Found 16 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary > Curriculum > Principles of planning > Diversity in the past   (Clear filter)

  • Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 HA Secondary News 04 Drilling down: how one history department is working towards progression in pupils’ thinking about diversity across Years 7, 8 and 9 – Matthew Bradshaw (Read article) 13 Cunning Plan: The generalisation game - challenging generalisations (Read article) 16 Were industrial towns ‘death-traps’? Year...
    Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They
  • Diversity resources and links for secondary history

      Articles, podcasts, films, webinar recordings and links
    Categories Diversity: general | Race and ethnicity | Empire and decolonisation | Transatlantic slavery | Non-European | Migration and immigration | Women's history | Working-class history | LGBTQI+ | Disability & accessibility | Gypsy, Roma & Traveller history | Teaching controversial issues | Inclusion and SEND Please note that this is a...
    Diversity resources and links for secondary history
  • Helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house

      Teaching History article
    A host of histories: helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house Described by the author Monica Ali as a building that ‘sparks the imagination and sparks conversations', 19 Princelet Street, now a Museum of Diversity and Immigration, captivated the imagination of teacher David Waters. He...
    Helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house
  • How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning

      Teaching History article
    How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and  enriched my students' learning Flora Wilson argues here for the importance of maintaining a fascination with history as an academic subject for experienced, practising history teachers. Just as medical professionals keep their knowledge up to date by...
    How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning
  • Cunning Plan 191: diving deep into ‘history from below’ with Year 8

    Can the ‘subaltern’ speak, Year 8s? When the Indian scholar and literary theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak asked this question in 1988, she wasn’t asking Year 8s on a Monday morning. What she wanted to explore was whether those marginalised people written out of the archive – ‘the subaltern’ – could...
    Cunning Plan 191: diving deep into ‘history from below’ with Year 8
  • Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3

      Teaching History feature
    Like many history departments we have been seeking to develop schemes of work that are more outward-looking, and, as the National Curriculum describes, ‘enable pupils to know and understand significant aspects of world history’.  To my mind, Samurai Japan offers students the opportunity to explore a time and place that is...
    Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3
  • Inventing race? Using primary sources to investigate the origins of racial thinking in the past

      Teaching History article
    Having been given some additional curriculum time, Kerry Apps and her department made decisions about what had been missing in the previous curriculum diet. Building on an existing enquiry (in TH 176), Apps decided to focus on how and when the idea of race in its modern sense developed in early modern...
    Inventing race? Using primary sources to investigate the origins of racial thinking in the past
  • Diversifying the curriculum: one department’s holistic approach

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Theo Woods shares the experience of one history department as they embarked on a substantial process of curriculum review and development. The department sought to address concerns that the range of history taught in their school, across the full seven years of students’ secondary experience, was too ‘traditional,...
    Diversifying the curriculum: one department’s holistic approach
  • In pursuit of shared histories: uncovering Islamic history in the secondary classroom

      Teaching History article
    In 2005, in a Teaching History article entitled, ‘A need to know’, Nicolas Kinloch built an argument for teaching the history of Islamic civilisations to all pupils. Afia Chaudhry returns to this theme, reflecting deeply on the needs of her own students – Muslim and non-Muslim alike – within a...
    In pursuit of shared histories: uncovering Islamic history in the secondary classroom
  • Hidden in plain sight: the history of people with disabilities

      Teaching History journal article
    Recognising the duty placed on all teachers by the 2010 Equality Act to nurture the development of a society in which equality and human rights are deeply rooted, Helen Snelson and Ruth Lingard were prompted to ask whether their history curricula really reflected the diverse pasts of all people in...
    Hidden in plain sight: the history of people with disabilities
  • ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’

      Teaching History journal article
    Identifying the challenges his students faced both with recall and analysis of the content they had learned for their GCSE course, Ed Durbin devised a solution which focused not on exam skills and revision lessons, but on using Key Stage 3 to build the ‘hinterland’ of contextual knowledge and causal...
    ‘Its ultimate pattern was greater than its parts’
  • Defying the ‘constrictive grip of typologies’

      Journal article
    History teachers have frequently made recourse to character cards as a device to help young people, each assigned specific roles, to understand how different kinds of people responded in different ways to particular situations in the past. Edward FitzGerald builds on this tradition, demonstrating the value of using rich historical...
    Defying the ‘constrictive grip of typologies’
  • Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution

      Teaching History article
    ‘Disastrous and terrible.’ For Arnold Toynbee, the historian who gave us the phrase ‘industrial revolution’, these three words sum up the period of dramatic technological change that took place in Britain across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We may not habitually use Toynbee’s description in the classroom, but it is...
    Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution
  • Sharing The Past: Northamptonshire's Black History

      Book Review
    Northamptonshire Black History Association Pub 2008; ISBN:978 0 9557139 1 0; £12.95 [+£2.30 p and p] from: NBHA, Doddridge Centre, 109 St James Road, Northampton, NN5 5LD. How fortunate Northamptonshire history teachers are! With the current emphasis on community cohesion and diversity in the New Secondary Curriculum, they are presented...
    Sharing The Past: Northamptonshire's Black History
  • Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi

      Teaching History article
    Dale Banham and Ian Dawson show how active learning deepens students’ understanding of attitudes and reactions to the Norman Conquest. At the same time they build a bold argument for active learning, including a direct strike at the two most common objections to it. Many teachers still see it as...
    Thinking from the inside: je suis le roi
  • 'Don't worry, Mr. Trimble. We can handle it' Balancing the rationale and the emotional in teaching of contentious topics

      Teaching History article
    A common line amongst teachers and policy-makers seeking to theorise a workable relationship between history and the new subject of citizenship is to say that there must be a link with the present. This is harder than it sounds. If the implication is that the study of the past should...
    'Don't worry, Mr. Trimble. We can handle it' Balancing the rationale and the emotional in teaching of contentious topics