Found 31 results matching 'genocide' within Secondary > CPD   (Clear filter)

  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide

      HA Webinar
    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...
    Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide
  • Film: Why does the massacre of the Armenians in the First World War still get overlooked?

      Virtual Branch
    Why is the term 'Armenian Genocide' controversial, with many countries still not acknowledging a genocide at all? What do we know about the event of 1915 and the plight of the Armenian community in Turkey? How can we grapple with a history that many people want to forget? In this...
    Film: Why does the massacre of the Armenians in the First World War still get overlooked?
  • Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories

    Where Jews appear on school curricula, they tend to appear as victims, particularly in the context of the Nazi genocide. The vibrant diversity of Jewish life in preceding centuries is underexplored, and students are given little context for understanding the growth of antisemitism. This webinar delves into this vibrant richness...
    Recorded Webinar: Teaching Jewish histories
  • Black Germans: the last forgotten victims of the Nazis?

    In this webinar, Professor Robbie Aitken looks at the experiences of Black residents in Germany during the Nazi period. Why have they been largely written out of larger histories of the Third Reich? Professor Aitken suggests that there was a genocidal intent in Nazi policy towards them, signalled partly by...
    Black Germans: the last forgotten victims of the Nazis?
  • Film: Medlicott Lecture 2022 - David Olusoga

    This talk was presented at the Historical Association Awards evening, 7 July 2022. The talk is by Professor David Olusoga on the evening that he received the HA Medlicott Medal for Outstanding contributions to History. It is not to be used for any purpose or publicly reported on without the...
    Film: Medlicott Lecture 2022 - David Olusoga
  • History in Schools: What is the Future?

      History Debate Podcast
    The Future of history in our schools Whether you have children or not, whether you're a teacher or not, if you have a love of History this debate matters to you.
    History in Schools: What is the Future?
  • Recorded Webinar: Philip IV

      Decline, decadence and the end of the Golden Age
    Decline, decadence, crisis, stagnation, and adversity are terms powerfully associated with the reign of Spain’s Planet King; sombre tones that contrast sharply with the glittering cultural and artistic achievements (enhanced by his patronage) that led the period to be dubbed ‘the’ Golden Age, a label consciously competing with France’s later...
    Recorded Webinar: Philip IV
  • Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort

    David Carpenter brings to life the dramatic events in the last phase of Henry III’s momentous reign, provides a fresh account of the king’s strenuous efforts to recover power and sheds new light on the rebel figure Simon de Montfort. Professor David Carpenter is a Professor of Medieval History at King's College...
    Virtual Branch Recording: Henry III and Simon de Montfort
  • Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire

      Age of Emergency
    In the 1950s, Britain fought a series of brutal wars against insurgents in the colonies of Malaya, Kenya, and Cyprus. How did people at home experience these wars? How did they learn about the use of torture and other unsettling tactics? And how did they respond to this knowledge? In...
    Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis

      Mental health, class, gender and diversity
    Professor Julie Gottlieb has written extensively on inter-war British political and gender history, and her more recent work has provided alternative perspectives on seemingly settled debates in the historiography of British foreign policy and the history of appeasement. Through the lens of women/gender, social history, and now psychology/emotion, she argues for a...
    Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis
  • Film: A short history of Islamic thought

    In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the...
    Film: A short history of Islamic thought
  • Recorded Webinar: Nineteenth-century crime and punishment

    This webinar with Dr Emma D Watkins explores the changing understanding of crime and responses to it in the nineteenth-century. It provides a brief overview on the general shift from punishment of the body, to banishment, all the way through to imprisonment. With a particular emphasis on the use of...
    Recorded Webinar: Nineteenth-century crime and punishment
  • Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India

    August 2022 marks 75 years since British India was divided at independence into two separate states: India and Pakistan (the latter including today’s Bangladesh). As with the 70th commemoration in 2017, this anniversary will trigger a great deal of collective remembering in Britain just as in South Asia itself. Freedom from...
    Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India
  • Film: What a strange place to be buried

      Virtual Branch Film
    Anna Cusack joined the HA Virtual Branch to discuss unique burial locations in London c.1600-1800. Anna recently completed a PhD at Birkbeck, University of London on the marginal dead of seventeenth and eighteenth-century London, focusing specifically on suicides, executed criminals, Quakers, and Jews and the treatment of their bodily remains...
    Film: What a strange place to be buried
  • Film: Meet the author: Marc Morris on The Anglo-Saxons

    In this Virtual Branch talk best-selling author and renowned historian Marc Morris joined us to discuss the process of researching for, structuring and writing his new book The Anglo-Saxons: a history of the beginnings of England.  Drawing on a vast range of original evidence - chronicles, letters, archaeology and artefacts - Morris's...
    Film: Meet the author: Marc Morris on The Anglo-Saxons
  • Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History

      HA short course, 10 September–10 December 2024
    Led by Jonathan Durrant, Laura Kounine, Jan Machielsen, Lisa Tallis, Juliette Wood   Book Now (Registration is via Cademy which opens in a new window. Please read the course terms and conditions before registering) What does the course cover? This Historical Association short course is an introduction to European witchcraft...
    Short course: Witchcraft, Werewolves and Magic in European History
  • Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography

      Joint event from the Historical Association and Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
    Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prevalent in society and many occupational sectors. But what about teaching? Is AI a threat to history and geography teaching, assessment and quality assurance? Or is it the saviour for teacher workload and a creative force that can bring our subjects to life...
    Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching history and geography
  • Online course: Teaching empire through material culture

      HA online course for primary and secondary teachers
    The topic of empire lends itself ideally to a material approach – the objects often provide the opportunity to bring in indigenous voices to our study of the imperial past, while our classroom experience has shown that objects provide a powerful channel through which to access complex and sometimes uncomfortable...
    Online course: Teaching empire through material culture
  • Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom

      HA webinar series for secondary history teachers
    At the HA, we understand the importance of creating the next generation of history students who can not only write about history, but who can also effectively communicate their thinking through oracy. Current academic research highlights the importance of oracy for learning and the close relationship between being able to...
    Webinar series: Effective oracy in the secondary history classroom
  • Webinar series: History and literacy

      HA webinar series for secondary history teachers
    Writing history is hard, and motivating students to read long texts can be difficult. In this series of four webinars, Dan Warner-Meanwell and Paula Lobo-Worth will demonstrate how they have helped their students to meet the challenges in reading and writing history. They haven’t done this by bolting-on generic activities or...
    Webinar series: History and literacy
  • From Cyrus to Cleopatra: The ancient history adventure

      HA webinar series in partnership with The Classical Association
    Have you thought about offering Ancient History at Key Stage 3, GCSE or A-level? This webinar series, offered in collaboration with the Classical Association, explores how ancient history can be embedded across the key stages at secondary level. Across this series, we will show you how teaching ancient history is...
    From Cyrus to Cleopatra: The ancient history adventure
  • Guidance Pack: Building a Local Teacher Network

    We know that it is difficult for teachers to get to events too far from school. As a national charity, the HA recognises the importance and need to build strong regional networks for the history teaching community. Many of these are already existing or organically growing across the country at...
    Guidance Pack: Building a Local Teacher Network
  • Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions

      Teacher Fellowship Programme 2018
    The 2018 Teacher Fellowship Programme looked at developing teaching of the Age of Revolutions (1755-1848) and was fully funded by the Age of Revolution education legacy project. It focused on embedding the teaching of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century history in UK schools through the development of teacher subject knowledge and subject...
    Teacher Fellowship Programme: Teaching the Age of Revolutions
  • Fact Based Quiz Ideas For Turning 3s into 4s and 5s

      Briefing Pack
    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. If you are looking to raise your 3/4 grades into 4s/5s, a big focus is going to be fact retention. This can be in the form of fact based quizzes and organisational activities,...
    Fact Based Quiz Ideas For Turning 3s into 4s and 5s
  • What Does the English Baccalaureate mean for me?

      Briefing Pack
    History constitutes a key player in the new English Baccalaureate, being one of the two choices that students may opt for in the Humanities section. The English Baccalaureate is a measure of pupil progress consisting of 5 core subjects that will be reported in league tables. Students who successfully achieve ...
    What Does the English Baccalaureate mean for me?