Found 36 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Planning > Whole School   (Clear filter)

  • Diogenes: Creativity and the Primary Curriculum

      Primary History article
    Diogenes: WHITHER CREATIVITY?! A consideration of the article Creativity and the Primary Curriculum In June 2010 the journal Primary Headship included an article entitled Creativity and the Primary Curriculum which endeavoured to pull together a range of positions as to where the curriculum might be going in the immediate future. These...
    Diogenes: Creativity and the Primary Curriculum
  • English Heritage's Heritage Explorer

      Primary History article
    Diogenes - Waving not drowning: English Heritage's Heritage Explorer [THINK BUBBLE, has burst, r.i.p... Diogenes, a curmudgeonly Ancient Greek cynic, has taken its place. The original Grumpy Old Man Diogenes typically looks back to a mythical golden age] Introduction Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember a time when primary school...
    English Heritage's Heritage Explorer
  • Time, Chronology, language and story

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Time, although an extremely complex, abstract concept, is one that begins to develop in children's minds as soon as they are born. Although it cannot be seen or touched and leaves no visible trace, very young...
    Time, Chronology, language and story
  • Case Study: Creative chronological thinking

      Primary History article
    Personal biographies I often ask groups to collect and record their own personal chronologies. They are asked to bring in evidence to tell the stories of their own lives or of the life of a relative, which they will then weave into a ‘photo book' story. The photo books become...
    Case Study: Creative chronological thinking
  • Early Islamic civilisation

      Primary History article
    The Primary National Curriculum pinpoints Early Islamic Civilisation as Baghdad c. AD 900 - yet it was so much more. For approximately a thousand years after AD 700 there was an extraordinary amount of activity that radiated out from Baghdad and along a glittering crescent through North Africa and into...
    Early Islamic civilisation
  • Using classic fiction to support the study of childhood in Victorian times

      Primary History article
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. Classic fiction provides useful sources of information for investigating the lives, beliefs and values of people in the past. In this article Ann Cowling describes activities undertaken with student teachers which may also serve as models...
    Using classic fiction to support the study of childhood in Victorian times
  • Bring on the iPad revolution

      Primary History case study
    The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic games celebrated change whilst demonstrating the challenges revolutions have on the world. From green pastures to belching chimneystacks, from post-war Britain to the World Wide Internet and text messaging, the way society interacts is changing at an incomprehensible rate. The same could be...
    Bring on the iPad revolution
  • Museums: Entries to Learning

      Primary History article
    Editorial comment: Mick Waters raises the crucial point of awe and wonder - the visceral, affective impact ‘the real thing' can have on pupils and adults. One rider is the need to give the onlooker a clear, full explanation of the objects so they can come to life in their...
    Museums: Entries to Learning
  • Ideas for Assemblies: Anniversaries

    For this issue I have selected an eclectic range of anniversaries. Some are to do with travel and exploration, showing the human spirit of endeavour and wanting to find out more, like Christopher Columbus' epic voyage across the Atlantic, even if, as we now know, the Vikings went before him...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Anniversaries
  • Ideas for Assemblies - Remembrance

    A debt of honour... During the months of September to November 2015, assemblies in my school will focus on remembrance relating to the First World War culminating in a special Armistice Day assembly. In conjunction with this focus a possible approach could be to introduce the children to the growth...
    Ideas for Assemblies - Remembrance
  • Museums, schools and creativity: How learning can be enhanced

    What do we mean by creativity?In the last few years there has been an emphasis on the ‘creative curriculum', ‘creativity' and ‘creative teaching and learning', but there has not always been a shared understanding of what this means. This article uses the definition from ‘Creativity - find it, promote it'...
    Museums, schools and creativity: How learning can be enhanced