Found 2 results matching '2025' within Secondary > CPD > CPD Guides   (Clear filter)

  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 

    In this first webinar about writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman will talk about how ideas grow from reading and thinking about history. Once you have a good idea, then you need to research it properly, starting with secondary sources for context, then moving on to more specific reading. Visits...
    Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 
  • Recorded Webinar: What does great oracy look like in history?

    This session explores the features of good student oracy in a non-disciplinary sense, but also within the setting of a history classroom. It explores how to identify these features in the day to day of teaching history and is part of our CPD series on effective oracy in the secondary history classroom.
    Recorded Webinar: What does great oracy look like in history?