Found 45 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Curriculum Issues > Extended Writing   (Clear filter)

  • Training for the marathon: history at Michaela

      Teaching History article
    Michael Taylor begins his piece by reminding us that writing great history essays is hard. He compares the process to running a marathon, and his central thesis is that, just as the best training for running a marathon is not running marathons, so the way to encourage students to produce...
    Training for the marathon: history at Michaela
  • History as a foreign language

      Teaching History article
    Disappointed that the use of the ‘PEEL’ writing scaffold had led her Year 11 students to write some rather dreary essays, Claire Simmonds reflected that a lack of specific training on historical writing might be to blame. Drawing on genre theory and the work of the history teaching community, Simmonds attempted...
    History as a foreign language
  • Historical scholarship and feedback

      Teaching History article
    In her introduction to this piece, Carolyn Massey describes history teachers as professionals who pride themselves on ‘a sophisticated understanding of change and continuity’. How often, though, do we bemoan change when it comes, as it so often has recently? Massey’s article provides an example of how to embrace change,...
    Historical scholarship and feedback
  • The mechanics of history: interpretations and claim construction processes

      Teaching History article
    Holly Hiscox was concerned that many of her A-level students – asked to evaluate three different historical interpretations for their non-examined assessment task – still tended to hold unhelpful misconceptions about the nature of interpretations. In this article she explains how she created an introductory scheme of work to help them understand...
    The mechanics of history: interpretations and claim construction processes
  • Using family history to provoke rigorous enquiry

      Teaching History article
    The idea of using ‘little stories' to illuminate the ‘big pictures' of the past was creatively explored in Teaching History 107, which offered teachers a wealth of detailed vignettes with which to kindle young people's interest and illuminate major historical events. Paul Barrett builds on the ideas explored in that...
    Using family history to provoke rigorous enquiry
  • Pipes's punctuation and making complex historical claims

      Teaching History article
    Long, unreadable sentences in her students' essays led Rachel Foster to improve her post-16 students' punctuation. Her journey resulted, however, in more than improved punctuation. It led her to theorise what historians are really doing in their ‘signpost sentences'. She found herself showing students how an academic historian anticipates a chunk of argument in a single, well-turned, opening sentence. Foster created an intervention in which students...
    Pipes's punctuation and making complex historical claims
  • Why we would miss controlled assessments in history

      Teaching History article
    A place for individual enquiry? Why we would miss controlled assessments in history Most history teachers will, at some point, recognise the tension between teaching an engaging history course while at the same time meeting the requirements of an exam specification. Mark Fowle and Ben Egelnick reflect here on how...
    Why we would miss controlled assessments in history
  • Triumphs Show: Making their historical writing explode

      Teaching History feature
    ‘Who hates PEE paragraphs?’ A collective groan resounds around my classroom. ‘Today, Year 10 we are going to master PEE  paragraphs, and make our written historical explanations explode.’ I always remember one deflated Year 10 student who said, ‘Miss, I just don’t get PEE paragraphs. I couldn’t do them in Year 7, and I still...
    Triumphs Show: Making their historical writing explode
  • Chatting about the sixties: historical reasoning in essay-writing

      Teaching History article
    An article about essay writing may not seem the most obvious choice for an issue of Teaching History devoted to creative thinking. Yet, as Christine Counsell so richly demonstrated in her work on analytical and discursive writing, the process of crafting an argument is a highly complex and creative challenge....
    Chatting about the sixties: historical reasoning in essay-writing
  • Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources

      Teaching History article
    Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources Local history, historical fiction, and one of the most significant events of the twentieth century come together in this article as Jon Grant and Dan Townsend suggest a way to enable students to produce better...
    Writing Letchworth's war: developing a sense of the local within historical fiction through primary sources
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 159: Writing history essays

      Teaching History feature
    Until the 1990s, it was unusual for the majority of England's secondary school students to write history essays. The traditional essay was a staple of the old History O Level examinations, but fewer than 20% of pupils did these history exams. In the 1980s, various history teachers became increasingly concerned...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 159: Writing history essays
  • Getting medieval (and global) at Key Stage 3

      Teaching History article
    Taking new historical research into the classroom: getting medieval (and global) at Key Stage 3 Although history teachers frequently work with academic historical writing, direct face-to-face encounters with academic historians are rare in secondary history classrooms. This article reports a collaboration between an academic historian and a history teacher that...
    Getting medieval (and global) at Key Stage 3
  • Cooperative Learning: the place of pupil involvement in a history textbook

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Pupil involvement is at the heart of every good history lesson. Its planning ensures that pupils are given the opportunity to think for themselves, share ideas, discuss evidence and debate points. The history education community...
    Cooperative Learning: the place of pupil involvement in a history textbook
  • Film: What's the wisdom on... Extended Writing

    'What’s the wisdom on…' is a popular feature in our secondary journal Teaching History and provides the perfect stimulus for a department meeting. 'What’s the wisdom on…' provides history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of many years of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. To...
    Film: What's the wisdom on... Extended Writing
  • Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’?

      Teaching History article
    Jim Carroll noticed basic literacy errors in his Year 13s’ writing, but on closer examination decided that these were not best addressed purely as literacy issues. Through an intervention based on clauses, Carroll managed to enable his students to write better, but he did this by teasing out principles of...
    Does the grammatical ‘release the conceptual’?
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 164: Constructing narrative

      Teaching History feature: the quick guide to the no-quick-fix
    Narrative is shedding its status as the ‘underrated skill’, re-emerging as a requirement of the new GCSE in England. As Counsell has argued, constructing a narrative is ‘no easy option’, however, and asking students to ‘Write an account…’ lacks the comfortable familiarity of ‘Explain why…’ or ‘How far…’. Fortunately, many...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 164: Constructing narrative
  • Using nominalisation to develop written causal arguments

      Teaching History article
    How nominalisation might develop students’ written causal arguments Frustrated that previously taught writing frames seemed to impede his A-level students’ historical arguments, James Edward Carroll theorised that the inadequacies he identified in their writing were as much disciplinary as stylistic. Drawing on two discourses that are often largely isolated from...
    Using nominalisation to develop written causal arguments
  • Effective essay introductions

      Teaching History article
    Struck by the dullness of some of her students’ essay introductions, Paula Worth reflected on the fact that she had never focused specifically on introductions. After surveying existing work by history teachers on essay structure in general and introductions in particular, she turns to the work of historians. Drawing on...
    Effective essay introductions
  • The use of sources in school history 1910-1998: a critical perspective

    The arrival of sources of evidence into secondary school history classrooms amounted to a small revolution. What began as a radical development is now establishment orthodoxy, with both GCSE and now National Curriculum in England and Wales enshrining its principles. Tony McAleavy pays tribute to some of the thinkers and...
    The use of sources in school history 1910-1998: a critical perspective
  • Using Google Docs to develop Year 9 pupils’ essay-writing skills

      Teaching History article
    Lucy Moonen set out to explore whether collaborative writing in small groups, facilitated by the use of Google Docs, would help to sustain students’ focus on essay writing as the development of an historical argument. She explains how she set up an essay on the League of Nationals as a...
    Using Google Docs to develop Year 9 pupils’ essay-writing skills
  • 'A lot of guess work goes on' Children's understanding of historical accounts

    The ESRC-funded Project Chata has collected evidence of children's ideas about the discipline of history and attempted to see if there is any progression in those ideas. Here, Peter Lee describes how Chata has tried to map children's ideas about historical accounts. History teachers (and tutors and managers of history...
    'A lot of guess work goes on' Children's understanding of historical accounts
  • What made your essay successful? I ‘T.A.C.K.L.E.D' the essay question!

      Teaching History article
    Teaching in Singapore, Tze Kwang Teo cannot conceive of a history teacher unfamiliar with the mnemonic ‘PEE' (or ‘PEEL') used to structure students' essays. Its ubiquity is testimony to its power, reminding students both to explain and to substantiate their claims. Yet, as Foster and Gadd have argued, its neat formulation can restrict and distort historical thinking. Building on their critique, Teo argues that the focus of PEE/L...
    What made your essay successful? I ‘T.A.C.K.L.E.D' the essay question!
  • Developing pupil explanation through web debates

      Teaching History article
    Kathryn Greenfield became dissatisfied with her pupils' written responses, particularly the rather limited explanations that they were giving in support of points that they made. Drawing here on recent work in using Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) to develop pupil historical argument and reasoning, Greenfield explains how she used web debates...
    Developing pupil explanation through web debates
  • ‘I need to know…’: creating the conditions that make students want knowledge

      Teaching History journal article
    Chloe Bateman recognised the value to her Key Stage 3 pupils of developing rich subject knowledge, but wanted to find a way of encouraging them to value that knowledge for themselves. In this article she explains how she provided that inspiration by setting her Year 7 class the challenge of...
    ‘I need to know…’: creating the conditions that make students want knowledge
  • Triumphs Show 144: Active learning to engage ‘challenging students'

      Teaching History feature
    Active learning to engage and challenge ‘challenging students' Historical significance may have been the ‘forgotten element' in 2002 when Rob Phillips first offered us the acronym ‘GREAT', but it has been seized upon with enthusiasm by the history education community. Christine Counsell's now famous five ‘R's (remarkable, remembered, resonant, resulting...
    Triumphs Show 144: Active learning to engage ‘challenging students'