Found 36 results matching 'brief history' within Historian > Public History > Archives & Libraries   (Clear filter)

  • History Abridged: Libraries

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. See all History Abridged articles The collecting of stories through written record is one of the most important methods societies...
    History Abridged: Libraries
  • History Abridged: The census

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. Think Horrible Histories for grownups (without the songs and music). See all History Abridged articles Most of us are aware...
    History Abridged: The census
  • The Bibliography of British and Irish History

      An Extensive Online Guide
    The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) is the most extensive guide available to published writing on British and Irish history.  It covers the history of British and Irish relations with the rest of the world, including the British empire and the Commonwealth, as well as British and Irish...
    The Bibliography of British and Irish History
  • The Institute of Historical Research

      Public History Podcast
    The following podcasts are from an interview between Dr Andrew Foster, chair of our Public History Committee with Professor Miles Taylor, Director of the Institute of Historical Research. The podcasts look at the work of the IHR - what it aims to do for the historical profession and wider public, the...
    The Institute of Historical Research
  • Public History Courses

      Continuing Professional Development
    What is Public History? Public History is about understanding how the past has affected, and is used by, the present. It brings history to life and helps us understand the relationship between the past and the public at present. Public History can involve history in the community, and a Public...
    Public History Courses
  • The Institute of Historical Research (IHR)

      History Network
    The Institute of Historical Research (IHR)
  • The Royal Historical Society (RHS)

      History Network
    The Royal Historical Society (RHS)
  • Making History

      New Website
    Making History Making History, developed by the Institute of Historical Research, is dedicated to the history of the study and practice of history in Britain over the last hundred years and more, following the emergence of the professional discipline in the late 19th century. Contents This website contains cross-referenced entries...
    Making History
  • My Favourite History Place: Gladstone’s Library at Hawarden

      Historian feature
    When I first visited Gladstone’s residential library in 1977 for a pre-university History degree reading week, I barely knew who Gladstone was. I had just come back from a holiday in Italy and the contrast between Florence and Hawarden, a Welsh border town, was startling. I came from the sunny remains...
    My Favourite History Place: Gladstone’s Library at Hawarden
  • What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?

      Twentieth-century history
    Prior to the East European revolutions of 1989, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, commentators outside the region were largely reliant on printed material collected by specialist research libraries, informal rrangements with contacts ‘behind the iron curtain’, information that could be gleaned from visits to the region, and...
    What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?
  • Stories, sources and new formats: Digitising Archives

      Historian article
    In the last two decades or so there has been a movement towards digitising large collections of original sources. These projects have had a range of purposes, approaches and target audiences but there can be little doubt that they have had a profound impact on the practice of history in...
    Stories, sources and new formats: Digitising Archives
  • The Historical Manuscripts Commission

    The Historical Manuscripts Commission (or, to give it its full and formal title, the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts) was established in 1869. Its purpose was to enquire into the existence and whereabouts of manuscripts of value for the study of British history, and to make the results of its...
    The Historical Manuscripts Commission
  • Archives

      Briefing Pack
    1. Local Archives  Local Archives Offices contain an enormous amount of information including Census records, newspapers and property records. They are a useful point of call when either verifying information found on the internet or conducting deeper research beyond what is available on the main sources of family history such...
  • Challenges facing The National Archives and the archives sector

      Public History Podcast
    Podcast of a second interview between Dr Andrew Foster from the Historical Association and member of The National Archives' Strategic Academic Stakeholder Forum and Oliver Morley, Chief Executive and Keeper, The National Archives, which took place on 6 December 2011. The interview covers the strategic challenges faced by The National...
    Challenges facing The National Archives and the archives sector
  • Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, 918-2018

      Historian article
    Many fascinating individuals appear in the British Library’s Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms exhibition – Bede, Alfred, Canute, Emma, William the Conqueror – but one deserves to be much better known, especially in this her anniversary year: one of the most important women in British history, hers is a classic case of the...
    Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, 918-2018
  • Out and About in Oxford

      Historian feature
    The Sheffield Branch of the Historical Association is a very active one. In addition to our monthly meetings we organise a range of study visits, from one-day trips to longer residential tours in the UK and occasionally in mainland Europe. In recent years, these have included visits to Portsmouth, Lincoln and Newark, Newcastle and Northumberland, and the battlefields of Waterloo....
    Out and About in Oxford
  • Exploring local sources

      Historian article
    Tim Lomas was correct when he said, in his article in the Summer 2019 edition of The Historian, that historians can see much more in medieval documents than the scribes intended.  Lay manors in Bedfordshire are a good example. Eggington manor, in the south-west, was part of a larger estate and held...
    Exploring local sources
  • Historians in The National Archives

      Historian article
    The author of this article approached the Editor to give him a flavour of what might be found in The National Archives relating to political, secret service and civil service ‘interest’ in the views and activities of historians over the last century. It is certainly very significant that some of...
    Historians in The National Archives
  • What does the future hold for Archives and what do the archives hold for you?

      Historian article
    Most people would accept that our Society is changing at a rate, and in ways, with which our predecessors have never had to deal. The old stabilities and certainties seem to have disappeared from our modern day lives. Perhaps this is why so many people seem to be interested in...
    What does the future hold for Archives and what do the archives hold for you?
  • Using Medieval Sources

      Using Medieval Sources
    In this short video Professor Mark Ormrod, Dr Jessica Lutkin and Dr Jonathan Mackman discuss their work on the England's Immigrants 1330-1550 project and give an idea of how they use primary medieval sources in their historical research.
    Using Medieval Sources
  • Local Authority Record Offices: Our Heritage at Risk

    Rosemary Dunhill fears the review of local government structures might lead to damaging cuts in the archive service. The lives of archivists in record offices run by local authorities have been dominated in the last few years by the review of local government. The Government wished to simplify local government...
    Local Authority Record Offices: Our Heritage at Risk
  • The 1669 Return of Nonconformist Conventicles

      Short Guide 33
    The survey of Return of Conventicles completed during the summer of 1669 on the instructions of Archbishop Sheldon is the most important source available for studying the earliest periods of religious dissent after the Restoration, because with the exception of the Quakers, only a handful of records belonging to dissenters...
    The 1669 Return of Nonconformist Conventicles
  • The secret diaries of William Wilberforce

      Historian article
    John Coffey shows us what insights can be gained from the diaries of leading abolitionist, William Wilberforce. The diary is a distinctively modern genre... In English, the first diaries date from the Tudor era, but it is in the seventeenth century that the trickle becomes a flood. Alongside the famous...
    The secret diaries of William Wilberforce
  • Archivist CPD

      Continuing Professional Development
    For advice and information about working in Archives, take a look at the following information from the Archives and Records Association website. The Archives and Records Association is the leading professional body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The principal aims of the Society are: to...
    Archivist CPD
  • The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms and Europe

      Historian article
    The riches of surviving Anglo-Saxon manuscripts showcased in a fabulous new exhibition at the British Library emphasises the essential interconnections between England and the Continent.
    The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms and Europe