Found 41 results matching 'genocide' within Historian > Historical Periods > Modern > Britain & Ireland   (Clear filter)

  • Child Health & School meals: Nottingham 1906-1945

    Following Jamie Oliver’s devastating television series on the inadequacy of school meals the present government has been quick to be seen to address the situation. In September 2005, Ruth Kelly, the then Education Secretary, announced a war on junk food in schools.1 This was nothing new, because the history of...
    Child Health & School meals: Nottingham 1906-1945
  • Out and About: on the trail of the Pentrich Rebellion

      Historian feature
    Richard Gaunt introduces us to a revolutionary incident in mid-Derbyshire whose 200th anniversary is commemorated this year.
    Out and About: on the trail of the Pentrich Rebellion
  • England Arise! The General Election of 1945

      Historian article
    ‘The past week will live in history for two things’, announced the Sunday Times of 29 July 1945, ‘first the return of a Labour majority to Parliament and the end of Churchill's great war Premiership.’ Most other newspapers concurred. The Daily Mirror, of 27 July, proclaimed that the 1945 general election...
    England Arise! The General Election of 1945
  • 1851 by Asa Briggs

      Classic Pamphlet
    This classic pamphlet is being re-published in digital form to coincide with the special edition of The Historian devoted to the memory of Asa Briggs. He was one of the most illustrious members of the Historical Association and a devotedly loyal member all his life. One Historian has said that...
    1851 by Asa Briggs
  • The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845

      Historian article
    Many communities have cataclysmic disasters which tend to dominate or define their local history. Gareth Davies reveals that the sudden collapse of the Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge is a telling example of this trend. Beside the waters of the River Bure in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk stands a shiny black memorial...
    The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845
  • My Favourite History Place: Mandala House

      Historian feature
    Many myths surround David Livingstone and in this part of the world more myths about the man abound than perhaps anywhere else. We can only speculate on whether he fought off lions with his bare hands, shamed slave-traders into letting their slaves go with just a few words from the scriptures...
    My Favourite History Place: Mandala House
  • Tank development in the First World War

      Historian article
    The emergence of the tank as a further weapon of war is inextricably associated with Lincoln where various early models were developed. By 1915 the Great War had gone just about as far as it could and for the first time, the way an entire war was fought was described...
    Tank development in the First World War
  • Stanley Baldwin's reputation

    Falsification of history is normally associated with dictatorships rather than liberal democracies. Yet tendentious accounts of the recent past are part of the armoury of all types of political debate. Such manipulation usually has only a limited and short-term influence, because it is neutralised by different political parties offering contending...
    Stanley Baldwin's reputation
  • The Urban Working Classes in England 1880-1914

      Historian article
    On reading the title of this article, any reader at all familiar with the social history of late Victorian and Edwardian England is likely to think of the revelations at the time of the extent of urban poverty. Two major enquiries, one into London poverty, and the other into poverty...
    The Urban Working Classes in England 1880-1914
  • The Second World War

      Classic Pamphlet
    On 5 September 1939 the German Führer, Adolf Hitler, paid a surprise visit to the corps which was in the forefront of his army's ferocious assault upon Poland. As they passed the remains of a smashed Polish artillery regiment, the corps commander, General Guderian, astonished Hitler by telling him that...
    The Second World War
  • The New Imperialism

      Classic Pamphlet
    This Classic Pamphlet first published in 1970 comes with a new introduction written by the author M. E. Chamberlain.The New Imperialism - Introduction by M. E. Chamberlain Professor Emeritus at Swansea University. May 2010.When this pamphlet was first published imperialism was a hot political topic and battle raged between Marxist and...
    The New Imperialism
  • Quixotically Generous...Economically Worthless'

    William Kenefick considers two views of the dockers and the dockland community in Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries. 'Quixotically generous and economically worthless’! But what does this mean? How does this curious descriptor help us understand the docker or the waterside community? Indeed, does it tell us...
    Quixotically Generous...Economically Worthless'
  • Sir Francis Fletcher Vane, anti-militarist: The great boy scout schism of 1909

      Historian article
    Sir Francis Patrick Fletcher Vane, fifth baronet (1861-1934), a man of wideranging but seemingly contradictory passions and interests, was an idealistic but also hard-working aristocrat who played a major role in shaping the early Boy Scout movement in London. While the name of the founder of the Boy Scouts, Robert...
    Sir Francis Fletcher Vane, anti-militarist: The great boy scout schism of 1909
  • What did you do in The Great War? A family mystery explored

      Historian article
    Research into family history is well-known as likely to dig up some uncomfortable evidence. Nearly every family has had its bastards; nearly every generation has had someone on poor relief. We had both. But more troubling was my recent suspicion that a hundred or so years ago not one but two...
    What did you do in The Great War? A family mystery explored
  • The snobbery of chronology: In defence of the generals on the Western Front

      Historian article
    Faced with the testimony of the huge casualty lists of the First World War, the desperate battles of attrition, the emotive evidence of the seemingly endless cemeteries and memorials, the moving war poetry of men such as Owen and Sassoon, and the memoirs of those who fought, it is not...
    The snobbery of chronology: In defence of the generals on the Western Front
  • Podcast: Medlicott Lecture 2018 - Justin Champion

      Defacing the Past or Resisting Oppression?
    Podcast: Medlicott Lecture 2018 - Justin Champion