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Found 58 results matching 'brief history' within Podcasts > Britain & Ireland > Medieval (Clear filter)
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Edward I and Magna Carta
Podcast Edward I and Magna Carta -
Magna Carta during Henry III's reign
Podcast Magna Carta during Henry III's reign -
Henry I and the Coronation Charter
Podcast Henry I and the Coronation Charter -
King John and Magna Carta
Podcast King John and Magna Carta -
Henry II, the Common Law and Becket
Podcast Henry II, the Common Law and Becket -
How did William I transform England and Wales?
Podcast How did William I transform England and Wales? -
The Origins of the Norman Conquest
Podcast The Origins of the Norman Conquest -
England's Immigrants 1330-1550
Podcast England's Immigrants 1330-1550