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  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide

      HA Webinar
    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...
    Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide
  • Lecture recording: Writing Black histories, telling Black stories

    In February 2021 we were delighted to continue the HA Virtual Branch with Stephen Bourne, author of a number of books including Black Poppies: Britain’s Black Community and the Great War and Black in the British Frame: The Black Experience in British Film and Television. In 2017 South Bank University awarded Stephen an Honorary Fellowship for...
    Lecture recording: Writing Black histories, telling Black stories
  • Recorded webinar: Britain's eighteenth-century tradition of popular riot and protest

    Eighteenth-century Britons were ruled by a restricted oligarchy of landowners and plutocrats. Yet the wider population had a proud tradition of assertiveness and readiness to protest. ‘Britons never will be slaves!’ as the chorus of 'Rule Britannia' (1740) announced pointedly (if somewhat ironically, in view of Britain’s role in the...
    Recorded webinar: Britain's eighteenth-century tradition of popular riot and protest
  • Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?

    One of the oldest myths of the French Revolution is the lethal rivalry between Robespierre and Danton: Robespierre the cold, bloodthirsty dictator who ruled France through Terror, versus Danton, the warm, humane, inspirational orator who wanted to stop Terror. Throughout the 19th century Robespierre was mostly depicted as a villain,...
    Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?
  • Recorded webinar: John F. Kennedy and the Vietnam War

      An enduring counterfactual
    Would US President John F. Kennedy have avoided the catastrophe that became the Vietnam War if Lee Harvey Oswald had not assassinated him in Dallas on that fateful day of 22 November 1963? This question – or a version of it – has animated discussions of the Vietnam War for...
    Recorded webinar: John F. Kennedy and the Vietnam War
  • Recorded webinar: Prosthetics and assistive technology in ancient Greece and Rome

    In this webinar, Jane Draycott shares her research on prostheses and assistive technology in ancient Greece, Rome and the neighbouring civilisations. She outlines the findings from her 2023 book on this subject, which arose from a grant to visit museums around the UK to access surviving ancient prostheses and modern...
    Recorded webinar: Prosthetics and assistive technology in ancient Greece and Rome
  • Recorded Webinar: Philip IV

      Decline, decadence and the end of the Golden Age
    Decline, decadence, crisis, stagnation, and adversity are terms powerfully associated with the reign of Spain’s Planet King; sombre tones that contrast sharply with the glittering cultural and artistic achievements (enhanced by his patronage) that led the period to be dubbed ‘the’ Golden Age, a label consciously competing with France’s later...
    Recorded Webinar: Philip IV
  • Recorded Webinar: Why have the Chinese rediscovered World War II?

    The Chinese regime never used to want to talk about their country’s experience in World War Two. The Japanese occupation of parts of China was felt to be a humiliating episode that was best forgotten, and the Communists were uncomfortable that their nationalist enemy Chiang Kai-Shek had been China’s main...
    Recorded Webinar: Why have the Chinese rediscovered World War II?
  • Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24

    In this webinar Dr Douds examines the nature of political authority in the nascent Soviet Republic and the institutional structures, practices and ideology of government in the Lenin period. She considers how Communist Party dictatorship and the monolithic party-state emerged in the early years following the October Revolution of 1917...
    Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24
  • Recorded Webinar: Ukraine and the Soviet Politics of Empire

    Recorded Webinar: Ukraine and the Soviet Politics of Empire
  • Recorded webinar: Mapping uncertainty - Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

      Retracing the trajectories of young survivors in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust
    Recorded webinar: Mapping uncertainty - Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
  • Welcome back to a new school year

    Welcome back to a new school year
  • Local significant individuals

      HA regional resources
    The National Curriculum specifies a local study both at Key Stages 1 and 2. Basing your local study around an individual is a great way to bring the heritage of your locality to life. Many of these individuals are part of larger national events and changes and seeing these changes at...
    Local significant individuals
  • Recorded Webinar: Female slave-ownership in 18th and 19 century Britain

    Recorded Webinar: Female slave-ownership in 18th and 19 century Britain
  • Resource Sharing Hub: Key Stage 1

      The HA: here for you virtually
    Our education committees have developed an HA home learning resource-sharing hub to support the history community and parents throughout the current period of school closures.  The HA is well-placed and ready to act as a hub for the history community to share the home learning resources you have developed. Our education...
    Resource Sharing Hub: Key Stage 1
  • Recorded Webinar: Our Human Planet

    Recorded Webinar: Our Human Planet
  • Using Spaces Near You

    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum; some content may be outdated and links may be broken. Urban spaces such as parks and gardens offer a range of opportunities for children's learning. In these green patches children can investigate, observe, wonder, record and create.
    Using Spaces Near You
  • Ideas for Assemblies: Women in parliament

    A fundamental part of British values is our democracy. The system theoretically gives people equal rights because everyone is entitled to one vote that has the same value when placed in the ballot box. The progress made with regards to equal suffrage is an important aspect of teaching about democracy...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Women in parliament