Found 35 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Key Stage 2 > Planning > General   (Clear filter)

  • The importance of history vocabulary

      Primary History article
    Teachers and schools should surely be forgiven for quickly turning to the pages containing the ‘subject content' - within the new 2014 history curriculum - and finding out ‘what' they should be teaching. This is especially true for Key Stage 2 where children must now learn British history from the...
    The importance of history vocabulary
  • Primary history and British values

    In this article, Michael Maddison provides an overview of what schools must do in relation to promoting British values, as well as preventing extremism and radicalisation, and why it is so important that opportunities are taken in history to  deal with these two pressing issues. It is an updated version...
    Primary history and British values
  • How diverse is your history curriculum?

    The past was full of diverse people and our students are entitled to learn about this diverse past. History lessons should enable students to see their connection to the past and to understand the world today. Here are a list of questions for history teachers to use to support a...
    How diverse is your history curriculum?
  • Progression and coherence in history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. "The focus for much of the planning and the teaching is on pockets of knowledge at basic levels. Thus, the notion that pupils can progress and do better over time in history is not well established...
    Progression and coherence in history
  • Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History

    History education has a key role to play in creating the informed, critical attachment of young people to the nation and in creating the feeling that young people belong and can participate in national life. The Curriculum for Cohesion Team, comprising Muslim and non-Muslim academics and community leaders, believes that...
    Including the Muslim Contribution in the National Curriculum for History
  • Doing History with Objects

    IntroductionI was talking about ‘Doing History' with historical artefacts and objects with a young teacher when she closed the discussion with the statement ‘It's alright for you, you're old, your house is full of old things - how do I get them?' Alas - I had to agree with her,...
    Doing History with Objects
  • Film: Making an effective History curriculum

      Workshop Film: Yorkshire History Forum 2018
    Richard Kennett is a senior leader, teacher, blogger, text-book author and member of HA secondary committee. In November 2018, Richard visited the Yorkshire History Forum to talk about his school’s experience of reviewing and re-planning their Key Stage 3 curriculum. This film is of Richard’s keynote speech at the Forum....
    Film: Making an effective History curriculum
  • History, artefacts and storytelling in the 2011 primary curriculum

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. This article will argue that although history can seem a ‘hard' discipline for young children, it can be made accessible and exciting through telling stories about objects. The article does not contain advice about obtaining objects:...
    History, artefacts and storytelling in the 2011 primary curriculum
  • Archives in Primary History

      Primary Expert Podcasts
    In this series of podcast Sue Temple, Senior Lecturer in Primary History at the University of Cumbria looks at the value of using archives in the primary history classroom:
    Archives in Primary History
  • Helping pupils to view historical film critically

      Primary History article
    Introduction: The teaching potential of film Films about historical events seem like the nearest thing we can give our pupils to a time machine. In commercial film, the physical appearance of the past has often been carefully researched, thus a snippet from Gladiator, for example, can give pupils some idea of...
    Helping pupils to view historical film critically
  • Whose history is it anyway?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The main goals of educating children are meeting their educational and achievement needs. Herein is the challenge. Our classrooms are a cornucopia of diversity. The most prominent or acknowledged being gender, class, religion and ethnicity. Some...
    Whose history is it anyway?
  • Case Study: Historical information and the local community

      Primary History article
    The ICT revolution A paper register, a pink-lined A4 mark book and a written school log book are surely historical artefacts? The transition from paper to digital technology continues, changing the world of the classroom teacher whose working life like mine, began in the print age when digital-based education was...
    Case Study: Historical information and the local community
  • Primary History at Key Stage 2

      Primary Expert Podcasts
    In this series of podcasts Karin Doull, Principal Lecturer and Subject Co-ordinator (Primary History Education) at the University of Roehampton examines good history at Key Stage 2. 1. What makes a good primary history curriculum? 2. What makes a good history curriculum at Key Stage 2?3. Personalisation and local links4. The...
    Primary History at Key Stage 2
  • A History of the World: 100 objects that tell a story

      Primary History article
    ‘A History of the World in 100 Objects' was the most creative, imaginative and dynamic development in primary History Education for thirty years. It ties in perfectly with and supports the government's draft NC for History...
    A History of the World: 100 objects that tell a story
  • Teaching history to young children

    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History is a subject whose meaning is properly appreciated only in our maturity. In their old age we find those we consider wisest turning to Gibbon, Burckhardt, and Thucydides. The richness and endlessly elaborated meaning of...
    Teaching history to young children
  • The digital revolution

      Primary History article
    Developments in information technology continue at an extraordinary pace. Many young children will have little or no idea of what it was like to live in a world without mobile phones, computers and the Internet. Most children will regularly make use of devices such as smart phones, digital cameras and...
    The digital revolution
  • Britain from the Iron Age to Robin Hood

      Primary History article
    ‘...if children are to ever fully appreciate history the development of historical time has to be central to our teaching methodologies' This lesson aims to provide an overview of this period, developing pupils' sense of chronology and their understanding of cause and consequence. The context for these ideas comes from...
    Britain from the Iron Age to Robin Hood
  • Pupils as apprentice historians (3)

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The Spring 2008 issue of this magazine, Visual Literacy, highlighted the excellent practice in using visual historical sources that exists in many primary schoolsWe should strive to preserve and extend this critical use of visuals, whatever...
    Pupils as apprentice historians (3)
  • Oral history, a powerful tool or a double edged sword?

      Primary History article
    We all agree that oral history is a particularly powerful and attractive method for children to gather evidence and appreciate the real life relevance of history. From the Early Years to Year 6, many of us look deliberately for the opportunities to bring a visitor into the classroom, who will...
    Oral history, a powerful tool or a double edged sword?
  • What your local Archive Service can offer to schools

      Primary History article
    Imagine a place where your pupils become detectives working on mysteries from the past such as the tale of Thomas Sargeant, a 15-year-old factory worker who died in a chemical works in 1898. Your local archive is bursting with stories about real people like this which can give children an...
    What your local Archive Service can offer to schools
  • Processes, Chronological Understanding & Planning

      Primary Expert Podcasts
    In this podcast Dr Hilary Cooper, Professor of History and Pedagogy at the University of Cumbria, looks at why teachers and students seem to enjoy primary history and discusses processes of enquiry, chronological understanding and planning a topic. 1. Ofsted Report History for All published in 2011 said that: "history taught in schools...
    Processes, Chronological Understanding & Planning
  • Extending Primary Children's thinking through artefacts

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. A research project was carried out with Maltese primary school children at San Andrea Infant and Middle school to see if learning strategies could accelerate pupils' cognitive development. The research involved a range of historical sources:...
    Extending Primary Children's thinking through artefacts
  • Curriculum Planning: which non-European society might we offer at school?

      Primary History article
    A non-European society that provides contrasts with British history - one study. chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300. That's quite clear then - there's a choice between early Islam, Central America or...
    Curriculum Planning: which non-European society might we offer at school?
  • Planning for diversity in the Key Stage 2 history curriculum

    Please note: this article was written before the the 2014 National Curriculum and some content is now outdated, e.g. reference to the QCA. This article may therefore be more useful for those engaging in research than for practising teachers. See Primary History summer resource 2019: Diversity for current guidance.  In a series of three articles Hilary Claire...
    Planning for diversity in the Key Stage 2 history curriculum
  • Britain, Europe and the World?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. With the current debate on what content we should teach, and especially with the focus on pupils understanding the history of Britain before they leave school, it is perhaps pertinent to ask how this should link...
    Britain, Europe and the World?