Found 37 results matching 'french revolution' within Primary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Interpretations   (Clear filter)

  • Remembering Agincourt: Bilingual Enquiry

      Multipage Article
    Do they learn about Agincourt in France? 2015 was a year of anniversaries. As part of our funded commemoration projects surrounding the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, we have commissioned an enquiry looking at the battle and how it has been remembered, particularly aimed at pupils in years...
    Remembering Agincourt: Bilingual Enquiry
  • A trail of garnet and gold: Sri Lanka to Anglo-Saxon England

      Primary History Article
    Sri Lankan garnet in Anglo-Saxon graves?  In 2009 news broke of a fabulous hoard of gold and garnet military ornaments unearthed in a Staffordshire field. TV reports mentioned the garnet might have come from Sri Lanka or India, but how could it have got here? I began reading up what used to be called ‘The Dark...
    A trail of garnet and gold: Sri Lanka to Anglo-Saxon England
  • Think Bubble - Interpretation

    One of my favourite places in France is Poitiers Cathedral. Whenever I set out from the north or drive home from the south, I can usually find an excuse to stop off there. For me, its crowning glory are its 13th Century choir stalls with their wonderful medieval figures and...
    Think Bubble - Interpretation
  • Investigating the ancient Olympic games: A Case Study

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. In a 10-week unit on Ancient Greece, we gave the fourth lesson over to the ancient Olympic Games. The class was a delight: 32 enthusiastic Year 6 children in an urban county primary school. We knew...
    Investigating the ancient Olympic games: A Case Study
  • Scheme of Work: Grace O'Malley

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 1 History (resourced)
    This unit encourages pupils to explore the past by examining their ideas about pirates, with particular reference to Grace O’Malley. The key question leads children to consider what are the characteristics of a pirate and to challenge stereotypes in the light of historical enquiry. The key question also leads to...
    Scheme of Work: Grace O'Malley
  • The Great Fire of London and the National Curriculum

      Primary History article including Scheme of Work for Key Stage 1 (unresourced)
    The Great Fire of London is a favourite National Curriculum teaching topic. This paper draws on the latest resources and teaching ideas to suggest how you can meet both the NC history requirements and the wider ones of the National Curriculum, particularly in integrated programmes that include teaching about the Great...
    The Great Fire of London and the National Curriculum
  • Using original sources

      Primary History article
    Why would I want those old books in my classroom? It has always been recognised that good primary history is able to connect the past with the world the children currently inhabit. That is why focusing on schools can be so useful. If there is one experience the children have...
    Using original sources
  • Re-evaluating the role of statues

      Primary History article
    Like them or loathe them, statues are excellent learning resources and the recent events in Bristol and elsewhere should not dissuade us from using them to aid children’s historical knowledge and enquiry skills. In fact, in the current climate, statues need a careful re-evaluation of their role within our towns....
    Re-evaluating the role of statues
  • Storytelling the past

      Primary History article
    This article will demonstrate how to engage children through storytelling and how it can be used to develop their critical understanding of the past. Why story? Despite their common derivation, the words ‘history’ and ‘story’ suggest very different kinds of knowledge, the former carrying overtones of detached understanding of the...
    Storytelling the past
  • Studying the Maya

    Most pupils like history, but some struggle with aspects of reading and writing – how can we make history more accessible? This article explores some ways I have found useful in engaging pupils of all abilities. It will focus on activities that might be used in studying the Non-European Society...
    Studying the Maya
  • OFSTED, primary history and creativity

      Primary History article
    Co-ordinators concerns: OFSTED, primary history and creativity I'm told the emphasis in schools now is for a rigorous approach to history where the children are taught the main facts and features of history. I recall a time not so long ago when the whole curriculum was about creativity but surely...
    OFSTED, primary history and creativity
  • To boldly go: exploring the explorers

      Primary History article
    Exploration and a curiosity about the world are key human characteristics that have shaped and continue to shape our behaviour. Nowhere is this more true than with younger children who relish the opportunity to investigate their environment and all it contains. Promoting this natural curiosity and introducing stimulating challenge should...
    To boldly go: exploring the explorers
  • The Vikings: ruthless killers or peaceful settlers?

      Primary History article
    This article outlines how one Year 4 teacher approached the topic of the Vikings. The teaching of The Vikings allows for a range of historical concepts to be explored such as: Chronological understanding – how long did Viking influence last? Where does it appear on the timeline of Britain? What...
    The Vikings: ruthless killers or peaceful settlers?
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Historical Interpretations (Primary)

    Please note: the 'What's the Wisdom On' film series has been produced principally for secondary school history teachers, however some of the content is transferrable to a primary setting. Secondary members can view the film here We know how difficult life is for teachers in the current circumstances. We also understand your need...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Historical Interpretations (Primary)
  • From Home to the Front: World War I

      Primary History article
    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...
    From Home to the Front: World War I
  • Place-names and the National Curriculum for History

      Primary History article
    Place-names, such as house or school names, are infinite in number and all around us. Every place-name may convey a message about the place. Often place-names record and celebrate local and national people, events and incidents, define what a place looked like in the past and how we used to...
    Place-names and the National Curriculum for History
  • Addressing the issues of knowledge, skills and understanding

    This section explores some of the key ideas and activities for time, causation, interpretations, enquiry and significance. There are also some ideas on how history can be linked with literacy.
    Addressing the issues of knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Using different sources to bring a topic to life: The Rebecca Riots

      Primary History article
    For primary school pupils a key aim of the National Curriculum for history is to understand the method of historical enquiry. Working with original sources is of course central to the whole process and provides a great way to inspire pupils’ experience of the subject. Young pupils, once they have...
    Using different sources to bring a topic to life: The Rebecca Riots
  • What can you tell about the Maya from a Spanish soldier?

      Primary History article
    This article focuses on the links between the Maya and Europe in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, exploring the impact of the Spanish on the life and times of the Maya, as seen through the eyes of one man – Gonzalo Guerrero, who was shipwrecked off the Yucatan peninsula...
    What can you tell about the Maya from a Spanish soldier?
  • The 2014 History National Curriculum: how to get the best from heritage

      Primary History article
    We all know that site visits are good for children - not least because they give a break from the normal school routine - and there are a plethora of heritage sites both local and national that are able to offer facilities for school visits. But we also know that...
    The 2014 History National Curriculum: how to get the best from heritage
  • Anglo-Saxon Women

      Primary History Article
    The Anglo-Saxon era is a diverse period that stretches across just over 650 years. Those we call Anglo-Saxons were not homogenous nor were their experiences. In AD 410 the Roman legions leave and the first Anglo-Saxon raiders appear. These pagan warrior bands would come to terrorise Romano-British settlements until, inevitably,...
    Anglo-Saxon Women
  • A creative Egyptian project

      Primary History article
    Ideally when teaching history, teachers will look to deliver projects that will engage and motivate, hopefully making the hard work of being creative stimulating and rewarding, based upon questioning, enquiry, investigation of sources and reaching conclusions grounded in the evidence.Ancient Egypt is one of those history topics which, because it...
    A creative Egyptian project
  • What made Cleopatra so special?

    Ancient Egyptian civilisation is rich and mysterious with distinctive visual imagery and strange animal-headed gods. The exotic differences of the society have always intrigued the western imagination and so they continue to ensure that this is a popular unit with both teachers and children. There are plentiful resources with new...
    What made Cleopatra so special?
  • An Olympic Great? Dorando Pietri

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The Italian confectioner Dorando Pietri is one of the most famous figures from the 1908 Olympics - famous for not winning. His story raises issues of sportsmanship suitable for class discussion. There are detailed accounts readily...
    An Olympic Great? Dorando Pietri
  • What confuses primary pupils in history? Part 2

      Primary History article
    Part 1 of this article looked at some of the main areas of confusion that often characterise primary pupils’ historical thinking. Part 2 continues this theme by looking at three more key areas of misunderstanding and possible strategies to help improve their understanding: Confusion 4: Not really grasping how sources can be...
    What confuses primary pupils in history? Part 2