Found 28 results matching 'holocaust' within Secondary > Curriculum > Principles of planning > Substantive Knowledge   (Clear filter)

  • Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education

      Teaching History article
    The Holocaust is often framed, in textbooks and exam syllabi, from a perpetrator perspective as a narrative of Nazi policy. We are offered a different orientation here. Interrogating and understanding the Holocaust involves understanding why the people who perpetrated the Holocaust did the things that they did. As Wolf Kaiser...
    Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education
  • Limited lessons from the Holocaust?

      Teaching History article
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust? Critically considering the ‘anti-racist' and citizenship potential Previous issues of Teaching History have seen extensive debate about the appropriateness of approaching Holocaust education with explicitly social or moral - as opposed to historical - aims. Rather than taking sides, Alice Pettigrew first acknowledges the range...
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust?
  • The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this powerfully argued article Paul Salmons focuses directly on the distinctive contribution that a historical approach to the study of the Holocaust makes to young people's education. Not only does he question the adequacy of objectives focused on eliciting purely emotional responses; he issues a strong warning that turning...
    The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum
  • Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by the work of the social and cultural historian Tim Cole, Stuart Farley decided to look again at the way he teaches the Holocaust. He wanted to focus on the geographical concept of place as a way of enabling his Year 9 students to build far more diverse narratives,...
    Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust
  • Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Students make sense of new learning on the basis of their prior understandings: we cannot move our students' thinking on unless we understand what they already know. In this article, Edwards and O'Dowd report how they set out to scope a group of Y ear 8  students' prior learning and...
    Investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust
  • Challenging stereotypes and avoiding the superficial: a suggested approach to teaching the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Alison Kitson provides a rationale for a scheme of work for Year 9 (13-14 year-olds). She argues that teachers should analyse the kind of historical learning that is taking place when the Holocaust is studied. Critical of the assumption that learning will take place as a result of exposure, she...
    Challenging stereotypes and avoiding the superficial: a suggested approach to teaching the Holocaust
  • Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises

      Teaching History article
    Analogies for teaching about causation abound. Rick Rogers is alert, however, to the risks inherent in drawing on everyday ideas to explain historical processes. What most often gets lost is the importance of the chronological dimension; both the length of time during which some contributory causes may have been present,...
    Causation maps: emphasising chronology in causation exercises
  • Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta

      Teaching History article
    Setting out to teach Magna Carta to the full attainment range in Year 7, Mark King decided to choose a question that reflected real scholarly debates and also to ensure that pupils held enough knowledge in long-term memory to be able to think about that question meaningfully. As he gradually prepared his pupils to produce their own causation arguments in response to that question, King was startled by...
    Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta
  • Year 9 face up to historical difference

      Teaching History article
    How many people does it take to make an Essex man? Year 9 face up to historical difference Teaching her Key Stage 3 students in Essex, Catherine McCrory was struck by the stark contrast between their enthusiasm for studying diverse histories of Africa and the Americas and their reluctance to...
    Year 9 face up to historical difference
  • Historical reasoning in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    Historical reasoning in the classroom: What does it look like and how can we enhance it? The history education community has long recognised that historical thinking depends on the interplay between substantive knowledge about the past and the procedural, or second-order, concepts that historians use to construct, shape and give...
    Historical reasoning in the classroom
  • How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning

      Teaching History article
    How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and  enriched my students' learning Flora Wilson argues here for the importance of maintaining a fascination with history as an academic subject for experienced, practising history teachers. Just as medical professionals keep their knowledge up to date by...
    How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning
  • Polychronicon 146: Interpreting the history of 'big history'

      Teaching History feature
    In recent decades, a novel approach to history has emerged, called ‘big history', which provides an overview of all of human history, embedded within biological, geological and astronomical history covering the grandest sweep of time and space, from the beginning of the universe to life on Earth here and now....
    Polychronicon 146: Interpreting the history of 'big history'
  • Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place

    In this article, Andrew Wrenn explores some issues that teachers might consider when supporting 14 and 15 year olds in their study of war memorials as historical interpretations. Tony McAleavy has argued that ‘popular' and ‘personal' interpretations and representations are just as worthy of study at Key Stage 3 as...
    Emotional response or objective enquiry? Using shared stories and a sense of place
  • The how of history: using old and new textbooks in the classroom to develop disciplinary knowledge

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What are textbooks for and how do we think of them? As inevitably partial views of the past that reflect their purpose and moment of construction and their authors' location in physical and ideological time...
    The how of history: using old and new textbooks in the classroom to develop disciplinary knowledge
  • It’s just reading, right? Exploring how Year 12 students approach sources

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by the generic statements that her Year 12 students were making about sources, Jacqueline Vyrnwy-Pierce resolved to undertake a research project into how her students were approaching sources about the French Revolution. Fascinated by the research of American educational psychologist Sam Wineburg, Vyrnwy-Pierce decided to use Wineburg’s methods to find...
    It’s just reading, right? Exploring how Year 12 students approach sources
  • Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3

      Teaching History feature
    Like many history departments we have been seeking to develop schemes of work that are more outward-looking, and, as the National Curriculum describes, ‘enable pupils to know and understand significant aspects of world history’.  To my mind, Samurai Japan offers students the opportunity to explore a time and place that is...
    Cunning Plan 186: teaching Samurai Japan in Key Stage 3
  • Move Me On 186: trainee provides little scope for students to use their knowledge in analysis/argument

      Teaching History feature
    Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon...
    Move Me On 186: trainee provides little scope for students to use their knowledge in analysis/argument
  • Using individuals’ stories to help GCSE students to explain change and causation

    Should we, and how do we, develop in our students a sense of period – or a series of senses of period – in a thematic study spanning a thousand years? This was the problem faced by Matthew Fearns-Davies in preparing for the GCSE ‘Health and the People’ paper. He shows...
    Using individuals’ stories to help GCSE students to explain change and causation
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... medieval science and medicine?

      A Polychronicon of the Past
    The phrase ‘medieval science’ may seem nonsensical. ‘How can... a synonym for “backward”,’ the editors of The Cambridge History of Science Volume 2 ask rhetorically, ‘modify a noun that signifies the best available knowledge from the natural world?’ To answer their question, we must rethink our assumptions, both about the...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... medieval science and medicine?
  • Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by her students’ glib use of catch-all terms such as ‘militarism’ in addressing causation, Alexia Michalaki wanted her Year 9 students to produce mature causal explanations of World War I. To encourage this to happen she went back into decades of pedagogical writing and research, teasing out the ways...
    Deepening Year 9’s knowledge for better causation arguments
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the long-term impact of the Black Death on English towns

      A Polychronicon of the Past
    In the summer of 1348, the Chronicle of the Grey Friars at Lynn described how sailors had arrived in Melcombe (now Weymouth) bringing from Gascony ‘the seeds of the terrible pestilence’. The Black Death spread rapidly throughout England, killing approximately half the population. While the cause of the disease, the...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the long-term impact of the Black Death on English towns
  • Cunning Plan 179: using TV producers’ techniques to make the most effective use of retrieval practice

      Teaching History feature
    Last year I was working with colleagues on a project examining Rosenshine’s principle of beginning lessons with a short review of previous learning.1 At the same time I was working with a history trainee who had been using recall quizzes as a starter with GCSE students. Following a lesson observation,...
    Cunning Plan 179: using TV producers’ techniques to make the most effective use of retrieval practice
  • What’s the wisdom on… Interpretations of the past

      Teaching History feature
    How often do your pupils actually look at the products of historians – their scholarly writing, their debates, their to-and-fro of argument? What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of...
    What’s the wisdom on… Interpretations of the past
  • Polychronicon 175: Paris 1919 – a century on

      Teaching History feature
    The Paris peace conference resulted in five major treaties, each with one of the defeated Central Powers. Of these the most consequential was the Treaty of Versailles with Germany, signed on 28 June 1919, which was denounced by the young economist John Maynard Keynes in his bestselling polemic The Economic...
    Polychronicon 175: Paris 1919 – a century on
  • Thinking makes it so: cognitive psychology and history teaching

      Teaching History article
    What, exactly, is learned knowledge - and why does it matter in history teaching? Michael Fordham seeks to use the general tenets of cognitive psychology to inform the debate about how history teachers might get the best from their students, in particular in considering the role of memory. Fordham surveys the latest research concerning memory while also arguing that remembering does matter in history...
    Thinking makes it so: cognitive psychology and history teaching