Found 47 results matching 'brief history' within Primary > Curriculum > Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1 > Enquiries   (Clear filter)

  • The Elizabeth cake

      Primary History article
    Hidden away on top of a dusty, battered cupboard in a local primary school were two equally dusty and battered log books. Each has seen better days and each could provide a range of links to local and national history. The log book was one of two found in one...
    The Elizabeth cake
  • Teaching famous people at key stage one

      Primary History article
    The draft English NC for history highlights the study of ‘significant individuals and people'. Michelle Dexter provides an insight on how to approach this biographical requirement; it also opens up biography as a major genre for pupils to master - augmenting their development of literacy...
    Teaching famous people at key stage one
  • Here come the Vikings! Making a saga out of a crisis

      Primary History Article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What are your first impressions when you think of Alfred the Great? Perhaps it's the story of the heroic individual being humbled by burning the cakes or for those of a certain age, it may...
    Here come the Vikings! Making a saga out of a crisis
  • Scheme of Work: Grace O'Malley

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 1 History (resourced)
    This unit encourages pupils to explore the past by examining their ideas about pirates, with particular reference to Grace O’Malley. The key question leads children to consider what are the characteristics of a pirate and to challenge stereotypes in the light of historical enquiry. The key question also leads to...
    Scheme of Work: Grace O'Malley
  • William Brookes and the Olympic Games

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History flows like a river, sometimes quiet and unobtrusive, sometimes a raging torrent with wide-ranging effects on the world around us. It is punctuated by momentous events and significant individuals, who impact on its direction and...
    William Brookes and the Olympic Games
  • From Home to the Front: World War I

      Primary History article
    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...
    From Home to the Front: World War I
  • How can old advertisements be used in the primary classroom?

      Primary History article
    Advertising is a central part of our everyday lives. There are few ways to escape it and it has a long pedigree. It has long been recognised that it can help sell products through the power of the punch line or the visual image. Trade cards appeared as early as...
    How can old advertisements be used in the primary classroom?
  • Cross Curricular Project on a famous person

      Primary History case study
    Please note: This article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and references may be outdated. If you are considering studying someone other than Florence Nightingale you have two basic options. You can either choose a local character who would be more relevant to the children, or you could study someone who...
    Cross Curricular Project on a famous person
  • Why stories?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article was written before the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and references may no longer be relevant. During the Early Years and Foundation Stage children should listen to stories, ask how and why and talk about the past (DfE 2012). Young children are comfortable with stories. Through...
    Why stories?
  • Women in parliament since 1918

      Primary History article
    At the 1918 election just one woman, Constance Markievicz, won a seat, in Dublin, for Sinn Fein. She was in prison at the time. At the time, of course, the whole of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. All 73 Sinn Fein MPs refused to take up their seats, and...
    Women in parliament since 1918
  • Implementing the 2014 curriculum in Year 2

      Primary History article
    The chance to pilot the new National Curriculum presented me with the opportunity I was looking for to revamp a tired Year 2 curriculum. I began teaching in Year 2 two years ago, having previously spent five years working in Key Stage 2. As in many other schools across the...
    Implementing the 2014 curriculum in Year 2
  • Significant Individuals: Charles Darwin

      Primary History article
    Charles Darwin: exploring the man behind the beard – studying the lives of significant individuals in the past Studying the life of Charles Darwin is an exciting way to meet the requirement in Key Stage 1 to teach significant individuals. But what do we actually know about him, beyond the...
    Significant Individuals: Charles Darwin
  • Beyond compare a study of Beatrix Potter and Benjamin Zephaniah

      Primary History article
    The Key Stage 1 National Curriculum encourages teachers to teach their pupils about ‘the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.’ (DfE, 2014, p. 205). Some teachers have begun to move away from the old favourite subject of Florence Nightingale and as...
    Beyond compare a study of Beatrix Potter and Benjamin Zephaniah
  • Learning about the past through a study of houses and homes

      Primary History article
    A thematic study based on houses and homes is an excellent way to link learning about the past with something all children will be able to relate to – where they live. Planned carefully, it can provide a range of learning opportunities for both inside and outside the classroom. Let’s look outside Learning about houses...
    Learning about the past through a study of houses and homes
  • Learning about the past through ‘ourselves and our families’

      Primary History Article
    ‘Ourselves and our families’ is a popular theme in foundation settings and Reception classes. It is often undertaken at the beginning of the academic year, although it can be taught later when teachers have a better understanding of children’s home circumstances. This theme can provide many opportunities for children to...
    Learning about the past through ‘ourselves and our families’
  • Using the back cover image: Mummified cat

      Primary History feature
    For hundreds of years, travellers to Egypt have marvelled at the amazing monuments evident throughout the country. The treasures of Ancient Egypt became more fascinating after  the discovery of the Rosetta stone in 1799, which led to the deciphering of the hieroglyphic language. Many Victorian explorers returned to their European...
    Using the back cover image: Mummified cat
  • An Olympic Great? Dorando Pietri

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The Italian confectioner Dorando Pietri is one of the most famous figures from the 1908 Olympics - famous for not winning. His story raises issues of sportsmanship suitable for class discussion. There are detailed accounts readily...
    An Olympic Great? Dorando Pietri
  • From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Allocated the task of researching and presenting ideas for teaching about significant Olympians, I thought: ‘Brilliant, this is the easy one'. How wrong can one be! I expected to be able to access a plethora of...
    From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians
  • Archaeology and the Early Years: The Noah's Ark Experience

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. The authors of this article first worked together on a number of small scale excavations while Bev was still a primary school teacher in the Bradford area. When Bev changed roles to train...
    Archaeology and the Early Years: The Noah's Ark Experience
  • Case Study: Classroom archaeology. Sutton Hoo, or the mystery of the empty grave

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. ‘Would you like to go for a walk in the woods on the other side of the river? I asked my wife on a spring day in 1982. Happily she assented, and we drove off...
    Case Study: Classroom archaeology. Sutton Hoo, or the mystery of the empty grave
  • Celebrate your sporting heritage

    National Sporting Heritage Day takes place on 30 September every year. It aims to support schools and other community organisations to engage withtheir local sporting heritage, explore the heritage on their doorstep, celebrate and share the information that they find and inspire children and young people to find out more....
    Celebrate your sporting heritage
  • ‘It’s a great big ship!’: Teaching the Titanic at Key Stage 1

    Edith Haisman, a 15-year-old passenger on the Titanic, exclaimed, ‘It’s a great big ship!’ when she first caught sight of it. Similar excitement could be generated among your pupils by incorporating a study of the Titanic into your curriculum. If you are tired of teaching about the Great Fire of...
    ‘It’s a great big ship!’: Teaching the Titanic at Key Stage 1