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  • Admiral Lord Mountbatten: man of science and royal role model

      Historian article
    Mountbatten was a controversial figure who died in tragic circumstances but Adrian Smith demonstrates that, behind his aristocratic facade, he was a very adept, talented and formative personality. Four years have passed since the re-opening of Broadlands, the Hampshire home of Lord and Lady Brabourne. The house was subject to...
    Admiral Lord Mountbatten: man of science and royal role model
  • Populism, Progressivism and Trumpism

      Historian article
    Populism, Progressivism and Trumpism: third party, inter-party and intraparty candidates in campaigns for the American presidency Michael Dunne explores the complexities of American presidential political campaigning over the last 200 years. Vox populi, vox dei. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Since these words were first...
    Populism, Progressivism and Trumpism
  • Earth in vision: Enviromental Broadcasting

      Historian article
    Joe Smith, Kim Hammond and George Revill share some of the findings of their work examining what digital broadcast archives are available and which could be made available in future.  The BBC’s archives hold over a million hours of programmes, dating back to the 1930s (radio) and 1940s (television). It...
    Earth in vision: Enviromental Broadcasting
  • Henry VIII

      Classis Pamphlet
    What shall we think of Henry VIII? However that question has been or may be answered, one reply is apparently impossible. Not even the most resolute believer in deterministic interpretations of history seems able to escape the spell of that magnificent figure; I know of no book on the age...
    Henry VIII
  • Film: Elizabeth I and Tudor Royal Authority

      Development of Tudor Royal Authority film series
    In this film, Professor Sue Doran, Jesus College, University of Oxford, looks at the two main challenges to Elizabeth I's authority: gender and religion. Professor Doran looks at the power of Elizabeth's personality, her relationship with her advisers plus the significance of religion and domestics politics to shaping her reign and...
    Film: Elizabeth I and Tudor Royal Authority
  • Film: Edward VI and Tudor Royal Authority

      Development of Tudor Royal Authority film series
    In this film Professor Steven Gunn, Merton College, University of Oxford, looks at the reign of Edward VI and examines the impact his youth had to his authority, the importance of advisers in shaping his rule and the significance of religion and foreign relations in defining his legacy.
    Film: Edward VI and Tudor Royal Authority
  • Film: Henry VII and Tudor Royal Authority

      Development of Tudor Royal Authority film series
    In this film Professor Steven Gunn, Merton College, University of Oxford, looks at the life and reign of Henry VII and examines the role and significance of religion, foreign relations, domestic politics and the nobility on Henry's establishment of the Tudor dynasty.
    Film: Henry VII and Tudor Royal Authority
  • The Coming of War in 1939

      Classic Pamphlet
    I. The Legacy of VersaillesThe Outbreak of a second world war on 1 September 1939 might have been expected to produce in due course a great controversy on ‘war guilt'. But there has been nothing comparable with the debate which took place during the 1920s on the 1914 issues. The angel...
    The Coming of War in 1939
  • Francis I and Absolute Monarchy

      Classic Pamphlet
    Francis I of France reign lasted for more than thirty years and coincided with movements as significant as the Renaissance and the Reformation. Text-books are apt to gloss over the domestic history of France before the outbreak of the Wars of Religion and convey the impression that Francis was more...
    Francis I and Absolute Monarchy
  • Ulrich Zwingli

      Classic Pamphlet
    The Reformation of the sixteenth century has many sides, and not the least significant of these is the contribution from Switzerland. How under the leadership of Zwingli, Zurich, Berne, Basle and St Gall broke away from Rome, how this led to civil war, how and why agreement with the German...
    Ulrich Zwingli
  • 1914: The Coming of the First World War

      Classic Pamphlet
    This pamphlet argues that the outbreak of the First World War represented not so much the culmination of a long process started by Bismarck and his successors, as the relatively sudden breakdown of a system that had in fact preserved the peace and contained the dangerous Eastern Question for over...
    1914: The Coming of the First World War
  • British Women in the Nineteenth Century

      Classic Pamphlet
    A short pamphlet surveying the historical record of rather more than half the population of Britain over a period of a hundred years must of necessity be sketchy and incomplete. The great interest in history of women which has arisen in the last few decades has produced a great deal...
    British Women in the Nineteenth Century
  • The Origins of Parliament

      Classic Pamphlet
    He who would seek the origins of parliament cannot proceed without knowing that this is, and this has been, a matter much controverted. English politics have very often been conducted in terms of what has passed for history, not least because they have so frequently revolved around the rights and...
    The Origins of Parliament
  • The Cromwell Discussions: podcast series

      The Cromwell Association round-table discussions
    On the 30th June 2015, The Cromwell Association, held a series of round table discussions at Selwyn College, Cambridge. This set of podcasts feature Professor Ronald Hutton of the University of Bristol, Professor John Morrill and Dr David Smith of the University of Cambridge and Dr Patrick Little from the...
    The Cromwell Discussions: podcast series
  • The Northern Ireland Question 1886-1986

      Classic Pamphlet
    The nature of the rights of majorities and minorities is one of the most intractable of the issues raised by the Northern Ireland question, especially since much depends on definitions. Ulster Protestants are a majority in that province but a minority in both Ireland and the United Kingdom, while Catholics,...
    The Northern Ireland Question 1886-1986
  • Iconic Images of War: photographs that changed history

    The recent photographs taken of US troops apparently abusing Iraqi prisoners-of-war in Abu Ghraib Jail have attracted attention across the world. Although it is too early to say whether these images will come to represent the essential character of the current Iraq conflict, they have altered public perceptions, producing doubt...
    Iconic Images of War: photographs that changed history
  • Christopher Hill: Marxism and Methodism

      Historian article
    Christopher Hill, the eminent historian of seventeenth century England, was a convinced Marxist throughout most of his long and productive life (1912-2003). He embraced this secular world-view when he was a young History student at Oxford in the polemical 1930s and never lost his ideological commitment, even though he resigned...
    Christopher Hill: Marxism and Methodism
  • Numismatics and History

      Classic Pamphlet
    Numismatics may be defined as the science of money in its physical aspects. It is only indirectly connected with the theory of money, which belongs to the sphere of economics. Its subject-matter consists of the material objects which in most societies are used to measure the worth of goods and...
    Numismatics and History
  • England Arise! The General Election of 1945

      Historian article
    ‘The past week will live in history for two things’, announced the Sunday Times of 29 July 1945, ‘first the return of a Labour majority to Parliament and the end of Churchill's great war Premiership.’ Most other newspapers concurred. The Daily Mirror, of 27 July, proclaimed that the 1945 general election...
    England Arise! The General Election of 1945
  • Votes for Women in Britain 1867-1928

      Classic Pamphlet
    This classic pamphlet takes you through the Votes for Women in Britain movement from its origins to its eventual success, following the case for women's suffrage presented, tactics and strategies, the anti-suffragist argument, party political complications, international perspectives, the Pankhursts and militancy, the revival of non-militant suffragism, the impact of...
    Votes for Women in Britain 1867-1928
  • Nazism and Stalinism

      Classic Pamphlet
    Is it legitimate to compare the Nazi and Stalinist regimes? There might seem little room for doubt. It is often taken as self-evident that the two regimes were variations of a common type. They are bracketed together in school and university courses, as well as text books, under labels such...
    Nazism and Stalinism
  • John Wesley at 300

      Historian article
    The tercentenary of John Wesley’s birth has been celebrated not just in his native country, but round the world – as widely, in fact, as the Methodism associated with him has spread. Over the years, in addition to innumerable biographies there have been many studies of particular aspects of his...
    John Wesley at 300
  • Religion and Science in the Eighteenth Century

      Historian article
    Much has been said about the clash between religion and science in Victorian times but there has been less research into the relationship between them in the eighteenth century. This article considers three Georgian clergymen who were also notable scientists – the Reverend William Stukeley, the pioneer of scientific field...
    Religion and Science in the Eighteenth Century
  • Cartoons and the historian

      Historian article
    Many historical books contain cartoons, but in most cases these are little more than a relief from the text, and do not make any point of substance which is not made elsewhere. Political cartoons should be regarded as much more than that. They are an important historical source which often...
    Cartoons and the historian
  • Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century

      Historian article
    First referred to by Richard Morton (1637-98) in his Phthisiologia under the denomination phthisis nervosa as long ago as 1689, anorexia nervosa was given its name in a note by Sir William Gull (1816-90) in 1874. Gull had earlier described a disorder he termed apepsia hysterica, involving extreme emaciation without...
    Anorexia Nervosa in the nineteenth century