Found 44 results matching 'revolutions' within Primary > Curriculum > Key Stage 2 > Planning > Local History   (Clear filter)

  • What makes good local history?

      Primary History article
    Everywhere has a past and learning how to capitalise on that for primary history can be both rewarding and challenging. Not only are aspects of the local area's history a requirement in their own right at both key stages, but these aspects can also help to tell the national story,...
    What makes good local history?
  • What your local Archive Service can offer to schools

      Primary History article
    Imagine a place where your pupils become detectives working on mysteries from the past such as the tale of Thomas Sargeant, a 15-year-old factory worker who died in a chemical works in 1898. Your local archive is bursting with stories about real people like this which can give children an...
    What your local Archive Service can offer to schools
  • Using cemeteries as a local history resource

      Primary History article
    Why visit a cemetery as part of the history curriculum? Local studies now feature prominently in the primary history curriculum for both key stages. This development challenges teachers to find easilyaccessible, inexpensive and relevant resources on their doorstep. A rich resource which has traditionally been overlooked is the local churchyard...
    Using cemeteries as a local history resource
  • From Home to the Front: World War I

      Primary History article
    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...
    From Home to the Front: World War I
  • Curriculum planning: How to write a new scheme of work for history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article was originally written in early 2014 for schools needing to prepare schemes of work for the new National Curriculum coming into effect that September.   The implementation from September 2014 of the new national curriculum programme of study for history gives you a time-scale for reviewing, refreshing and resourcing your new scheme...
    Curriculum planning: How to write a new scheme of work for history
  • Geosong: a transition project

      Primary History article
    How do we engage young people with their Heritage, answer curriculum needs and make that big leap of transition from primary to secondary school that bit easier? English Heritage's Geosong treasure hunt website went some way to providing answers. What does the website do? Using handheld GPS devices, groups must...
    Geosong: a transition project
  • Chronology and local history: Year 6

      Primary History case study
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Editorial note: This short paper introduces a highly creative, imaginative and enthralling case-study of a local history project for year 6 pupils. The teaching programme has a chronological spine that provides coherence and focus. Chronology is...
    Chronology and local history: Year 6
  • William Brookes and the Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History flows like a river, sometimes quiet and unobtrusive, sometimes a raging torrent with wide-ranging effects on the world around us. It is punctuated by momentous events and significant individuals, who impact on its direction and...
    William Brookes and the Olympic Games
  • Shropshire's Secret Olympic History

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What has a small Shropshire town got to do with the modern Olympic Games? Why is a country doctor a key figure in the development of the modern games? Why is one of the 2012 mascots...
    Shropshire's Secret Olympic History
  • The History around us: Local history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History is an important aspect of the development of even very young children. They need to begin to develop the foundations of an understanding of the past and how it has developed and affected our present....
    The History around us: Local history
  • Learning to engage with documents through role play

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...
    Learning to engage with documents through role play
  • Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Death is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues that teachers encounter, linked inextricably as it is to identity. I think it sometimes escapes our attention that, as teachers of history, we constantly deal...
    Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history
  • Using museum and heritage sites to promote higher-level learning at KS2

      Primary History article
    The Key Stage 2 Primary History Curriculum sets ambitious challenges for pupils: "…They should regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance. They should construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. They should understand how our knowledge...
    Using museum and heritage sites to promote higher-level learning at KS2
  • How significant is the tragic story of the SS Mendi?

      Primary History article
    Historical anniversaries and events are often in the news, commemorated locally and nationally. I have found that getting the children involved in topics relating to these can really help them feel the importance of their learning, help them to appreciate the past and feel a sense of responsibility – a...
    How significant is the tragic story of the SS Mendi?
  • Your Local Railway: a local history investigation in Key Stage 2

      Primary History article
    In this article Tim Lomas discusses one of the best resourced themes you can find: your local railway. Railways make one of the best themes for a historical study. No place has ever been far from a railway station even if Dr Beeching wiped out one-third of the network in...
    Your Local Railway: a local history investigation in Key Stage 2
  • Learning Outside the Classroom

    In recent times, it is easy to recognize that there has been a general move towards promoting outside activities across all manner of organizations and groups. For instance, organisations such as The National Trust and Ordnance Survey are keen to promote outdoor experiences in their literature. An online presence advocates...
    Learning Outside the Classroom
  • Local history and a sense of identity

    The history co-ordinator often finds some real challenges as well as opportunities in addressing local history in primary schools. The advantages are well rehearsed – making history relevant to the lives of the children and giving them an improved sense of identity and place through engagement with the ‘real thing’....
    Local history and a sense of identity
  • The Stone Age conundrum

      Making use of a local site to develop historical knowledge
    History – the very word makes the primary teacher in me feel excited. There are simply so many variables, so many dark nooks and crannies of history to explore and so many different angles through which to draw in a class of eager young minds. Thanks to a wellexecuted history...
    The Stone Age conundrum
  • Using original sources

      Primary History article
    Why would I want those old books in my classroom? It has always been recognised that good primary history is able to connect the past with the world the children currently inhabit. That is why focusing on schools can be so useful. If there is one experience the children have...
    Using original sources
  • Learning what a place does and what we do for it

      Primary History article
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. Why teach children about architecture and the built environment? Because they shape the future and because they already change our architecture and define the public realm everyday through their actions. Learning about architecture and the built...
    Learning what a place does and what we do for it
  • Using museums, libraries and art galleries

      Primary History article
    Lessons for Sustainablility: From the Experiences of Early Primary Student Teachers Student teachers, local museums, libraries and art galleries. This article is based on the experiences of student teachers on a BA (Hons) Early Primary Education Programme, during their placements in local Museums, Libraries and Art Galleries. We asked students...
    Using museums, libraries and art galleries
  • Pride in place: What does historical geographical and social understanding look like?

      Primary History case study
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. ‘Some primary schools are like the High Street in many of our towns. I can predict what I will see before I go through the door. What I want to see is something that gives me...
    Pride in place: What does historical geographical and social understanding look like?
  • Mid-Ulster Your Place and Mine (Bursary Project)

      Local Study
    Keith Wysner, Principal of Knockloughrim Primary School, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland was awarded a £900 grant from the Historical Association's Joan Lewin fund for his Bursary Project entitled Mid Ulster Your Place & Mine. The project focused on 10 & 11 year olds in the rural Protestant communities of Knockloughrim & Maghera...
    Mid-Ulster Your Place and Mine (Bursary Project)
  • Some teaching and learning strategies

    The history of the community is an important aspect of history in both key stages but is rarely something that can just be taken off the shelf. Wherever possible, local history should be used to link different periods of history. The specific Key Stage 2 unit should be an investigation...
    Some teaching and learning strategies
  • How to make a toy museum

      Primary History article
    Making a museum in your setting or classroom is easy and children can learn all kinds of historical skills as well as developing their mark making and writing. Tees Valley Museums are a consortium of seven venues across the Tees Valley. Together they have created online support to develop a museum...
    How to make a toy museum