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  • Bring on the iPad revolution

      Primary History case study
    The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic games celebrated change whilst demonstrating the challenges revolutions have on the world. From green pastures to belching chimneystacks, from post-war Britain to the World Wide Internet and text messaging, the way society interacts is changing at an incomprehensible rate. The same could be...
    Bring on the iPad revolution
  • The digital revolution

      Primary History article
    Developments in information technology continue at an extraordinary pace. Many young children will have little or no idea of what it was like to live in a world without mobile phones, computers and the Internet. Most children will regularly make use of devices such as smart phones, digital cameras and...
    The digital revolution
  • Overground, underground and across the sea

    Communication is at the heart of what it is to be human, and the British postal service has helped to shape the modern world as we know it today. From cryptic Victorian Valentine cards to a lion encountered on Salisbury Plain, there is nothing ordinary about the story of the post! The British postal service...
    Overground, underground and across the sea
  • Case Study: Historical information and the local community

      Primary History article
    The ICT revolution A paper register, a pink-lined A4 mark book and a written school log book are surely historical artefacts? The transition from paper to digital technology continues, changing the world of the classroom teacher whose working life like mine, began in the print age when digital-based education was...
    Case Study: Historical information and the local community
  • So was everyone an ancient Egyptian?

      Developing an understanding of the world in ancient times
    I will be honest – no child has actually asked me if the world was ever full of Ancient Egyptians! Having said that, by focusing on one part of the world, children are left with either this impression or the idea that nothing was happening elsewhere in the world. Clearly,...
    So was everyone an ancient Egyptian?
  • What your local Archive Service can offer to schools

      Primary History article
    Imagine a place where your pupils become detectives working on mysteries from the past such as the tale of Thomas Sargeant, a 15-year-old factory worker who died in a chemical works in 1898. Your local archive is bursting with stories about real people like this which can give children an...
    What your local Archive Service can offer to schools
  • Ancient Sumer

      Primary History article
    For many teachers and children alike, Ancient Sumer will be completely new. Although Sumer has always been an option for teaching about Early Civilisations, the fame of Ancient Egypt, as well as being a tried-and-tested topic, has meant that Sumer has perhaps been overlooked. There is little danger of failing...
    Ancient Sumer
  • From Home to the Front: World War I

      Primary History article
    Events which encapsulate family, community, national and global history provide rich opportunities for engaging children. Some of these draw on positive memories associated with past events: the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, how people responded to the first flight to the moon, the Millennium celebrations. Yet it is perhaps gruelling...
    From Home to the Front: World War I
  • Teaching Ancient Egypt

    Editorial note: This paper has two sections: first, a background briefing about Ancient Egypt with a timeline and map that introduces the second section's three teaching activities on: building the Great Pyramid of Giza; Hatshepsut, Egypt's great woman pharaoh; and Akhenaten and his attempt to revolutionise Egyptian religion. ‘Hail to thee, O...
    Teaching Ancient Egypt
  • The Maya: a 4,000-year-old civilisation in the Americas

      Primary History article
    Obscured by the fame of the Aztec empire or shrouded by a veil of mystery, the cultural history of the Maya has generally been misunderstood by the British public. Maya civilisation developed in a territory the size of Germany and Denmark together (nearly 400,000 km2). This vast territory shows three...
    The Maya: a 4,000-year-old civilisation in the Americas
  • Investigating the Indus Valley (2600-1900 B.C.)

      Primary History article
    In 1924 The Illustrated London News broke the story of a sensational discovery in the Indian subcontinent. Ruined mounds at Mohenjodaro and Harappa, 600 km apart, were forgotten cities of a lost civilisation. Nearly all we know about the Indus Civilisation comes from archaeology. What survives leaves many unanswered questions,...
    Investigating the Indus Valley (2600-1900 B.C.)
  • War memorials as a local history resource

      Primary History article
    War Memorials Trust (WMT) is the charity that works for the protection and conservation of war memorials in the UK. It defines a war memorial as ‘any physical object created, erected or installed to commemorate those involved in or affected by a conflict or war' (WMT 2009, ‘Definition of a...
    War memorials as a local history resource
  • The world on the wall: exploring diversity on Hadrian's Wall

    Built in AD 122 by the order of the Emperor Hadrian, the 73 mile (80 Roman miles) long frontier goes from Bownesson-Solway in Cumbria to Wallsend on the River Tyne. Since 1987, the area has been inscribed as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Site....
    The world on the wall: exploring diversity on Hadrian's Wall
  • Political literacy: citizenship through the English national curriculum's the Romans in Britain study unit

      Primary History article
    Hilary Claire raised fundamental issues about the relationship between History and Citizenship for the development of a sense of identity. Her paper stresses the importance of sceptical thinking, perspective, sequence and progression - the essential chronology that underpins pupil's education for citizenship in the timeframe that history provides...
    Political literacy: citizenship through the English national curriculum's the Romans in Britain study unit
  • A creative Egyptian project

      Primary History article
    Ideally when teaching history, teachers will look to deliver projects that will engage and motivate, hopefully making the hard work of being creative stimulating and rewarding, based upon questioning, enquiry, investigation of sources and reaching conclusions grounded in the evidence.Ancient Egypt is one of those history topics which, because it...
    A creative Egyptian project
  • Constructivist chronology and Horrible Histories

      Primary History case study
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. I chose Horrible Histories for this exploration of children's understanding of chronology because I thought it would be fun - and I approve of the Horrible Histories. They use sources, question sources, provide alternative interpretations and...
    Constructivist chronology and Horrible Histories
  • Scene shifting: Using visuals for chronology

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Vivid pictures from and of the past, its material culture, can be stimulating and effective tools for teaching chronology. Their use is not, however, straightforward. Children bring into school mental images and stereotypes about the past...
    Scene shifting: Using visuals for chronology
  • From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Allocated the task of researching and presenting ideas for teaching about significant Olympians, I thought: ‘Brilliant, this is the easy one'. How wrong can one be! I expected to be able to access a plethora of...
    From Champion to Hero: Engaging Pupils in a study of significant Olympians
  • Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Three curricular editions of Primary History, PH 50, Autumn 2008 , PH 53, Autumn 2009 and PH 57, Spring 2011 are directly relevant to teaching the Olympics. PH 50, Autumn 2008 History Education in the 21st...
    Primary History and planning for teaching the Olympics - four curricular models
  • Learning to engage with documents through role play

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. First let me say that I did not research the materials used or plan this lesson. For this I must acknowledge, with thanks, that this is the work of my colleague, Mike Huggins, and the senior...
    Learning to engage with documents through role play
  • Teaching about ‘these islands’ since 1066

      Primary History article
    This article builds on an earlier publication in Primary History Issue 89 which considered the history of ‘these islands’ before 1066 in the primary history curriculum. Both articles address the first aim of the National Curriculum which indicates that children should:  know and understand the history of these islands as...
    Teaching about ‘these islands’ since 1066
  • Case Study: Prehistory in the primary curriculum: A stonehenge to remember

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. An article in the Sunday Times newspaper on 7 December reported that Britain is to stop making nominations to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) for heritage sites to be granted World Heritage...
    Case Study: Prehistory in the primary curriculum: A stonehenge to remember
  • Using the back cover image: painted wooden police truncheon

      Primary History feature
    This painted wooden police truncheon dates from the reign of King William IV (1830–37). It is decorated with a crown and the letters WIVR, standing for King William IV. For some pupils, its function may be obvious, for others it may be mistaken for a rounders or baseball bat, or...
    Using the back cover image: painted wooden police truncheon
  • Ordinary Roman life

      Primary History article
    How do we make connections with past lives through authentic artefacts? My research evidence suggests that pupils do not really like having to imagine they are an evacuee or a Roman (for example), but do like engaging with and thinking about the reality of past lives. It has been surprising...
    Ordinary Roman life
  • World War I: widening relevance in the modern world

    Hayyan Bhabha introduces a project that is using newly-discovered documents to show the contribution of Allied Muslim soldiers in the First World War, with the aim of developing empathy, mutual respect and religious understanding in young children of all ages. At a time of rising nationalism across the world, where Muslims are...
    World War I: widening relevance in the modern world