Found 44 results matching 'revolutions' within Secondary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Extended Writing   (Clear filter)

  • Pipes's punctuation and making complex historical claims

      Teaching History article
    Long, unreadable sentences in her students' essays led Rachel Foster to improve her post-16 students' punctuation. Her journey resulted, however, in more than improved punctuation. It led her to theorise what historians are really doing in their ‘signpost sentences'. She found herself showing students how an academic historian anticipates a chunk of argument in a single, well-turned, opening sentence. Foster created an intervention in which students...
    Pipes's punctuation and making complex historical claims
  • Frameworks for linking pupils' evidential understanding with growing skill in structured, written argument: the 'evidence sandwich'

    History teachers are increasingly good at designing exercises which develop skill in evidence analysis. The ubiquitous ‘source' is invariably analysed for utility and reliability. But how do pupils integrate such understandings with extended written work? How can they be helped to use these understandings in the creation of written argument?...
    Frameworks for linking pupils' evidential understanding with growing skill in structured, written argument: the 'evidence sandwich'
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Extended Writing

    'What’s the wisdom on…' is a popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History and provides the perfect stimulus for a department meeting. 'What’s the wisdom on…' provides history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of many years of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. To...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Extended Writing
  • What’s The Wisdom On... Extended writing

      Teaching History feature
    Writing history is hard! But the things that make it challenging are the things that make it worth doing. They are also the key to enabling all students to write, to embrace the challenge and to enjoy its rewards enough to keep going. A big mistake is to kid ourselves...
    What’s The Wisdom On... Extended writing
  • Direct teaching of paragraph cohesion

      Teaching History article
    How do we help pupils to write better paragraphs without actually doing it for them? How do we break down the process of essay writing into smaller steps without taking away pupils’ sense of the essay as a whole? How do we give lower-attaining pupils models, structures and frames without...
    Direct teaching of paragraph cohesion
  • Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi

      Teaching History article
    Dale Banham and Ian Dawson show how active learning deepens students’ understanding of attitudes and reactions to the Norman Conquest. At the same time they build a bold argument for active learning, including a direct strike at the two most common objections to it. Many teachers still see it as...
    Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi
  • Training for the marathon: history at Michaela

      Teaching History article
    Michael Taylor begins his piece by reminding us that writing great history essays is hard. He compares the process to running a marathon, and his central thesis is that, just as the best training for running a marathon is not running marathons, so the way to encourage students to produce...
    Training for the marathon: history at Michaela
  • From road map to thought map: helping students theorise the nature of change

      Teaching History article
    Warren Valentine was dissatisfied with his Year 7 students’ accounts of change across the Tudor period. Fixated with Henry VIII’s wives, they failed to reflect on or analyse the bigger picture of the whole Tudor narrative. In order to overcome this problem, his department created a ‘thought-map’ exercise in which...
    From road map to thought map: helping students theorise the nature of change
  • 'I feel if I say this in my essay it’s not going to be as strong’

      Teaching History article
    Jim Carroll was concerned that A-level textbooks failed to provide his students with a model of the multi-voicedness that characterises written history. In order to show his students that historians constantly engage in argument as they write, Carroll turned to academic scholarship for models of multi-voiced history. Carroll explains here...
    'I feel if I say this in my essay it’s not going to be as strong’
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 164: Constructing narrative

      Teaching History feature: the quick guide to the no-quick-fix
    Narrative is shedding its status as the ‘underrated skill’, re-emerging as a requirement of the new GCSE in England. As Counsell has argued, constructing a narrative is ‘no easy option’, however, and asking students to ‘Write an account…’ lacks the comfortable familiarity of ‘Explain why…’ or ‘How far…’. Fortunately, many...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 164: Constructing narrative
  • What made your essay successful? I ‘T.A.C.K.L.E.D' the essay question!

      Teaching History article
    Teaching in Singapore, Tze Kwang Teo cannot conceive of a history teacher unfamiliar with the mnemonic ‘PEE' (or ‘PEEL') used to structure students' essays. Its ubiquity is testimony to its power, reminding students both to explain and to substantiate their claims. Yet, as Foster and Gadd have argued, its neat formulation can restrict and distort historical thinking. Building on their critique, Teo argues that the focus of PEE/L...
    What made your essay successful? I ‘T.A.C.K.L.E.D' the essay question!
  • Move Me On 159: Writing Frames

      Teaching History feature
    This issue's problem: Hannah Mitchell would like to wean pupils off the use of writing frames. Hannah Mitchell has embarked on her PGCE training after a year spent working as a Teaching Assistant. Her varied experiences in that role - sometimes working one-to-one with young people, within a targeted intervention programme,...
    Move Me On 159: Writing Frames
  • Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources

      Teaching History article
    Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources Local history, historical fiction, and one of the most significant events of the twentieth century come together in this article as Jon Grant and Dan Townsend suggest a way to enable students to produce better...
    Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources
  • Developing awareness of the need to select evidence

      Teaching History article
    Let's play Supermarket ‘Evidential' Sweep: developing students' awareness of the need to select evidence Despite having built a sustained focus on historical thinking into their planning for progression across Years 7 to 13, Rachel Foster and Sarah Gadd remained frustrated with stubborn weaknesses in the evidential thinking of students in...
    Developing awareness of the need to select evidence
  • Developing students' thinking about change and continuity

      Teaching History article
    The more things change, the more they stay the same: developing students' thinking about change and continuity Finding ways to characterise the nature of change and continuity is an important part of the historian's task, yet students find it particularly challenging to do. Building on her previous work on change, Rachel...
    Developing students' thinking about change and continuity
  • Improving Year 12's extended writing

      Teaching History article
    From Muddleton Manor to Clarity Cathedral: improving Year 12's extended writing through an enhanced sense of the reader Mary Brown recognised that her A-level students were finding extended writing difficult, particularly in terms of guiding the reader through the argument with appropriate ‘signposting'. To help her students manage this, Brown...
    Improving Year 12's extended writing
  • Essay writing for everyone: an investigation into different methods used to teach Year 9 to write an essay

      Teaching History article
    Essay writing is at the very heart of school history, yet despite the wide range of developments in this area over the past decade, pupils still struggle. Alex Scott and his department decided to investigate a variety of methods to see what methods worked in enabling pupils to construct essays...
    Essay writing for everyone: an investigation into different methods used to teach Year 9 to write an essay
  • A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing

      Teaching History article
    Unusually, instead of moving from a narrative to an analytic structure, David Waters moves his pupils from causal analysis to narrative. By the time pupils are ready to produce their storyboard narrative, their thinking about the Great Fire has been shaped and re-shaped not only by structural exercises and argument...
    A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing
  • Getting personal: making effective use of historical fiction in the history classroom.

      Teaching History article
    Writing stories in history lessons? But we don’t do things like that in history do we? Strange bedfellows though history and fiction might seem, Dave Martin and Beth Brooke make a strong case for collaboration between the English and history departments in order to introduce students to the challenging task...
    Getting personal: making effective use of historical fiction in the history classroom.