Found 25 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary > Curriculum > Key Stage 3 > Planning (Key Stage 3) > KS3 planning (general)   (Clear filter)

  • Helping Year 9 evaluate explanations for the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    ‘It made my brain hurt, but in a good way': helping Year 9 learn to make and to evaluate explanations for the Holocaust Why genocides occur is a perplexing and complex question. Leanne Judson reports a strategy designed to help students think about perpetration and evaluate and propose explanations for...
    Helping Year 9 evaluate explanations for the Holocaust
  • Helping Year 9 debate the purposes of genocide education

      Teaching History article
    Connecting the dots: helping Year 9 to debate the purposes of Holocaust and genocide education Why do we teach about the Holocaust and about other genocides? The Holocaust has been a compulsory part of the English National Curriculum since 1991; however, curriculum documents say little about why pupils should learn...
    Helping Year 9 debate the purposes of genocide education
  • Can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?

      Teaching History article
    Patterns of genocide: can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention? Alison Stephen, who has wrestled for many years with the challenges of teaching emotional and controversial history within a multiethnic school setting, relished the opportunity to link her school's teaching of the Holocaust with a comparative study of other genocides....
    Can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?
  • Learning lessons from genocides

      Teaching History article
    ‘Never again'? Helping Year 9 think about what happened after the Holocaust and learning lessons from genocides ‘Never again' is the clarion call of much Holocaust and genocide education. There is a danger, however, that it can become an empty, if pious, wish. How can we help pupils reflect seriously on...
    Learning lessons from genocides
  • Being historically rigorous with creativity

      Teaching History article
    After a Fellowship in Holocaust Education at the Imperial War Museum, Andy Lawrence decided that something was missing in normal approaches to teaching emotive and controversial issues such as genocide, a deficit demonstrated by recent research by the Holocaust Education Development Programme. As part of his fellowship, Lawrence created an...
    Being historically rigorous with creativity
  • Bringing Rwanda into the classroom

      Teaching History article
    A short 20 years: meeting the challenges facing teachers who bring Rwanda into the classroom As the twentieth anniversary of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda approaches, Mark Gudgel argues that we should face the challenges posed by teaching about Rwanda. Drawing on his experience as a history teacher in the...
    Bringing Rwanda into the classroom
  • Using ‘Assessment for Learning' to help students assume responsibility

      Teaching History article
    Robin Conway's interest in student led enquiry derived from a concern to encourage his students to take much more responsibility for their own learning. Here he explains how his department gradually learned to entrust students with defining the enquiry questions and planning the kinds of teaching and learning activities to be...
    Using ‘Assessment for Learning' to help students assume responsibility
  • From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance

      Teaching History article
    In this detailed account of the first stages of a lesson sequence for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds), Kate Hammond sets out the tensions that must be examined and resolved when planning and teaching this most demanding of topics. How can young teenagers be helped to develop a mature response to...
    From horror to history: teaching pupils to reflect on significance
  • Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta

      Teaching History article
    Setting out to teach Magna Carta to the full attainment range in Year 7, Mark King decided to choose a question that reflected real scholarly debates and also to ensure that pupils held enough knowledge in long-term memory to be able to think about that question meaningfully. As he gradually prepared his pupils to produce their own causation arguments in response to that question, King was startled by...
    Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta
  • Historical reasoning in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    Historical reasoning in the classroom: What does it look like and how can we enhance it? The history education community has long recognised that historical thinking depends on the interplay between substantive knowledge about the past and the procedural, or second-order, concepts that historians use to construct, shape and give...
    Historical reasoning in the classroom
  • Teaching History 147: Curriculum Architecture

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial  03 HA Secondary News  04 HA Update  08 Beth Baker and Steven Mastin - Did Alexander really ask, ‘Do I appear to you to be a bastard?' Using ancient texts to improve pupils' critical thinking (Read article) 14 Cunning Plan: Getting students to use classical texts - Beth Baker...
    Teaching History 147: Curriculum Architecture
  • Communicating about the past: Resource G

    James Woodcock, 'Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their causal reasoning' in Teaching History 119: Language issue (June, 2005) In this subtle article, James Woodcock experiments with introducing new vocabulary to a mixed-ability year 10 class working towards the enquiry question '"Hitler was not to...
    Communicating about the past: Resource G
  • Historical anniversaries calendar

    Historical anniversaries can be a great way to get children and young people interested in a subject or to raise awareness about a particular issue. This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality history and education resources along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of...
    Historical anniversaries calendar
  • Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3

      Teaching History feature
    Like many history departments we have been seeking to develop schemes of work that are more outward-looking, and, as the National Curriculum describes, ‘enable pupils to know and understand significant aspects of world history’.  To my mind, Samurai Japan offers students the opportunity to explore a time and place that is...
    Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3
  • Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by her students’ glib use of catch-all terms such as ‘militarism’ in addressing causation, Alexia Michalaki wanted her Year 9 students to produce mature causal explanations of World War I. To encourage this to happen she went back into decades of pedagogical writing and research, teasing out the ways...
    Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments
  • Unravelling the complexity of the causes of British abolition with Year 8

      Teaching History article
    Elizabeth Marsay wanted to ensure that her students were not hindered in their causal explanations of the abolition of slavery by being exposed to overly categorical, simplistic, and monocausal narratives in the classroom. By drawing on both English and Canadian theorisation about causation, Marsay outlines how her introduction of competing...
    Unravelling the complexity of the causes of British abolition with Year 8
  • How diverse is your history curriculum?

    The past was full of diverse people and our students are entitled to learn about this diverse past. History lessons should enable students to see their connection to the past and to understand the world today. Here are a list of questions for history teachers to use to support a...
    How diverse is your history curriculum?
  • Questions to help you review your KS3 curriculum

      Guidance for history teachers
    This resource is free to everyone. For access to our library of high-quality secondary history materials along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of history teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today  With Ofsted incorporating curriculum into inspections from September 2019 and finally...
    Questions to help you review your KS3 curriculum
  • ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’

      Teaching History journal article
    Identifying the challenges his students faced both with recall and analysis of the content they had learned for their GCSE course, Ed Durbin devised a solution which focused not on exam skills and revision lessons, but on using Key Stage 3 to build the ‘hinterland’ of contextual knowledge and causal...
    ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’
  • Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution

      Teaching History article
    ‘Disastrous and terrible.’ For Arnold Toynbee, the historian who gave us the phrase ‘industrial revolution’, these three words sum up the period of dramatic technological change that took place in Britain across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We may not habitually use Toynbee’s description in the classroom, but it is...
    Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution
  • Move Me On 153: Teaching about genocide

      Teaching History feature
    This issue's problem: Susie Cook is struggling to sustain an emphasis on developing historical knowledge and understanding in teaching about genocide. Susie Cook worked for nearly ten years as a web designer before deciding to move into teaching. Once she had secured her place on the programme she spent several months...
    Move Me On 153: Teaching about genocide
  • Key Concepts at Key Stage 3

      Key Concepts
    Please note: This unit was produced before the 2014 National Curriculum and therefore while much of the advice is still useful, there may be some out of date references or links. For more recent resources on key concepts, see our What's the Wisdom on series. The key concepts can be divided into three...
    Key Concepts at Key Stage 3
  • Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Does new vocabulary help students to express existing ideas for which they do not yet have words or does it actually give them new ideas which they did not previously hold? James Woodcock asks whether...
    Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
  • Developing conceptual understanding through talk mapping

      Teaching History article
    As history teachers, we talk about concepts all the time. We know that pupils need to understand them in order to make sense of the past. Precisely what we mean when we talk about concepts is less clear, however. Research into how history teachers talk about their practice suggests that,...
    Developing conceptual understanding through talk mapping
  • How Michael moved us on: transforming Key Stage 3 through peer review

      Teaching History article
    Thomas Tallis history department have an interesting approach to planning. Whereas, all too often, this most time-consuming and intellectually demanding of teachers’ tasks is rendered invisible, and is supposed to happen by magic in the middle of the night, this department chose to make the planning process genuinely collaborative, pivotal...
    How Michael moved us on: transforming Key Stage 3 through peer review