Found 35 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Key Stage 2 > Planning > General   (Clear filter)

  • Ideas for Assemblies: Lest we forget

      Primary History feature
    Over the next three editions of Primary History our assemblies pages will be linked to the theme of commemorating the First World War. We have found that while many teachers wish to remember these events in school, they are unsure how to approach the subject with primary aged children. It...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Lest we forget
  • English Heritage's Heritage Explorer

      Primary History article
    Diogenes - Waving not drowning: English Heritage's Heritage Explorer [THINK BUBBLE, has burst, r.i.p... Diogenes, a curmudgeonly Ancient Greek cynic, has taken its place. The original Grumpy Old Man Diogenes typically looks back to a mythical golden age] Introduction Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember a time when primary school...
    English Heritage's Heritage Explorer
  • A view from the classroom

    The end of one school year and the beginning of a new one is always a time for reflection. If it coincides with moving classrooms and changing key stage too, as I am from KS1 to KS2, there is a good opportunity to sort out resources, and plan a fresh...
    A view from the classroom
  • Ways of making Key Stage 2 history culturally inclusive: A study of practice developed in Kirklees

    Kirklees, West Yorkshire comprises Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Batley. There is a population of 300,000. Minority, ethnic pupils account for nearly 20%. Over the next decade it is predicted that there will be an increase in the number of pupils of Pakistani, Indian, African, African Caribbean and Chinese descent entering the...
    Ways of making Key Stage 2 history culturally inclusive: A study of practice developed in Kirklees
  • Sutton Hoo - Classroom archaeology in the digital age

      Primary History case study
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. The class had composed its Anglo-Saxon funeral poem for Raedwald, an Anglo-Saxon king,, the high king or Bretwalda of all seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the early seventh century as well as being King...
    Sutton Hoo - Classroom archaeology in the digital age
  • Asking the right questions. A study of the ability of KS2 children to devise and use questions as part of their own research

    Enquiry is an essential part of teaching history in the primary classroom. Asking and answering questions and selecting information relevant to the focus of an enquiry are important skills for young historians. Children often have much experience in answering questions in history and much has been written about developing children’s...
    Asking the right questions. A study of the ability of KS2 children to devise and use questions as part of their own research
  • Is teaching about the Holocaust suitable for primary aged children?

      Primary History case study
    Editorial note: While this is a valuable paper, we must point out that the normal ethical procedures concerning such a sensitive, emotional subject must be followed in relation to pupils, their parents/carers and the wider community, i.e. the protocols for permission and clearance to teach such topics must be followed....
    Is teaching about the Holocaust suitable for primary aged children?
  • Bring on the iPad revolution

      Primary History case study
    The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic games celebrated change whilst demonstrating the challenges revolutions have on the world. From green pastures to belching chimneystacks, from post-war Britain to the World Wide Internet and text messaging, the way society interacts is changing at an incomprehensible rate. The same could be...
    Bring on the iPad revolution
  • Artefacts and art facts: images of Sir Francis Drake

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. Editorial note: This article reveals the power of the Internet in helping us all, adults and children, to bring portraits like Drake's to life. So, as you read, follow the links.
    Artefacts and art facts: images of Sir Francis Drake
  • Archaeology: A view from the classroom

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references are outdated. Perhaps it is the earthiness of the ground beneath our feet which arouses pupils' curiosity. Or maybe, the idea of the unexpected with the hope of finding something precious or unusual, that is so engaging about archaeology....
    Archaeology: A view from the classroom