Found 22 results matching 'holocaust' within Student > Historical Periods > Modern > Europe   (Clear filter)

  • Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

      Historian article
    Daniel Goldhagen defines anti-semitism as ‘negative beliefs and emotions about Jews qua Jews.' Nazis believed Jews to be the source of Germany's misfortunes, and that they must be denied German citizenship and removed from German society. Hitler never compromised on the need to settle what he regarded as the Jewish...
    Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
  • Recorded webinar: Ordinary people - Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

      Recorded webinar
    Recorded webinar: Ordinary people - Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
  • Polychronicon 135: Post-modern Holocaust Historiography

      Teaching History feature
    The field of Holocaust studies has been hit by an intellectual earthquake whose precise magnitude and long-term consequences cannot be ascertained at this stage. In 2007 Saul Friedländer published The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945. The book has been rightly celebrated as the first victim-centred synthetic history...
    Polychronicon 135: Post-modern Holocaust Historiography
  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide

      HA Webinar
    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...
    Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide
  • Verdun: the endless battle

      Historian article
    Most can agree that the battle of Verdun started 100 years ago, on 21 February 1916, when the Germans began attacking French positions north and east of the old fortress town on the Meuse river. Few can agree on when it ended. The Germans might draw a line under it...
    Verdun: the endless battle
  • Nazi aggression: planned or improvised?

      Historian article
    Read more like this: Nazism and Stalinism Fascism in Europe 1919-1945 Kristallnacht Anti-semitism and the Holocaust The Coming of War in 1939 Political internment without trial in wartime Britain Neville Chamberlain: villain or hero? The Mechanical Battle of Britain Since the 1960s, there have been two main schools of thought...
    Nazi aggression: planned or improvised?
  • A-Level Topic Guide: Germany 1871-1991

      Multipage Article
    German history in the nineteenth and twentieth century is a popular area of study at A-level across the examination boards. Whichever board you are studying with and whatever the focus of your study unit on German history, the resources in this unit will support you as you develop your subject knowledge, write essays and...
    A-Level Topic Guide: Germany 1871-1991
  • Radicalism and its Results, 1760-1837

      Classic Pamphlet
    Radicalism with a large "R", unlike Conservatism with a large "C" and Liberalism with a large "L", is not a historical term of even proximate precision. There was never a Radical Party with a national organization, local associations, or a treasury. But there were, and there are, "Radicals", generally qualified...
    Radicalism and its Results, 1760-1837
  • Franz Ferdinand

      Historian article
    The Kapuzinerkirche (Church of the Capuchins) in Vienna's Neue Markt is one of the more curious attractions of the city, housing as it does the Kaisergruft crypt in which the Habsburgs are entombed, or rather in which their bodies are entombed: the hearts are usually kept in the Loreto Chapel...
    Franz Ferdinand
  • The world in 1913: friendly societies

      Historian article
    Friendly societies were designed to help members to cope with the illness, death or unemployment of a household's breadwinner. Each month members, mostly men, paid into the society, often at a meeting in a pub and in return payments from the pooled funds were made to ill members and to...
    The world in 1913: friendly societies
  • Taking tea with Frau von Papen

      Historian article
    The Weimar Republic in its last days as seen and remembered by a five-year-old English boy. A long-standing member of the Historical Association remembers an experience from eighty years ago. As Mrs Merkel is well aware, the fear of inflation is deeply embedded in the German folk memory. Eighty years...
    Taking tea with Frau von Papen
  • How damaging to the Nazis was the Shetland Bus between 1940 and 1944?

      Historian article
    The Shetland Bus operation may be considered successful in that it supplied Norwegian resistance movements with weapons and took many refugees from Norway to Shetland, and that it managed to bind just shy of 300,000 German troops in Norway. However, because of this operation, forty-four men lost their lives, and...
    How damaging to the Nazis was the Shetland Bus between 1940 and 1944?
  • TV: modern father of history?

      Historian article
    Bettany Hughes Norton Medlicott Medal Winner Lecture In 1991 I travelled to the BBC for a meeting with a senior television producer. It seemed to me that history just wasn't getting a fair crack of the whip. I talked animatedly about the on-screen discoveries that could be made and the...
    TV: modern father of history?
  • Kristallnacht

      Historian article
    Why Reichskristallnacht? In The Third Reich Michael Burleigh writes: ‘We should be cautious in seeing spontaneity where frequency suggests instigation from a central source.' He comments on ‘a dialectic between "spontaneous" grassroot actions and "followup" state sponsored measures.' These remarks relate to 1935, the time of the Nuremberg Laws [the...
  • Cyprus: another Middle East issue

      Historian article
    Although Cyprus, the third largest Mediterranean island, remained nominally under Turkish suzerainty until 1914, the British were established there after the 1878 Congress of Berlin. The idea then was that, from this base, Britain could protect Turkey against threats from Russia, while ensuring that the Turks reformed their treatment of...
    Cyprus: another Middle East issue
  • Alexandra and Rasputin

      Historian article
    Has the role of Alexandra and Rasputin in the downfall of the Romanovs been exaggerated out of all proportion? If a country is defeated in war, the rulers run the risk of being overthrown. In 1918 the Kaiser left Germany for Holland, Germany became a Republic; the Austro-Hungarian Empire came...
    Alexandra and Rasputin
  • Imperialism resurgent: European attempts to 'recolonise' South East Asia after 1945

      Historian article
    ‘To think that the people of Indochina would be content to settle for less [from the French] than Indonesia has gained from the Dutch or India from the British is to underestimate the power of the forces that are sweeping Asia today'. An American adviser in 1949 cited: Robin Jeffrey...
    Imperialism resurgent: European attempts to 'recolonise' South East Asia after 1945
  • Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium

      Historian feature
    My Favourite History Place: Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium  We can truly say that the whole circuit of the Earth is girdled with the graves of our dead. In the course of my pilgrimage, I have many times asked myself whether there can be more potent advocates of peace...
    Tyne Cot Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium
  • Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871

    The pamphlet printing industry in England received an unexpected boost in 1871 with the appearance of numerous works written, mainly, as commentaries, satires or allegories in Britain’s attitude regarding the Franco-Prussian War. The cause of this deluge was one particular tract, first issued on Salisbury in October 1870, whose purpose...
    Louis, John, and William: the 'Dame Europa' pamphlets, 1870-1871
  • The New Imperialism

      Classic Pamphlet
    This Classic Pamphlet first published in 1970 comes with a new introduction written by the author M. E. Chamberlain.The New Imperialism - Introduction by M. E. Chamberlain Professor Emeritus at Swansea University. May 2010.When this pamphlet was first published imperialism was a hot political topic and battle raged between Marxist and...
    The New Imperialism
  • The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam

    While migration from Europe to North America and elsewhere is well known, that from India is less familiar to Western readers. Ananda Dulal Sarkar provides an account of Indian migrants to the former British and Dutch Guianas. Within India, particularly during British rule, young and able-bodied males migrated hundreds of...
    The Migration of Indians to Guiana and Surinam
  • Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century

      Historian article
    First referred to by Richard Morton (1637-98) in his Phthisiologia under the denomination phthisis nervosa as long ago as 1689, anorexia nervosa was given its name in a note by Sir William Gull (1816-90) in 1874. Gull had earlier described a disorder he termed apepsia hysterica, involving extreme emaciation without...
    Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century