Found 17 results matching 'genocide' within Historian > Public History   (Clear filter)

  • History Abridged: London’s women statues

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. See all History Abridged articles We live in a seemingly iconoclastic age. Statues that were once part of the established...
    History Abridged: London’s women statues
  • Real Lives: The Russian hermit of Cornwall’s caves

      Historian feature
    Our series ‘Real Lives’ seeks to put the story of the ordinary person into our great historical narrative. We are all part of the rich fabric of the communities in which we live and we are affected to greater and lesser degrees by the big events that happen on a daily...
    Real Lives: The Russian hermit of Cornwall’s caves
  • Disease and healthcare on the Isle of Man

      Historian article
    Caroline Smith provides a perspective, past and present, of the experiences of epidemics on the Isle of Man.  In recent times health has been at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Epidemics and pandemics are not new, but the Covid-19 outbreak is probably the first to have such a noticeable effect...
    Disease and healthcare on the Isle of Man
  • What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?

      Twentieth-century history
    Prior to the East European revolutions of 1989, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, commentators outside the region were largely reliant on printed material collected by specialist research libraries, informal rrangements with contacts ‘behind the iron curtain’, information that could be gleaned from visits to the region, and...
    What difference has the opening (and closing) of archives after 1991 made to the historiography of the Cold War?
  • Homes fit for heroes? James Cecil and the public interest

      Historian article
    Hugh Gault reminds us that the provision of adequate and price-accessible housing stock has been a matter of public debate and concern for over a hundred years. Economics and financial priorities have continued to undermine the methodologies and good intentions needed to solve the problem. This year is the hundredth...
    Homes fit for heroes? James Cecil and the public interest
  • What does the future hold for Archives and what do the archives hold for you?

    Most people would accept that our Society is changing at a rate, and in ways, with which our predecessors have never had to deal. The old stabilities and certainties seem to have disappeared from our modern day lives. Perhaps this is why so many people seem to be interested in...
    What does the future hold for Archives and what do the archives hold for you?
  • The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845

      Historian article
    Many communities have cataclysmic disasters which tend to dominate or define their local history. Gareth Davies reveals that the sudden collapse of the Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge is a telling example of this trend. Beside the waters of the River Bure in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk stands a shiny black memorial...
    The Great Yarmouth Suspension Bridge Disaster of 1845
  • Council for British Archaeology Back Catalogue

      Archaeology Publications
    CBA Research Report Series ISSN 0589-9036 1 1955 Romano-British villas: some current problemsQuarto, 26pp, figures, no ISBN out of printonline 2 1955 The recording of architecture and its publicationCBA Medieval Research CommitteeQuarto, 3pp no ISBN out of printonline 3 1955 The investigation of smaller domestic buildingsCBA Post-Medieval Research CommitteeQuarto, 4pp,...
    Council for British Archaeology Back Catalogue
  • Museum and Gallery CPD

      Continuing Professional Development
    For advice and information about working in the Museum sector, take a look at the following information from the Museums Association website. The Museums Association is the leading voice for the museum sector. Their mission is to enhance the value of museums to society by sharing knowledge, developing skills, inspiring innovation...
    Museum and Gallery CPD
  • Museum Education

      Reading List
    Museum Education Reading List provided by the Victoria and Albert Museum Allen, D. A. 'Museums and Education.' Museums in Modern Life: Seven Papers Read Before the Royal Society of the Arts in March, April and May 1949, 86-106. London: RSA, 1949. NAL pressmark: 22.N.17 American Association of Museums. Excellence and...
    Museum Education
  • Library and Information Studies

      Continuing Professional Development
    Please note: the HA is not responsible for the content of external websites, and we cannot guarantee that all information on this page is current. University College LondonMA/Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information StudiesIf you want to progress in library or information work, you need a professional qualification, normally chartered...
    Library and Information Studies
  • Archives and Record Management

      Continuing Professional Development
    The University of Manchester gives the following advice on courses, careers and funding: Courses The choice for post-graduate courses is much more limited for archives and records management compared to those available for libraries and information studies. The Society of Archivists recommends just six: University College London, University College Dublin,...
    Archives and Record Management
  • Heritage Management & Education

      Continuing Professional Development
    1. Nottingham Trent University MA/PGCert/PGDip Museum and Heritage Management There is a need for multi-skilled, quality staff who combine a broad vision of the field in which they are working with practical expertise in the care and presentation of heritage. Their postgraduate heritage management courses combine the conceptual framework necessary...
    Heritage Management & Education
  • Museum & Gallery Courses

      Continuing Professional Development
    Museum & Gallery Courses
  • Volunteering in Heritage

      Briefing Pack
    How to: get a volunteering placement in heritage Rachel Clark, Volunteering Adviser, National Trust  has written a useful mini guide to getting a volunteering placement which can be found here... Volunteering with Heritage Organisations There are many different organisations across the UK dedicated to preserving our cultural heritage. If you want to...
    Volunteering in Heritage
  • Archives

      Briefing Pack
    1. Local Archives  Local Archives Offices contain an enormous amount of information including Census records, newspapers and property records. They are a useful point of call when either verifying information found on the internet or conducting deeper research beyond what is available on the main sources of family history such...
  • Podcast: Medlicott Lecture 2018 - Justin Champion

      Defacing the Past or Resisting Oppression?
    Podcast: Medlicott Lecture 2018 - Justin Champion