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  • Short cuts to deep knowledge

      Teaching History article
    Sam Pullan explains how a chance encounter has helped him to improve his introduction to the modern themes and founding documents of US politics. Working with a professional historian whom he met, by chance, over dinner, he was able to produce lessons at the cutting edge of subject knowledge to...
    Short cuts to deep knowledge
  • Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states

      Historian article
    In the 1960s and 1970s, historians and sociologists who were not specialists in the Middle Ages constructed models of pre-industrial crowds and revolt to understand the distinctiveness of modern, post-French Revolutionary, Europe. Foremost among these scholars were George Rudé, a historian of eighteenth century England and France, and Charles Tilly,...
    Popular revolt and the rise of early modern states
  • Henry VIII

      Classis Pamphlet
    What shall we think of Henry VIII? However that question has been or may be answered, one reply is apparently impossible. Not even the most resolute believer in deterministic interpretations of history seems able to escape the spell of that magnificent figure; I know of no book on the age...
    Henry VIII
  • Using this map and all your knowledge, become Bismarck

      Teaching History article
    Understanding the past is not an abstract exercise. Historical questions revolve around decisions made by real people under real pressure. As historians, we factor psychological pressure into our analysis. How, though, are we to enable our students to do the same? To study why Bismarck began a programme of overseas...
    Using this map and all your knowledge, become Bismarck
  • Late Medieval Taxation Records

      Historian article
    There are more than 23,000 medieval taxation records from England and Wales in the Public Record Office alone. For many years the vast majority of them have lain undisturbed in their archive boxes, but recent work is showing the true value of some of these as historical sources and making...
    Late Medieval Taxation Records
  • Polychronicon 121: interpretations of the American Revolution

      Teaching History feature
    Polychronicon is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition of 'Polychronicon'focuses on the interpretations of the American Revolution.
    Polychronicon 121: interpretations of the American Revolution
  • Polychronicon 120: The past as analogy in popular music

      Teaching History feature
    Polychronicon is a regular feature helping school history teachers to update their subject knowledge, with special emphasis on recent historiography and changing interpretation. This edition focuses on the interpretations of popular music.
    Polychronicon 120: The past as analogy in popular music
  • Podcast: The Life and Significance of Alan Turing

    In this podcast Dr Tommy Dickinson of the University of Manchester discusses the life and significance of Alan Turing. Please note this is only the first section of the full podcast which is available to HA Members Alan Mathison Turing, (23 June 1912–7 June 1954) was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician,...
    Podcast: The Life and Significance of Alan Turing
  • Nutshell

    This edition of 'Nutshell' examines the philosophical concept of the End of History.
  • Cunning Plan 94: Study Unit 2: Crowns, Parliaments and Peoples, 1500-1750

    Flesh and blood people bring history to life. Capture the interest of our Year 8 pupils by making sure they engage with human dilemmas and dangers. A focus on individual people as the starting point for enquiries helps pupils to tackle the ‘big' stories (overviews) and difficult concepts.
    Cunning Plan 94: Study Unit 2: Crowns, Parliaments and Peoples, 1500-1750
  • Podcast Series: Britain's Changing Population

      Podcasted history
    In Part 3 of our series on Social and Political Change in the UK we look at diversity in the UK and examine African and Caribbean UK History, South Asian UK History and British Chinese History.  The first set of podcasts feature Dr Hakim Adi, Marika Sherwood, Dr Sumita Mukherjee & Dr...
    Podcast Series: Britain's Changing Population
  • Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge

      Teaching History feature
    Secondary history ought to pay more attention to stones: 1. they are accessible, logistically and educationally, and highly instructive. The Neolithic is everywhere, and generally speaking, free2. venture outside the classroom, into real space or cyberspace, and you stumble into it eventually.3. Archaeological interpretation is an accessible way into aspects...
    Polychronicon 126: Stonehenge
  • Ants and the Tet Offensive: teaching Year 11 to tell the difference

    The history department at Morpeth School in East London has improved performance at GCSE. The department has also done something unusual: it has abandoned coursework. This might seem a surprising decision but the rationale is interesting and clear. Arguably, the fundamental examination skills are identical to those needed for coursework...
    Ants and the Tet Offensive: teaching Year 11 to tell the difference
  • Edwardian England

      Classic Pamphlet
    The Edwardian era is still less than a lifetime away. Yet the memoirs of surviving Edwardians, written any time between the nineteen-twenties and the nineteen sixties, have often made it sound like a remote epoch. The years between the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 and the outbreak of the...
    Edwardian England
  • Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution

      Teaching History article
    ‘Disastrous and terrible.’ For Arnold Toynbee, the historian who gave us the phrase ‘industrial revolution’, these three words sum up the period of dramatic technological change that took place in Britain across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We may not habitually use Toynbee’s description in the classroom, but it is...
    Cunning Plan 167: teaching the industrial revolution
  • How Nelson Became a Hero

    The fittest man in the world for the command' of the Mediterranean, Lord Minto declared of Horatio Nelson on 24 April 1798, following Nelson's inventive assault on Spanish ships off Cape St. Vincent. 'Admiral Nelson's victory [at the Nile]… is one of the most glorious and comprehensive victories ever achieved...
    How Nelson Became a Hero
  • Harold Son of Godwin

      Classic Pamphlet
    To lecture on Harold Godwinson, earl of Wessex, King Harold II of England, in the year 1966 at Hastings is a presumption. We appear to know much about him, and yet in fact there are many gaps in knowledge. Much information, so plausible at first sight, proves unreliable on closer...
    Harold Son of Godwin
  • A-Level Essay: To what extent does the art of the Edo period of Japan reflect the contentment of the classes within its society?

    The Edo period in Japanese history fell between the years 1600 and 1867, beginning when Tokugawa Ieyatsu, a daimyo (samurai lord), became the strongest power in Japan, and ending with Tokugawa Keiki’s abdication. The Tokugawas claimed the hereditary title of Shogun, supreme governor of Japan. (The emperor had become a...
    A-Level Essay: To what extent does the art of the Edo period of Japan reflect the contentment of the classes within its society?
  • Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8

      Teaching History article
    It seems that teapots really can talk. Eleanor Dimond took her undergraduate experience of studying material culture into the classroom, with startling results. Historians of material culture have developed distinctive evidential methods which, in stark contrast to typical GCSE and A-Level approaches, see a strong interplay between analysis of the physical attributes...
    Using eighteenth-century material culture to develop evidential thinking in Year 8
  • Peter the Great

      Classic Pamphlet
    No European ruler except Napoleon I has impressed both contemporise and later historians so profoundly as Peter I of Russia by the originality and the personal character of his achievements. Like Napoleon, Peter appeared to some observers, at least in his later years, as almost more than human. He seemed...
    Peter the Great
  • The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

      First World War News
    On Saturday 28th of June it will be 100 years since the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated with his wife Sophie in Sarajevo. As everyone knows or will know after this summer that assassination led to the start of the First World War. The young man who fired the...
    The Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
  • Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust

      Teaching History article
    Inspired by the work of the social and cultural historian Tim Cole, Stuart Farley decided to look again at the way he teaches the Holocaust. He wanted to focus on the geographical concept of place as a way of enabling his Year 9 students to build far more diverse narratives,...
    Using the concept of place to help Year 9 students to visualise the complexities of the Holocaust
  • A complex empire: National Archives Learning Curve takes on the British Empire

      Teaching History article
    Ben Walsh describes some of the rationale behind the construction of the new Learning Curve exhibition on the British Empire and, in so doing, makes a strong case for placing empire generally and the British Empire in particular at the heart of historical study for all teenagers. A complex and...
    A complex empire: National Archives Learning Curve takes on the British Empire
  • Podcast series & associated scheme of work: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion

      Ancient History
    These podcasts and the accompanying scheme of work provide an introduction to some of the key rituals of Ancient Greek religion. The podcasts are for advanced KS2, and KS3 students; Year 13 students (ancient languages) have also successfully used them for background, and they may be helpful in preparation for...
    Podcast series & associated scheme of work: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Religion
  • The origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

      Historian article
    On 29 January 1949 there was a debate in the British House of Commons. When Winston Churchill, the leader of the opposition, interrupted Ernest Bevin’s history of the Palestine problem he was told by the Foreign Secretary: ‘over half a million Arabs have been turned by the Jewish immigrants into...
    The origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict