Found 27 results matching 'genocide' within Secondary > Curriculum > Principles of planning > Substantive Knowledge   (Clear filter)

  • Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by the work of the social and cultural historian Tim Cole, Stuart Farley decided to look again at the way he teaches the Holocaust. He wanted to focus on the geographical concept of place as a way of enabling his Year 9 students to build far more diverse narratives,...
    Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust
  • Limited lessons from the Holocaust?

      Teaching History article
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust? Critically considering the ‘anti-racist' and citizenship potential Previous issues of Teaching History have seen extensive debate about the appropriateness of approaching Holocaust education with explicitly social or moral - as opposed to historical - aims. Rather than taking sides, Alice Pettigrew first acknowledges the range...
    Limited lessons from the Holocaust?
  • Polychronicon 141: Adolf Eichmann

      Teaching History feature
    Almost 60 years ago Adolf Eichmann went on trial for crimes committed against the Jews while he was in the service of the Nazi regime. His capture by the Israeli secret service and his abduction from Argentina triggered a number of journalistic books that portrayed him as a pathological monster...
    Polychronicon 141: Adolf Eichmann
  • Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta

      Teaching History article
    Setting out to teach Magna Carta to the full attainment range in Year 7, Mark King decided to choose a question that reflected real scholarly debates and also to ensure that pupils held enough knowledge in long-term memory to be able to think about that question meaningfully. As he gradually prepared his pupils to produce their own causation arguments in response to that question, King was startled by...
    Enabling Year 7 to write essays on Magna Carta
  • Finding the place of substantive knowledge in history

      Teaching History article
    ‘What exactly is parliament?' finding the place of substantive knowledge in history The relationship between knowledge and literacy is a central concern for all teachers. In his teaching, Palek noted that his students were struggling to understand complex substantive concepts such as ‘parliament' and decided to explore the relationship between students'...
    Finding the place of substantive knowledge in history
  • Securing contextual knowledge in year 10

      Teaching History article
    Using regular, low-stakes tests to secure pupils' contextual knowledge in Year 10 Lee Donaghy was concerned that his GCSE students' weak contextual knowledge was letting them down. Inspired by a mixture of cognitive science and the arguments of other teachers expressed in various blogs, he decided to tackle the problem...
    Securing contextual knowledge in year 10
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 157: Teaching Overview

      Teaching History feature
    Overwhelmed by overview? Bewildered by how to teach bigger pictures? Tied up in mental knots by trying to work out the difference between thematic stories, frameworks and outlines? You are not alone. Like many history teachers, you feel more confident when teaching depth studies but find yourself beating a rapid...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 157: Teaching Overview
  • Period, place and mental space

      Teaching History article
    Period, place and mental space: using historical scholarship to develop Year 7 pupils' sense of period What is a sense of period? And how can pupils' sense of period be developed? Questions such as these have troubled history teachers for many years, often revolving around debates over the role played by...
    Period, place and mental space
  • Exploring diversity at GCSE

      Teaching History article
    Having already reflected on ways of improving their students' understanding of historical diversity at Key Stage 3, Joanne Philpott and Daniel Guiney set themselves the challenge of extending this to post-14 students by means of fieldwork activities at First World War battlefields sites. In addition, they wanted to link the study...
    Exploring diversity at GCSE
  • Cunning Plan 143: enquiries about the British empire

      Teaching History journal feature
    I wanted to give my Year 8 students ownership of their work on the British Empire by allowing them to suggest our ‘enquiry question'. In order to introduce the Empire, I brought in sugar, spices, bananas, chilli peppers and cotton. I then showed maps demonstrating the Empire at its height....
    Cunning Plan 143: enquiries about the British empire
  • The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this powerfully argued article Paul Salmons focuses directly on the distinctive contribution that a historical approach to the study of the Holocaust makes to young people's education. Not only does he question the adequacy of objectives focused on eliciting purely emotional responses; he issues a strong warning that turning...
    The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?

      Teaching History feature
    For such a boldly iconoclastic work, the Key Stage 3 textbook A New Focus on ... British Social History, c.1920–2000 (2023) provides a disarmingly conventional account of youth in the 1960s as ‘mostly better educated and informed than their parents had been at their age [and able] … to find...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?
  • Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils

      Teaching History article
    Confined to his home during lockdown in 2020, teacher Josh Mellor became eager to explore the history of the physical environment on his doorstep. After reading about different approaches to using environmental history in the classroom, Mellor decided to design an enquiry to explore the changing landscape of the Fens in...
    Investigating ‘sense of place’ with Year 9 pupils
  • It’s just reading, right? Exploring how Year 12 students approach sources

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by the generic statements that her Year 12 students were making about sources, Jacqueline Vyrnwy-Pierce resolved to undertake a research project into how her students were approaching sources about the French Revolution. Fascinated by the research of American educational psychologist Sam Wineburg, Vyrnwy-Pierce decided to use Wineburg’s methods to find...
    It’s just reading, right? Exploring how Year 12 students approach sources
  • History teacher subject knowledge reading list

      One Big History Department blog post
    Subject knowledge updating is enjoyable and a huge challenge in a busy teacher's life. There are fantastic initiatives which make this process more collegiate. And some historians are incredibly generous with their time and engage with history teachers on social media and at conferences. Nevertheless, there can’t be many of us who...
    History teacher subject knowledge reading list
  • Modelling the discipline

      Teaching History article
    David Hibbert and Zaiba Patel decided to work together after becoming concerned that school history curricula might not enable students to interrogate popular British mythologising about World War II. Building on these pre-existing concerns, their collaboration with the historian Yasmin Khan yielded an Interpretations enquiry which asked students to consider...
    Modelling the discipline
  • Triumphs Show 176: Using material culture as a means to generate an enquiry on the British Empire

      Teaching History feature
    Triumphs Show is a regular feature which offers a quick way for teachers to celebrate their successes and share inspirational ideas with one another. While the ideas are always explained in sufficient depth for others to be able to take them forward in their own practice, the simple format allows...
    Triumphs Show 176: Using material culture as a means to generate an enquiry on the British Empire
  • Narrating “Histories of Spain”

    International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research [IJHLTR], Volume 15, Number 1 – Autumn/Winter 2017 ISSN: 14472-9474 Abstract This study analyses the role of Spanish teacher training students as narrators of what they consider to be the history of Spain. Results of this empirical study are based on a random...
    Narrating “Histories of Spain”
  • Inverting the telescope: investigating sources from a different perspective

      Teaching History article
    As historians, we are dependent on evidence, which comes in many varieties. Rosalind Stirzaker here introduces a project which she ran two years ago to encourage her students to think about artefacts in a different way. They have examined randomly preserved artefacts such as those of Pompeii, and sets of...
    Inverting the telescope: investigating sources from a different perspective
  • Why are you wearing a watch? Complicating narratives of economic and social progress

      Teaching History article
    Frustrated by the traditional narrative of the industrial revolution as a steady march of progress, and disappointed by her students’ dull and deterministic statements about historical change, Hannah Sibona decided to complicate the tidy narrative of continual improvement. Inspired by an article by E.P. Thompson, Sibona reflected that introducing her...
    Why are you wearing a watch? Complicating narratives of economic and social progress
  • ‘If you had told me before that these students were Russians, I would not have believed it’

      Teaching History article
    Bjorn Wansink and his co-authors have aligned their teaching of a recent and controversial historical issue – the Cold War – in the light of a contemporary incident. This article demonstrates a means of ensuring that students understand that different cultures’ views of their shared past are nuanced, rather than monolithic – a different concept in philosophy as well as in...
    ‘If you had told me before that these students were Russians, I would not have believed it’
  • The knowledge illusion

      Teaching History article
    Focusing on students’ attempts to explain the relative significance of different factors in Hitler’s rise to power, Catherine McCrory explores the vexed question of why students who seem able to express necessary historical knowledge on one occasion cannot effectively reproduce it on another. Drawing on a detailed analysis of what...
    The knowledge illusion
  • Engaging Year 9 students in party politics

      Teaching History article
    Sarah Black wanted to remedy Year 9's lack of knowledge about nineteenth-century politics. With just five lessons to work with, she decided to devise a sequence on Gladstone and Disraeli, shaping the sequence with an enquiry question that invited argument about change and continuity. Black analyses the status and function of different layers of knowledge within her sequence, evaluates the interaction...
    Engaging Year 9 students in party politics
  • Passive receivers or constructive readers?

      Teaching History article
    Rachel Foster reports here on research that she conducted into how students engage with academic texts. Unhappy with the usual range of texts that students encounter, often truncated and ‘simplified' in the name of accessibility, she designed a scheme of work which sought to find out how her students responded...
    Passive receivers or constructive readers?
  • Building and assessing a frame of reference in the Netherlands

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Concerns about our ability to equip young people with a frame of reference that they can actually use to orient themselves in time are widespread. The challenges were extensively debated within the last issue of...
    Building and assessing a frame of reference in the Netherlands