais by Edward III in the following year the Hundred Years War settled into an...
    On the campaign trail: walking the Hundred Years War
  • Peter Abelard

      Classic Pamphlet
    The Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Library contains a large number of entries under the name of Peter Abelard. Most relate to books published in the last two hundred years and most of the editions of works written by Abelard, as distinct from books about him or about...
    Peter Abelard
  • The Miraculous Crusade: The Role of the Mystical and Miraculous in the Morale and Motivation of the First Crusade

      Historian article
    The First Crusade may be considered the only really successful crusade in that it achieved its stated goal, but it demanded great courage and stamina of its participants in their journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem, fighting their way through an unforgiving hostile territory. But courage and stamina by...
    The Miraculous Crusade: The Role of the Mystical and Miraculous in the Morale and Motivation of the First Crusade
  • The Monarchies of Ferdinand and Isabella

      Classic Pamphlet
    On 12 December 1474, the news reached the Castillian city of Segovia, north-west of Madrid, that Henry IV, king of Castile, had died. After the proper ceremonies had been conducted in memory of the deceased monarch, his sister, Isabella, was proclaimed queen of Castile in that place. There was much...
    The Monarchies of Ferdinand and Isabella
  • Agincourt 1415-2015

      Historian article
    Agincourt has become one of a small number of iconic events in our collective memory. Anne Curry explores how succeeding generations have exploited its significance. In his budget statement of 18 March 2015 the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced £1m had been awarded to commemorate the 600th anniversary...
    Agincourt 1415-2015
  • Podcast Series: The Renaissance

      The Renaissance
    In this podcast Dr Gabriele Neher of the University of Nottingham provides an introduction to the Renaissance.
    Podcast Series: The Renaissance