Found 46 results matching 'revolutions' within Secondary > Subject leaders > Research & Guidance > Previous National Curriculums   (Clear filter)

  • AS & A2 History

    My complaints about the new AS/A2 specifications have been reported elsewhere,1 but below I outline my main concerns regarding the new examination system, which I see as a missed opportunity to introduce a 16-19 History curriculum that meets the needs of young people in the twenty-first century. The Curriculum 2000...
    AS & A2 History
  • 16-19 Curriculum 2000 in a nutshell

    16-19 Curriculum 2000 in a nutshell
  • Who wants to fight? Who wants to flee? Teaching history from a 'thinking skills' perspective

    Whatever shape the National Curriculum of the 21st century takes, history will have to show its relevance to major curricular areas and themes such as literacy, citizenship education and thinking skills. This ought to be easy: the critical, informed decision-making required by the modern citizen is practised in virtually every...
    Who wants to fight? Who wants to flee? Teaching history from a 'thinking skills' perspective
  • Tripping over the levels: experiences from Ontario

      Teaching History article
    Here in the United Kingdom, we are used to the idea of assessing pupils’ work against Levels. In fact, perhaps we are a little too used to it. Our familiarity with the Level Descriptions in the National Curriculum, and the ways they might inform our Key Stage 3 assessments, can...
    Tripping over the levels: experiences from Ontario
  • Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark!

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Simon Butler advances a strong case for ‘comments only’ marking. Good assessment, he argues, is about encouraging students to reflect on their current performance and take responsibility for their own progress. Assigning Levels to pupils’ work is often justified in terms of the generation of targets which...
    Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark!
  • History's future: facing the challenge

      Teaching History article
    Trevor Fisher argues that pressures on our subject are now so intense and multi-faceted that a wider coalition is necessary if history is to fight back. Our difficulties are compounded, he suggests, by a lack of consensus and by acute lack of knowledge about school history among those who produce...
    History's future: facing the challenge
  • Content restricted and maturation retarded? Problems with the post-16 history curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Mike Tillbrook examines the impact of the new AS and A2 courses, raising several serious concerns. He explores problems for effective and rigorous assessment as well as implications of the new course structure for the quality and range of historical learning. Critical of new restrictions in content, he suggests that...
    Content restricted and maturation retarded? Problems with the post-16 history curriculum
  • Why we must change history GCSE

      Teaching History article
    A head of steam for change in GCSE history has been building for some time now amongst history teachers, heads of history, advisers, teacher-trainers, researchers, consultants and all who regularly engage in debate about history teaching and learning. All those who read widely, share their practice, experience many Key Stage...
    Why we must change history GCSE
  • History in Schools - Present and Future

      Conference Report
    History in Schools - Present and future: Event report This one day conference was organised by the sponsors to raise awareness of the changes in the 14-19 curriculum and initiate discussion on how history, taught from Key Stage 3 to HE level, could be best served and enhanced by the...
    History in Schools - Present and Future
  • Background information: citizenship and history

      HITT Resource
    Citizenship was introduced as a National Curriculum subject at key stages 3 and 4 in 2002. Prior to that many schools had taught aspects of citizenship as a cross-curricular theme, often in the context of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). Much of the impetus for introducing citizenship as a...
    Background information: citizenship and history
  • New opportunities for history: implementing the citizenship curriculum in England's secondary schools - a QCA perspective

      Teaching History article
    In September 2002 Citizenship becomes a completely new subject in England’s secondary schools. Jerome Freeman, Principal Officer for History with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) — the authority responsible for advising the British government on curriculum content and qualification standards in England - outlines QCA’s view on the connections...
    New opportunities for history: implementing the citizenship curriculum in England's secondary schools - a QCA perspective
  • Planning and Teaching the New Key Stage 3 PoS

      Website Link
    These notes, ideas and teaching suggestions have developed from CPD courses run over the last few years and from planning and developing SHP resources for the new KS3 programme. Inevitably, it's a statement of current thinking with ideas constantly developing but I hope it proves useful and practical in helping...
    Planning and Teaching the New Key Stage 3 PoS
  • A Guide to the Key Stage 3 programme

      Key Stage 3 Guide
    This unit was produced for a previous national curriculum. However, much of the advice remains useful and it provides a context to topics that continue to be very important for history teachers. Subject leaders, ITE providers and others may find it useful to consider how currently relevant topics were thought about...
    A Guide to the Key Stage 3 programme
  • Cunning Plan 132: Year 7 and the new National Curriculum

      Teaching History feature
    How can we plan for a coherent Year 7 that makes the most of the new National Curriculum freedom and its almost limitless possible content? Answer: borders, boundaries (and books) Please note: this article was published before the current 2014 National Curriculum.
    Cunning Plan 132: Year 7 and the new National Curriculum
  • Building a better past: plans to reform the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    David Nicholls summarises some of the problems facing history education and offers a commentary on various cases for reform. He argues that we need to look at provision holistically from 5 to 21 and urges collaboration across phases and sectors. By working more closely together, the history community as a...
    Building a better past: plans to reform the curriculum
  • The QCA history scheme of work for Key Stage 3

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. QCA's scheme of work for history at Key Stage 3, together with similar schemes for other subjects, has been published in response to widespread requests for more guidance on curriculum planning. Heather Richardson, Subject Officer (history)...
    The QCA history scheme of work for Key Stage 3
  • Why Gerry likes history now: the power of the word processor

    Ben Walsh argues that many teachers of history completely miss the point of the word processor. Criticising those who use it merely for 'typing up' he reminds us that the purpose of the word processor, as with any other resource, is to teach good history. He analyses the types of...
    Why Gerry likes history now: the power of the word processor
  • Subject exemplification of the Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for ICT: how the history examples were developed

    David Linsell describes how the Teacher Training Agency's history working group provided history-specific examples for the new ICT initial teacher training National Curriculum. He stresses the group's ‘history first' thinking. The aim was to provide realistic examples of ICT use, through which trainee teachers might develop and ultimately demonstrate their...
    Subject exemplification of the Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for ICT: how the history examples were developed
  • Move Me On 110: Confused by the Key Stage 3 Strategy

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Winston is confused by the Key Stage 3 Strategy.
    Move Me On 110: Confused by the Key Stage 3 Strategy
  • The hidden crisis in GCSE History

      Teaching History article
    Joining the debate launched in the last edition, John Dixon argues that in relation to competing subjects, history has become harder. He believes that this could be reviewed without loss of standards. He highlights what he sees as a perverse situation of conflicting trends: on the one hand, practice in...
    The hidden crisis in GCSE History
  • What is good citizenship education in history classrooms?

      Teaching History article
    Ian Davies, Geoff Hatch, Gary Martin and Tony Thorpe seek to theorise - and to support teachers in their own theorising - concerning the purpose of citizenship education and criteria for good citizenship education. They aim for a professional precision that will be helpful to teachers, getting us beyond the...
    What is good citizenship education in history classrooms?