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  • Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom

      The Black Crown
    How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon's invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in...
    Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
  • Recorded Webinar: Peopling London, 47AD–1960

    This webinar explores themes around the causes of migration over time and look at practical outcomes in the classroom. It focuses on migration over time in London from the Saxons to the Windrush, through sources and stories, though the themes and ideas used are relevant to schools beyond London. Topics...
    Recorded Webinar: Peopling London, 47AD–1960
  • Film: Life and Death in Occupied France

      Silent Village
    Robert Pike joined the HA Virtual Branch to discuss the research for his latest book Silent Village: Life and Death in Occupied France. This work explores life in the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane before, during and after the infamous massacre and destruction by Nazi Germany that took place on 10 June...
    Film: Life and Death in Occupied France
  • The Poor Law in Nineteenth-century England and Wales

      Classic Pamphlet
    Variety rather than uniformity characterised the administration of poor relief in England and Wales, and at no period was this more apparent than in the decades before the national reform of the poor law in 1834. Unprecedented economic and social changes produced severe problems for those responsible for social welfare,...
    The Poor Law in Nineteenth-century England and Wales
  • Film: 'Mayflower Lives: building a New Jerusalem in the New World'

    Historian and author Martyn Whittock recently gave a lecture for the HA Virtual Branch on 'Mayflower Lives: building a New Jerusalem in the New World'. In 1620, 102 ill-prepared asylum seekers landed two months later than planned, in the wrong place on the eastern coast of North America. By the next summer, half of...
    Film: 'Mayflower Lives: building a New Jerusalem in the New World'
  • EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games

    This EYFS Medium Term Plan is based around the theme of Toys and Games. It is designed to give teachers and early years practitioners different starting points for learning about the past, across all areas of learning. The activities could be led with a whole class or as small group...
    EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games
  • Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    In this Virtual Branch lecture Michael Wood returns to his popular territory of Early England 500-1066 using the lives of specific stories and individuals to cast light on the period. This lecture was recorded on the 9 July 2020 as part of the HA Virtual Branch and is available to all...
    Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066
  • Home Front Legacy 1914-18

    Home Front Legacy 1914-18 is your opportunity to research, discover and record the remains of the First World War Home Front in the United Kingdom. This partnership project, co-ordinated by the Council for British Archaeology with support and funding from Historic England, is open to everyone. You don’t need any...
    Home Front Legacy 1914-18
  • Overground, underground and across the sea

    Communication is at the heart of what it is to be human, and the British postal service has helped to shape the modern world as we know it today. From cryptic Victorian Valentine cards to a lion encountered on Salisbury Plain, there is nothing ordinary about the story of the post! The British postal service...
    Overground, underground and across the sea
  • Recorded webinar: The Great Fire of London

      Boosting subject knowledge at Key Stage 1 webinar series
    Capture the sights and sounds of the insanitary and overcrowded capital city of Stuart England in 1666 with Andrew Wrenn. Compare how city fires were fought in London then and today, learn why the Great Fire spread so quickly from Pudding Lane, hear how Samuel Pepys the diarist witnessed events...
    Recorded webinar: The Great Fire of London
  • Global Learning November 2016

      Global Learning Project
    Although this project has now ended, the links and resources on this page remain useful.  1. Climate Change and Global Learning - New Key Stage 2 Activity Kit With the 2015 Paris Agreement, and the recent climate conference in Marrakech, climate action is high on the international agenda. This activity...
    Global Learning November 2016
  • Celebrate your sporting heritage

    National Sporting Heritage Day takes place on 30 September every year. It aims to support schools and other community organisations to engage withtheir local sporting heritage, explore the heritage on their doorstep, celebrate and share the information that they find and inspire children and young people to find out more....
    Celebrate your sporting heritage
  • Ideas for Assemblies: Battle of the Somme

    Commemorating the Battle of the Somme through an assembly is not an easy task and one which needs careful thought and preparation. This battle officially started on 1 July 1916, after a week-long artillery bombardment, though both British and French commanders had prepared for the offensive for several months. To highlight...
    Ideas for Assemblies: Battle of the Somme
  • Ideas for Assemblies: The Olympics

    A series of whole-school or class assemblies planned for the weeks leading up to the Olympic Games in 2016 provides an excellent opportunity to introduce or reinforce pupils’ understanding of significance. Over the weeks the pupils will be introduced to inspirational stories taken from previous games and through this be...
    Ideas for Assemblies: The Olympics
  • WWI primary book reviews: The Christmas Truce and Where the Poppies Now Grow

      Two illustrated stories of the First World War by Hilary Robinson & Martin Impey
    The Christmas Truce ‘It's Christmas Eve 1914. A group of tired soldiers start singing Stille Nacht. Soldiers the other side of No Man's Land respond with Silent Night. The next day, soldiers on both sides put down their weapons and celebrate Christmas Day with a friendly football match.' This heart-warming...
    WWI primary book reviews: The Christmas Truce and Where the Poppies Now Grow
  • Iron Age Farm - Film

      Iron Age Farm
    The following film takes a look at Butser Ancient Farm - a unique experimental archaeological site and a fascinating day out. Nestled into the rolling South Downs National Park, this ancient farm displays ongoing constructions of Iron Age buildings based on real sites, crops from prehistory and rare breeds of...
    Iron Age Farm - Film
  • Podcast Series: From the Stone Age to the Romans

      Multipage Article
    In this podcast Professor Richard Bradley of the University of Reading looks at Britain and Ireland from their prehistoric beginnings to the arrival of the Romans.
    Podcast Series: From the Stone Age to the Romans
  • Houses: Artefacts from the past (KS1)

      Lesson Plans
    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. In these lessons we investigated real objects from late Victorian times. The aim was to enable the children to become more independent in their learning and to extend their literacy. The two lessons described formed part of a Year 1 topic...
    Houses: Artefacts from the past (KS1)
  • Podcast Series: Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion

      Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion
    In this podcast Professor Ronald Hutton of the University of Bristol looks at Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion.
    Podcast Series: Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion
  • The Great Exhibition

    ‘Of all the decades to be young in, a wise man would choose the 1850s’ concludes G.M. Young in his Portrait of An Age. His choice is understandable. Historians and contemporaries have long viewed the middle years of the century as a ‘plateau of peace and prosperity’, an ‘age of...
    The Great Exhibition
  • Teaching the Romans and stuck for inspiration?

      Links and Visits
    Theme of the monthA trip to Roman site can bring the subject alive like nothing else. English Heritage cares for a number of key Roman properties throughout the country and offers FREE ENTRY to all 400 of its sites for self-led learning groups.  Roman teaching resources from English HeritageSite specific...
    Teaching the Romans and stuck for inspiration?
  • Outline plan using key questions: Vikings example

      A Series of Lessons (KS2)
    Overall key question: Who were the Vikings? Lesson 1 Key question: What can a case study tell us about the Vikings? Content Building on prior knowledge - what the children knew and what they wanted to know.Digging up a burial mound on the Isle of Man, and discovering many aspects...
    Outline plan using key questions: Vikings example
  • Gordon & Woburn Squares

      Lesson Resources
    This material is to help primary schools to use Gordon and Woburn Squares in central London. On the right is a link to material for urban schools everywhere. Download Gordon & Woburn Squares materialWe've put here those documents for which we have permission for website use. (These resources are attached...
    Gordon & Woburn Squares
  • Tudor World Lessons

    Please note: these resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum. Lessons available on this site. See also these short lesson exemplars: Finding out about Tudor life from topic books, Columbus a hero? (discussion and debate) and Columbus (story-telling). Lessons ReformationHow the Tudors came to PowerQueen Elizabeth ITudor Portraits: Who am I?Spanish...
    Tudor World Lessons
  • Queen Victoria as a Politician

    Even had Queen Victoria not presided over the achievements of the age which bears her name, her career would still hold a fascination for the historian. She was, for one thing, the solitary woman in a male political world. She was possessed of a personality at once perceptive and simple,...
    Queen Victoria as a Politician