Found 159 results matching '2025' within Primary   (Clear filter)

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  • How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?

      Primary History article
    The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework became statutory from this September (2021). Although the seven areas of learning and development remain unchanged (including Understanding the World), the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) have changed within each of these areas. These new ELGs have been written so that they are...
    How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?
  • Sporting legacy: the history of endeavour

      Primary History article
    One of the highlights of 2021 for many people was getting up early over the summer and avidly watching events at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics unfold: feats of bravery and endurance, heartbreak and celebration. It will, of course, enter the history books and the pub quiz questions, not least because...
    Sporting legacy: the history of endeavour
  • Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history

    This webinar was presented by Richard Rieser, who is a campaigner and champion for disability rights and the coordinator of UK Disability History Month. His presentation is part of our ongoing work to explore disability history and the arguments and representations of it and ensure that people from disability groups...
    Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history
  • Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution

      A Fistful of Shells
    In this Virtual Branch webinar we were joined in conversation with Dr Toby Green on his acclaimed book 'A Fistful of Shells'. Shortlisted for the 2020 Wolfson Prize and winner of the 2019 Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding, the book explores West Africa from the Rise of the...
    Lecture recording: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution
  • Recorded webinar: Introduction to Sporting Heritage in the Curriculum

    Excited about the opportunity to creatively incorporate sporting history as new part of your curriculum offer or a thematic enrichment extension to it? Interested in hearing more about how this approach could inspire your students’ potential approach to EPQ? Like to influence and shape how this might be achieved? This...
    Recorded webinar: Introduction to Sporting Heritage in the Curriculum
  • Film: Primary History and the Ofsted Inspection Framework

    In May of 2021, Ofsted published a blog post of findings from visits carried out to 24 different primary schools in order to gather evidence as to the quality of history education provided by these outstanding schools. You can find the blog here:  Areas of both strength and improvement were outlined, although the...
    Film: Primary History and the Ofsted Inspection Framework
  • Recorded webinar: Untold Stories of D-Day

    The HA has worked with film-maker,  historian and Legasee ambassador Martyn Cox on a series of webinars looking at untold stories from the Second World War. Many of these stories are taken for the oral histories provided in interviews given to Martyn on film.  In this filmed webinar, Martyn goes...
    Recorded webinar: Untold Stories of D-Day
  • History teaching and learning when you can’t have the children in the classroom

      Primary History article
    The past year has been difficult, with children across the country sent home in March 2020. Teachers were in the unenviable position of attempting to provide an education for classes we were unable to have adequate contact with. There were children who had very little or no access to a...
    History teaching and learning when you can’t have the children in the classroom
  • EYFS Scheme of Work

      Primary Schemes of Work (unresourced)
    In the Early Years Foundation Stage children begin to learn that as they grow up they are increasingly able to do more things for themselves independently. This emerging knowledge and understanding can be used to explore crucial early historical skills. This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds...
    EYFS Scheme of Work
  • Recorded webinar: The Great Fire of London

      Boosting subject knowledge at Key Stage 1 webinar series
    Capture the sights and sounds of the insanitary and overcrowded capital city of Stuart England in 1666 with Andrew Wrenn. Compare how city fires were fought in London then and today, learn why the Great Fire spread so quickly from Pudding Lane, hear how Samuel Pepys the diarist witnessed events...
    Recorded webinar: The Great Fire of London
  • EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games

    This EYFS Medium Term Plan is based around the theme of Toys and Games. It is designed to give teachers and early years practitioners different starting points for learning about the past, across all areas of learning. The activities could be led with a whole class or as small group...
    EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games
  • Lecture recording: Writing Black histories, telling Black stories

    In February 2021 we were delighted to continue the HA Virtual Branch with Stephen Bourne, author of a number of books including Black Poppies: Britain’s Black Community and the Great War and Black in the British Frame: The Black Experience in British Film and Television. In 2017 South Bank University awarded Stephen an Honorary Fellowship for...
    Lecture recording: Writing Black histories, telling Black stories
  • Film: The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin

    Jonathan Phillips’s 2020 HA Virtual Conference keynote talk on The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin reveals how a man initially branded as ‘the son of Satan’ became so esteemed in Europe and, through extensive new research, we will follow how his character and achievements have acted as a role model for...
    Film: The life and legend of the Sultan Saladin
  • Recorded webinar: What is diversity within the primary history curriculum?

      Webinar recording
    In 2021 we ran a series of webinars aimed at teachers working in primary schools: Diversity in the primary history curriculum. This series considered the following questions: What is diversity? Why has it proved to be controversial? How can we respond to this? Why is it so important in developing children's...
    Recorded webinar: What is diversity within the primary history curriculum?
  • The revised EYFS Framework: exploring ‘Past and Present’

      Primary History article
    A new Early Years Foundation Stage framework will become statutory from September 2021. Around three thousand primary schools in England are already implementing this revised framework – these settings have been deemed early adopter schools. The actual curriculum for EYFS is not changing. There will still be seven areas of learning...
    The revised EYFS Framework: exploring ‘Past and Present’
  • Film: Blood and Iron

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    Katya Hoyer recently gave a lecture for the HA Virtual Branch on Weltkrieg: the German home front during the First World War and the devastating effects of total war on a divided and insecure society. This talk provides an insight into the First World War that is often overlooked, reminding us that...
    Film: Blood and Iron
  • History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol – Colston statue toppled

      Primary History feature
    The killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 25 May 2020 sparked off protests against the way in which black people are treated both in America and many countries across the world. Thousands of people attended an anti-racist demonstration in Bristol. A group of the...
    History in the news: George Floyd protest in Bristol – Colston statue toppled
  • The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    Professor Peter Mandler is the current president of the Historical Association. As part of our 'presidents season' for the HA Virtual Branch he gave a fascinating talk on The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870. In this talk he explores the impact of the changes in...
    The Origins of Mass Society: Speech, Sex and Drink in Urbanising Britain, 1780-1870
  • Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066

      Virtual Branch Lecture Recording
    In this Virtual Branch lecture Michael Wood returns to his popular territory of Early England 500-1066 using the lives of specific stories and individuals to cast light on the period. This lecture was recorded on the 9 July 2020 as part of the HA Virtual Branch and is available to all...
    Film: The Making of Early England 500-1066
  • Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!

      Primary History article
    2020 is undoubtedly going to be an important year in the nursing world and is a significant historical anniversary. The World Health Organisation has declared it the ‘Year of the Nurse and Midwife’ in part because Florence Nightingale, the famous ‘Lady with the Lamp’, will be celebrating her 200th birthday...
    Happy 200th birthday Florence Nightingale!
  • Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history

      HA webinar series for primary teachers and history subject leaders
    This practical series of webinars will identify what confuses pupils in primary history and how such confusion and misconceptions can be avoided and challenged. Through examples of careful planning and activities it will show how pupils can develop an accurate and nuanced understanding of chronology and change, cause and consequence,...
    Webinar series: Avoiding confusion and challenging misconceptions in primary history
  • Talking History

      A history public speaking competition for pupils in years 5 and 6
    Entries to the 2024 competition are now closed. Following the success of our Great Debate competition for secondary students, we are delighted to announce that we are piloting a new history public speaking competition for primary pupils.  Who is my local history hero?  The question of the Talking History competition...
    Talking History
  • Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence

      HA webinar series for current and aspiring primary history subject leaders
    This series of webinars will address the implications of the July 2023 Ofsted subject report for primary history and support you to more confidently prepare for an Ofsted deep dive in primary history. Following consideration of the subject report, the sessions will be broken up into the three main elements...
    Webinar series: Deep dive with confidence
  • Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history

      HA CPD for primary teachers
    Primary teachers are expected to be experts in everything. If you feel that your history subject knowledge could do with a brush up, then this series is for you. The Historical Association has teamed up with some leading historians and experienced teachers to bring you up to speed on the...
    Webinar series: Weaving historical scholarship into primary history
  • Primary virtual regional teachmeets

      Free online history teachmeets for primary teachers
    Teachmeets are a great way to find out what fellow teachers are doing in the classroom and beyond and to share practical ideas and inspiration. Over the past year, we have been inviting primary teachers across different UK regions to share their ideas and innovation in history teaching with the HA...
    Primary virtual regional teachmeets