Found 18 results matching 'genocide' within Student > Historical Periods > Modern > World   (Clear filter)

  • Film: Why does the massacre of the Armenians in the First World War still get overlooked?

      Virtual Branch
    Why is the term 'Armenian Genocide' controversial, with many countries still not acknowledging a genocide at all? What do we know about the event of 1915 and the plight of the Armenian community in Turkey? How can we grapple with a history that many people want to forget? In this...
    Film: Why does the massacre of the Armenians in the First World War still get overlooked?
  • Bristol and the Slave Trade

      Classic Pamphlet
    Captain Thomas Wyndham of Marshfield Park in Somerset was on voyage to Barbary where he sailed from Kingroad, near Bristol, with three ships full of goods and slaves thus beginning the association of African Trade and Bristol. In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Bristol was not a place of...
    Bristol and the Slave Trade
  • Podcast Series: The British Empire 1800-Present

      Multipage Article
    An HA Podcasted History of the British Empire 1800-Present featuring Dr Seán Lang of Anglia Ruskin University, Dr John Stuart of Kingston University London, Professor A. J. Stockwell and Dr Larry Butler of the University of East Anglia.
    Podcast Series: The British Empire 1800-Present
  • Women, War and Revolution

      Classic Pamphlet
    On the surface, the period 1914 to 1945 seems to have encompassed massive changes in the position of women in Europe, in response to the demands of war and revolution. Yet historians have questioned the extent of the transformation, since the acquisition of the vote, as well as improvements in...
    Women, War and Revolution
  • Polychronicon 139: Civic denouncer: The lives of Pavlik Morozov

      Teaching History feature
    Germaine Greer (in the context of the Pirelli Calendar) once commented that the defining feature of a legend was that almost nothing said and believed about it was true. Pavlik Morozov, notorious both inside Russia and internationally for having denounced his father, almost certainly never did so. In September 1932, local...
    Polychronicon 139: Civic denouncer: The lives of Pavlik Morozov
  • The Mary Celeste: the history of a mystery

      Historian article
    Graham Faiella guides us through the historical evidence and literary speculation surrounding one of the ultimately unresolved incidents of recent times. One hundred and fifty years ago, sometime between 25 November and 4 December 1872, the brigantine Mary Celeste was abandoned at sea somewhere between the Azores and the coast of Portugal....
    The Mary Celeste: the history of a mystery
  • Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India

    August 2022 marks 75 years since British India was divided at independence into two separate states: India and Pakistan (the latter including today’s Bangladesh). As with the 70th commemoration in 2017, this anniversary will trigger a great deal of collective remembering in Britain just as in South Asia itself. Freedom from...
    Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India
  • The British Empire on trial

    In the light of present-day concerns about the place, in a modern world, of statues commemorating figures whose roles in history are of debatable merit, Dr Gregory Gifford puts the British Empire on trial, presenting a balanced case both for and against. In June 2020 when the statue of slave-trader Edward Colston...
    The British Empire on trial
  • Legacies of the Cement Armada

      Historian article
    Steven Pierce writes about Nigeria, long known for its flamboyant corruption, some of which stems from accidents of history. Its true international notoriety emerged in 1974–75, when half the world’s concrete supply was mysteriously diverted to the port of Lagos, paralysing it for a year. This article examines how the press coverage...
    Legacies of the Cement Armada
  • History Abridged: Language and the African continent

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. Think Horrible Histories for grownups (without the songs and music). See all History Abridged articles Africa is a huge continent...
    History Abridged: Language and the African continent
  • Mission to Kabul: Destabilising the British strategic position, 1916

      Historian article
    Jules Stewart gives us an insight into how the Germans attempted to destabilise the British strategic position in Afghanistan during the Great War. On a state visit to Berlin in 1928, the Emir of Afghanistan Amanullah Khan was shown a display of the latest in German technology, which included a...
    Mission to Kabul: Destabilising the British strategic position, 1916
  • The Sykes-Picot agreement and lines in the sand

      Historian article
    Paula Kitching reveals how a secret diplomatic negotiation 100 years ago provides an insight into the political complexities of the modern-day Middle East. The Middle East is an area frequently in the news. Over the last ten years the national and religious tensions appear to have exploded with whole regions...
    The Sykes-Picot agreement and lines in the sand
  • Age of Revolutions Resources

    The Age of Revolutions is a period in history between c.1775-1848. Over the course of these years, society underwent a series of revolutions in almost all theatres of life: political, war, social and cultural, and economic and technological. Revolutionary ideas and revolutionary actions swept across the world, and historians still discuss and...
    Age of Revolutions Resources
  • The Second World War

      Classic Pamphlet
    On 5 September 1939 the German Führer, Adolf Hitler, paid a surprise visit to the corps which was in the forefront of his army's ferocious assault upon Poland. As they passed the remains of a smashed Polish artillery regiment, the corps commander, General Guderian, astonished Hitler by telling him that...
    The Second World War
  • The New Imperialism

      Classic Pamphlet
    This Classic Pamphlet first published in 1970 comes with a new introduction written by the author M. E. Chamberlain.The New Imperialism - Introduction by M. E. Chamberlain Professor Emeritus at Swansea University. May 2010.When this pamphlet was first published imperialism was a hot political topic and battle raged between Marxist and...
    The New Imperialism
  • Stalin, Propaganda, and Soviet Society during the Great Terror

      Historian article
    Sarah Davies explores the evidence that even in the most repressive phases of Stalin’s rule, there existed a flourishing ‘shadow culture’, a lively and efficient unofficial network of information and ideas. 'Today a man only talks freely with his wife — at night, with the blankets pulled over his head.’...
    Stalin, Propaganda, and Soviet Society during the Great Terror
  • Western Dress and Ambivalence in the South Pacific

    Michael Sturma examines an aspect of the cultural impact of the West in the South Pacific. ‘States of undress, or the partially clad body, invite particularly ambivalent responses.’ One of the main preoccupation’s of early European visitors to the South Pacific was the nudity or partial nudity of the indigenous...
    Western Dress and Ambivalence in the South Pacific
  • Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan

    Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan