Found 53 results matching '2025' within Historian > Historical Periods   (Clear filter)

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  • Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?

      Medieval History
    Why Medieval History Matters, Professor Anne Curry, President of the HA ‘I don't mind there being some medievalists around for ornamental purposes, but there is no reason for the state to pay for them'. So, allegedly, said Charles Clarke when Education Secretary in 2003. In fact, medieval history has never...
    Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?
  • The development of the Department of Health

      Historian article
    Health as a specific feature of central government strategy is a relatively recent phenomenon and Hugh Gault identifies how this feature of everyday headlines in our newspapers has been managed until the present time. At the start of the twentieth  century Lord Salisbury’s Cabinet comprised four Secretaries of State –...
    The development of the Department of Health
  • Film: China's Good War

      How World War II is shaping a new nationalism
    In this lecture Professor Mitter uses film and other propaganda works to explore how key events of global history are being represented in China to develop a different understanding of its own past. The talk addresses a number of the factors for this change in how China is reflecting on...
    Film: China's Good War