Found 39 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Significance   (Clear filter)

  • Significance and interpretation in primary history

      Primary History article
    The terms ‘significance’ and ‘interpretation’ often go hand in hand with one another, but what do each of them mean and why is it that they fit together? Understanding both terms separately and how historians use interpretation to identify what is significant in history, and why historians cast their interpretations as to what...
    Significance and interpretation in primary history
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Historical Significance (Primary)

    Please note: the 'What's the Wisdom On' film series has been produced principally for secondary school history teachers, however some of the content is transferrable to a primary setting. Secondary members can view this film here 'What’s the wisdom on…' is a popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History and provides the perfect stimulus for...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Historical Significance (Primary)
  • Getting to grips with concepts in primary history

      Primary History article
    Perhaps one of the most perplexing aspects of teaching history is the fostering of conceptual understanding. History subject leaders often find this a challenging issue. Even if they have a decent grasp themselves, it can be difficult for others in the school who have to teach the subject. Over recent...
    Getting to grips with concepts in primary history
  • Doing history in the early years and foundation stage

    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. Introducing the youngest children to the concept of history can be a challenging prospect for some foundation stage practitioners, particularly if they feel their experience of the subject has been limited or their own memories of...
    Doing history in the early years and foundation stage
  • One of my favourite history places: Fulham Palace

      Primary History feature
    In the south-west corner of London, nestled up against the Thames, lies Fulham Palace. This is a palace that was not for kings and queens but bishops, the princes of the church. This was the summer palace for the bishops of London which they retreated to when the heat and stench of the...
    One of my favourite history places: Fulham Palace
  • Eweka's story: Benin and Big Picture History

    The prospect of teaching Benin as a non-European Study within the time frame 900-1300 AD is challenging! Traditional oral evidence  suggests that the critical event during this period in Benin's past was a transition from the Ogiso to the Eweka Dynasty, named after its first Oba, which resulted in it...
    Eweka's story: Benin and Big Picture History
  • Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963

      Primary History article
    March 2023 sees the anniversary of a report that had profound significance on social history and which affected many parts of the United Kingdom. There is every chance that it had an effect close to your school especially if you are in a more rural or coastal area. The Beeching...
    Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963
  • The Stone Age conundrum

      Making use of a local site to develop historical knowledge
    History – the very word makes the primary teacher in me feel excited. There are simply so many variables, so many dark nooks and crannies of history to explore and so many different angles through which to draw in a class of eager young minds. Thanks to a wellexecuted history...
    The Stone Age conundrum
  • Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Three curricular editions of Primary History, PH 50, Autumn 2008 , PH 53, Autumn 2009 and PH 57, Spring 2011 are directly relevant to teaching the Olympics. PH 50, Autumn 2008 History Education in the 21st...
    Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models
  • Making the most of a census

      Primary History article
    This article looks at how children can utilise and manipulate mathematical data to make sense of a historic past. The focus is on helping children see the numbers as a resource for understanding the experiences of those that lived in this place. Aim: Understand historical concepts such as continuity and...
    Making the most of a census
  • The Great Fire of London and the National Curriculum

      Primary History article including Scheme of Work for Key Stage 1 (unresourced)
    The Great Fire of London is a favourite National Curriculum teaching topic. This paper draws on the latest resources and teaching ideas to suggest how you can meet both the NC history requirements and the wider ones of the National Curriculum, particularly in integrated programmes that include teaching about the Great...
    The Great Fire of London and the National Curriculum
  • Assessment and Progression without levels

      Primary History article
    The new (2014) Primary History National Curriculum is finally upon us. The first thing you might notice is that the level descriptions have gone. These were first introduced in 1995 and became the mainstay for assessing pupil progression and attainment in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 across schools in...
    Assessment and Progression without levels
  • Learning to engage with documents through role play

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...
    Learning to engage with documents through role play
  • The Maya: a 4,000-year-old civilisation in the Americas

      Primary History article
    Obscured by the fame of the Aztec empire or shrouded by a veil of mystery, the cultural history of the Maya has generally been misunderstood by the British public. Maya civilisation developed in a territory the size of Germany and Denmark together (nearly 400,000 km2). This vast territory shows three...
    The Maya: a 4,000-year-old civilisation in the Americas
  • Teaching famous people at key stage one

      Primary History article
    The draft English NC for history highlights the study of ‘significant individuals and people'. Michelle Dexter provides an insight on how to approach this biographical requirement; it also opens up biography as a major genre for pupils to master - augmenting their development of literacy...
    Teaching famous people at key stage one
  • Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England

      Primary History Article
    The Vikings will be familiar territory to many primary teachers. For many, therefore, this section of the history curriculum should cause fewer headaches than others. This does not mean, however, that it is all straightforward. This article contains a number of elements that teachers might welcome including a timeline of...
    Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England
  • William Brookes and the Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History flows like a river, sometimes quiet and unobtrusive, sometimes a raging torrent with wide-ranging effects on the world around us. It is punctuated by momentous events and significant individuals, who impact on its direction and...
    William Brookes and the Olympic Games
  • From Home to the Front: World War I

      Primary History article
    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...
    From Home to the Front: World War I
  • Investigating the Indus Valley (2600-1900 B.C.)

      Primary History article
    In 1924 The Illustrated London News broke the story of a sensational discovery in the Indian subcontinent. Ruined mounds at Mohenjodaro and Harappa, 600 km apart, were forgotten cities of a lost civilisation. Nearly all we know about the Indus Civilisation comes from archaeology. What survives leaves many unanswered questions,...
    Investigating the Indus Valley (2600-1900 B.C.)
  • Making the most of a visit to the Museum of London Docklands

      Primary History article
    In this article Susie Townsend explores one of her favourite museums, the Museum of London Docklands, and explains why it has a real value and interest far beyond the locality. As well as covering the benefits of a visit, she also provides ideas for teaching activities across the primary age range....
    Making the most of a visit to the Museum of London Docklands
  • Wangari Maathai as a significant individual

      Primary History article
    "Instead of a curriculum where race, gender and disability are mainly rooted in victim narratives, include positive representation. Go beyond teaching slavery and the Holocaust or gender narratives of victimhood…Actively use examples and narratives countering this dominance." Bennie Kara, (2021, p.59) The 2014 National Curriculum for history sets out that children...
    Wangari Maathai as a significant individual
  • Cross Curricular Project on a famous person

      Primary History case study
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. If you are considering studying someone other than Florence Nightingale you have two basic options. You can either choose a local character who would be more relevant to the children, or you could study someone who...
    Cross Curricular Project on a famous person
  • What made Cleopatra so special?

    Ancient Egyptian civilisation is rich and mysterious with distinctive visual imagery and strange animal-headed gods. The exotic differences of the society have always intrigued the western imagination and so they continue to ensure that this is a popular unit with both teachers and children. There are plentiful resources with new...
    What made Cleopatra so special?
  • Significance

      Primary History article
    What makes a person or event significant? When looking at the past, some people or events stand out in our minds. Individuals such as Florence Nightingale or Walter Tull at Key Stage 1 or events such as the Blitz at Key Stage 2 may have particular resonance. However, if we...
  • The Great Exhibition of 1851: teaching a significant event at Key Stage 1

      Primary History article
    The Great Exhibition allows pupils to consider the impact of a particular event. The exhibition provides a means to look at Britain’s wider role in the world and social and technical developments such as the impact of the railways. Pupils can explore a variety of sources, consider the substantive concepts...
    The Great Exhibition of 1851: teaching a significant event at Key Stage 1