Found 37 results matching 'brief history' within Secondary > Curriculum > Principles of planning > Using enquiry questions   (Clear filter)

  • New, Novice or Nervous? 153: Good Enquiry Questions

      Teaching History feature
    This page is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Every problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don't exist. But if you discover others' writing, you'll soon find - and want to join - something better: an international conversation in which...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 153: Good Enquiry Questions
  • Getting Year 7 to set their own questions about the Islamic Empire, 600-1600

      Teaching History article
    Sometimes particular problems can lead to unexpected solutions. In this case, Sally Burnham decided to solve a problem that she had identified among her Year 12 students by changing the way in which she teaches Year 7. Her Year 12s were finding it difficult to set appropriate questions for their...
    Getting Year 7 to set their own questions about the Islamic Empire, 600-1600
  • Interpreting Agincourt: KS3 Scheme of Work

      Scheme of Work
    2015 was a year of anniversaries. As part of our funded commemoration projects surrounding the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, we have commissioned this scheme of work looking at interpretations of the battle and period, particularly aimed at pupils in Key Stage Three. It comes with a complete...
    Interpreting Agincourt: KS3 Scheme of Work
  • Exploring big overviews through local depth

      Teaching History article
    Exploring big overviews through local depth Rachel Foster and Kath Goudie's search for a more rigorous and interesting way of teaching Year 7 the Norman Conquest was initially driven by a desire to incorporate local history in a more meaningful way in their Key Stage 3 schemes of work. This...
    Exploring big overviews through local depth
  • History's secret weapon: the enquiry of a disciplined mind

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. As a local authority adviser, Andrew Wrenn's advice has often been sought by history departments, both those seeking to resist ill-conceived and potentially damaging cross-curricular initiatives and those keen to exploit new opportunities for meaningful...
    History's secret weapon: the enquiry of a disciplined mind
  • Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place in the study of interpretations for GCSE

    In this article, Andrew Wrenn explores some issues that teachers might consider when supporting 14 and 15 year olds in their study of war memorials as historical interpretations. Tony McAleavy has argued that ‘popular' and ‘personal' interpretations and representations are just as worthy of study at Key Stage 3 as...
    Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place in the study of interpretations for GCSE
  • Approaches to planning interpretations-focused enquiries.

    Michael Riley, member of the HA Secondary Committee and History PGCE Tutor at Bath Spa University. In recent years, teaching about different interpretations of history has been one of the most exciting and challenging aspects of Key Stage 3 history. Interpretations-focused enquiries allow pupils to see that argument and debate are...
    Approaches to planning interpretations-focused enquiries.
  • Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy

      Teaching History article
    The idea of gaining pupils’ attention, interest and curiosity at the start of the lesson with an intriguing image, story, analogy or puzzle has long been used by our best history teachers. Michael Riley, through writing and inset, popularised the term ‘hook’ and emphasised its special role at the start...
    Making history curious: Using Initial Stimulus Material (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy
  • Cunning Plan 144: promoting independent student enquiry

      Teaching History feature
    Getting students to generate their own questions can seem like a formidable challenge, even for experienced teachers with extensive subject knowledge developed over years of teaching. Imagine how much more alarming it appeared to a student-teacher being encouraged to take risks by handing more responsibility to the students. Could it...
    Cunning Plan 144: promoting independent student enquiry
  • Move Me On 140: Getting students to generate their own enquiry questions

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Rafe Sadler has just started his second teaching placement and is worried about the very different ways of working and expectations of teachers in his new department. In his first school, where history was taught within a humanities programme, the Key Stage 3 scheme of work had...
    Move Me On 140: Getting students to generate their own enquiry questions
  • Why does anyone do anything? Attempts to improve agentive explanations with Year 12

      Teaching History article
    In this article Sophie Harley-McKeown identifies and addresses her Year 12 students’ blind spot over agentive explanation. Noticing that the examination board to which she teaches uses ‘motivations’ rather than ‘aims’ prompted her to consider whether her students really knew what that meant. Finding that her students’ causal explanations tended...
    Why does anyone do anything? Attempts to improve agentive explanations with Year 12
  • Using ‘Assessment for Learning' to help students assume responsibility

      Teaching History article
    Robin Conway's interest in student led enquiry derived from a concern to encourage his students to take much more responsibility for their own learning. Here he explains how his department gradually learned to entrust students with defining the enquiry questions and planning the kinds of teaching and learning activities to be...
    Using ‘Assessment for Learning' to help students assume responsibility