Found 26 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary > Curriculum > Principles of planning > Disciplinary concepts > Cause and consequence   (Clear filter)

  • Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education

      Teaching History article
    The Holocaust is often framed, in textbooks and exam syllabi, from a perpetrator perspective as a narrative of Nazi policy. We are offered a different orientation here. Interrogating and understanding the Holocaust involves understanding why the people who perpetrated the Holocaust did the things that they did. As Wolf Kaiser...
    Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education
  • Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Students make sense of new learning on the basis of their prior understandings: we cannot move our students' thinking on unless we understand what they already know. In this article, Edwards and O'Dowd report how they set out to scope a group of Y ear 8  students' prior learning and...
    Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust
  • Moving Year 9 towards more complex causal explanations of Holocaust perpetration

      Teaching History article
    Building on research by the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education, Matthew Duncan was concerned that his students were drawn to simplistic explanations of Holocaust perpetrators’ actions. As well as the UCL Centre’s research, Duncan drew on history education research from Canada and history teachers’ theorisation in England for inspiration in...
    Moving Year 9 towards more complex causal explanations of Holocaust perpetration
  • Building an overview of the historic roots of antisemitism

      Teaching History article
    ‘But I still don't get why the Jews': using cause and change to answer pupils' demand for an overview of antisemitism Research by the Centre for Holocaust Education has suggested that students need and want more help with building an overview of the historical roots of antisemitism and that they...
    Building an overview of the historic roots of antisemitism
  • Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises

      Teaching History article
    Analogies for teaching about causation abound. Rick Rogers is alert, however, to the risks inherent in drawing on everyday ideas to explain historical processes. What most often gets lost is the importance of the chronological dimension; both the length of time during which some contributory causes may have been present,...
    Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises
  • Waking up to complexity

      Teaching History article
    Waking up to complexity: using Christopher Clark's The Sleepwalkers to challenge over-determined causal explanations Teaching student to construct causal argument is a staple of history teaching and, in this year, questions about the causes of the First World War are particularly pertinent and once again the public eye. Claire Holliss,...
    Waking up to complexity
  • Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?

      Branch Lecture Podcast
    WHAT COLOUR ARE THE UNICORNS?Professor Steve Rigby, recently retired from the University of Manchester, delivered ‘Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?' to the Bolton Branch of the Historical Association on 29th November 2010.  His lecture gives a fascinating introduction to the philosophy of historical causation, looking at...
    Historical Causation: Is One Thing More Important Than Another?
  • Is any explanation better than none?

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What do we know about progression in historical understanding? In Teaching History 113, Lee and Shemilt discussed what progression models can and cannot do to help us think about measuring and developing pupils' understanding and...
    Is any explanation better than none?
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Consequence

      Your Virtual History Department Meeting
    'What’s the wisdom on…' is a popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History and provides the perfect stimulus for a department meeting. 'What’s the wisdom on…' provides history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of many years of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. To...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Consequence
  • Using individuals’ stories to help GCSE students to explain change and causation

    Should we, and how do we, develop in our students a sense of period – or a series of senses of period – in a thematic study spanning a thousand years? This was the problem faced by Matthew Fearns-Davies in preparing for the GCSE ‘Health and the People’ paper. He shows...
    Using individuals’ stories to help GCSE students to explain change and causation
  • Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by her students’ glib use of catch-all terms such as ‘militarism’ in addressing causation, Alexia Michalaki wanted her Year 9 students to produce mature causal explanations of World War I. To encourage this to happen she went back into decades of pedagogical writing and research, teasing out the ways...
    Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments
  • What’s The Wisdom On... Consequence

      Teaching History feature
    Consequence easily becomes ‘causation’s forgotten sibling’, as Fordham noted, in the title of a workshop presented at the 2012 Historical Association conference. The choice to treat consequence separately from causation in this series of articles is, therefore, a very deliberate one. Yet an emphasis on the importance of consequences should...
    What’s The Wisdom On... Consequence
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Causation

      Your Virtual History Department Meeting
    We’ve been talking to our secondary school members and we know how difficult life is for teachers in the current circumstances, so we wanted to lend a helping hand. 'What’s the wisdom on…' is a brand-new and already popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History and provides the perfect...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Causation
  • Changing thinking about cause

    Aware both that causation is the bread and butter of the historian’s craft, and that trainee teachers find it far harder to teach well than they anticipate, Alex Ford sought to get to the heart of the problem with causation, especially at GCSE. When teaching to a specification and mark...
    Changing thinking about cause
  • What’s the wisdom on… Causation

      Teaching History feature
    What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. It draws on tried and tested approaches arising from teachers with years of experimenting, researching, practising, writing and debating their...
    What’s the wisdom on… Causation
  • Using diagrammatic representations of counterfactuals to develop causal reasoning

      Teaching History article
    Tom Bennett begins his article with a tale of a frustrating afternoon with Year 7. We’ve all been there. In his case, his frustration was caused by his finding a conceptual gap between how well his class wanted to do and the actual quality of their causal thinking. Bennett decided...
    Using diagrammatic representations of counterfactuals to develop causal reasoning
  • ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’

      Teaching History journal article
    Identifying the challenges his students faced both with recall and analysis of the content they had learned for their GCSE course, Ed Durbin devised a solution which focused not on exam skills and revision lessons, but on using Key Stage 3 to build the ‘hinterland’ of contextual knowledge and causal...
    ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’
  • Couching counterfactuals in knowledge when explaining the Salem witch trials with Year 13

      Teaching History journal article
    Puzzled by the shrugs and unimaginative responses of his students when asked certain counterfactual questions, James Edward Carroll set out to explore what types of counterfactual questions would elicit sophisticated causal explanations. During his pursuit of the ‘gold standard’ of counterfactual reasoning, Carroll drew upon theories of academic history in...
    Couching counterfactuals in knowledge when explaining the Salem witch trials with Year 13
  • Using nominalisation to develop written causal arguments

      Teaching History article
    How nominalisation might develop students’ written causal arguments Frustrated that previously taught writing frames seemed to impede his A-level students’ historical arguments, James Edward Carroll theorised that the inadequacies he identified in their writing were as much disciplinary as stylistic. Drawing on two discourses that are often largely isolated from...
    Using nominalisation to develop written causal arguments
  • Using causation diagrams to help sixth-formers think about cause and effect

      Teaching History article
    Alex Alcoe was concerned that mastery of certain keywords and question formulae at GCSE perhaps obscured fundamental gaps in his students’ understanding of the nature of causation. These gaps were revealed when he invited Year 12 students to make explicit, by annotating a diagram, their understanding of the relationship between...
    Using causation diagrams to help sixth-formers think about cause and effect
  • Move Me On 92: Having problems teaching causation

      The problem page for history mentors
    This Issue's Problem: Melville Miles, student history teacher, is in Term 3 of his PGCE year. Melville has taught a number of excellent lessons in which he enabled pupils to reach high levels of historical understanding. His diagnostic assessment of pupils' work is unusually sophisticated for a PGCE student. Melville's...
    Move Me On 92: Having problems teaching causation
  • Being ambitious with the causes of the First World War: interrogating inevitability

    Gary Howells asks hard questions about typical teaching and assessment of historical causation at Key Stage 3. Popular activities that may be helpful in addressing particular learning areas, or in teaching pupils to use the terminology of causation, are not in themselves evidence of having acquired a ‘skill'. Howells invites...
    Being ambitious with the causes of the First World War: interrogating inevitability
  • Key Concepts at Key Stage 3

      Key Concepts
    Please note: This unit was produced before the 2014 National Curriculum and therefore while much of the advice is still useful, there may be some out of date references or links. For more recent resources on key concepts, see our What's the Wisdom on series. The key concepts can be divided into three...
    Key Concepts at Key Stage 3
  • Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Does new vocabulary help students to express existing ideas for which they do not yet have words or does it actually give them new ideas which they did not previously hold? James Woodcock asks whether...
    Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
  • Camels, diamonds and counterfactuals: a model for teaching causal reasoning

      Teaching History article
    In the last edition of Teaching History, Arthur Chapman described how he uses ICT to develop sixth form students’ conceptual understanding of interpretations, significance and change. In this article, he turns his attention to causal reasoning and analysis. Drawing on the work of historians such as Evans and Carr, he...
    Camels, diamonds and counterfactuals: a model for teaching causal reasoning