Found 276 results matching 'french revolution' within Primary > Curriculum > Key Stage 2   (Clear filter)

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  • The importance of history vocabulary

      Primary History article
    Teachers and schools should surely be forgiven for quickly turning to the pages containing the ‘subject content' - within the new 2014 history curriculum - and finding out ‘what' they should be teaching. This is especially true for Key Stage 2 where children must now learn British history from the...
    The importance of history vocabulary
  • The Coronation of King Charles III

      Resources for Key Stages 1 and 2
    2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The UK is the only country in Europe still to carry out a coronation, a ceremony that has its roots in traditions over a...
    The Coronation of King Charles III
  • Siege coins of the English Civil War

      Primary History article
    Looking at the bigger picture and focusing on the local impact can excite primary school children and help them make a connection to a significant event. Combining it with a cross-curricular approach can be a great challenge. One such period is that of the English Civil War which started in...
    Siege coins of the English Civil War
  • Scheme of Work: Thematic study - Education

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (unresourced)
    Children can be introduced to the idea that educating children has a long history with many changes over time, sometimes with turning points and significant developments. This unit examines some ideas about change, e.g. the pace and nature of change, the impact of change and continuity. It draws upon content...
    Scheme of Work: Thematic study - Education
  • The true end of archaeology?

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Wow! The most magical words you can hear from a child. How do we get this wow factor? In my experience, archaeology is full of wow. It was Sir Mortimer Wheeler in 1954 who wrote...
    The true end of archaeology?
  • Using ICT in the Teaching of History

      Transition Training Session 2
    This is the second of 5 sessions arising from the 2005 KS2-KS3 History Transitions Project: Transition training session 1: Historical Enquiries & Interpretations Transition training session 2: Using ICT in the teaching of history Transition training session 3: Extended writing in history Transition training session 4: Joan of Arc - Saint, Witch...
    Using ICT in the Teaching of History
  • The Standing Stone

    ‘The Standing Stone’ story and the activities around it developed from several different starting-points. One was the requirement in the 2014 National Curriculum for history at Key Stage 2 for children to be taught prehistory, specifically about ‘changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’, with Bronze...
    The Standing Stone
  • The Stone Age conundrum

      Making use of a local site to develop historical knowledge
    History – the very word makes the primary teacher in me feel excited. There are simply so many variables, so many dark nooks and crannies of history to explore and so many different angles through which to draw in a class of eager young minds. Thanks to a wellexecuted history...
    The Stone Age conundrum
  • Learning Outside the Classroom

    In recent times, it is easy to recognize that there has been a general move towards promoting outside activities across all manner of organizations and groups. For instance, organisations such as The National Trust and Ordnance Survey are keen to promote outdoor experiences in their literature. An online presence advocates...
    Learning Outside the Classroom
  • Studying the Maya

    Most pupils like history, but some struggle with aspects of reading and writing – how can we make history more accessible? This article explores some ways I have found useful in engaging pupils of all abilities. It will focus on activities that might be used in studying the Non-European Society...
    Studying the Maya
  • Making the most of the post-1066 unit

      Primary History article
    Making the most of the post-1066 unit: looking at continuity and change over 10,000 years The ‘aspect or theme of British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066’ unit is designed to extend the period of study beyond 1066 to help pupils develop a coherent picture of British  history....
    Making the most of the post-1066 unit
  • Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England

      Primary History Article
    The Vikings will be familiar territory to many primary teachers. For many, therefore, this section of the history curriculum should cause fewer headaches than others. This does not mean, however, that it is all straightforward. This article contains a number of elements that teachers might welcome including a timeline of...
    Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the kingdom of England
  • Emerging historians in the outdoors

      Primary History article
    I love history and I love the outdoors. I often find myself wondering who has walked down the same worn cobbled path, or climbed the same rickety stile. I am intrigued about a toy car I found in the garden, and speculate about who it might have belonged to. I...
    Emerging historians in the outdoors
  • Why stop at the Tudors?

      Primary History article
    When deciding to teach the topic of Benin to my Year 5 pupils I was somewhat daunted by the fact that I had never taught it before, and I was determined that it be a meaningful experience which benefited their narrative, chronological and historical skills-based understanding of the subject. I was...
    Why stop at the Tudors?
  • Dora Thewlis: Mill girl activist

      Primary History article
    Dora Thewlis was born in 1890 in Yorkshire to a family of textile workers employed in the mills around the Huddersfield Canal. She followed her mother and elder siblings into the mill at the age of 10, earning around £1 a week. Dora’s family, and especially her mother, were very...
    Dora Thewlis: Mill girl activist
  • OFSTED, primary history and creativity

      Primary History article
    Co-ordinators concerns: OFSTED, primary history and creativity I'm told the emphasis in schools now is for a rigorous approach to history where the children are taught the main facts and features of history. I recall a time not so long ago when the whole curriculum was about creativity but surely...
    OFSTED, primary history and creativity
  • Oral history - a source of evidence for the primary classroom

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. To help children develop a more rounded awareness of historical understanding, they should have the opportunity to examine different types of evidence. The National Curriculum states that, "children should recognise that the past is represented and interpreted...
    Oral history - a source of evidence for the primary classroom
  • Music in the history curriculum

      Primary History article
    Music is a dimension of teaching history that is under used. Rosie explores key ideas about its value for teaching history. The first Aim of the proposed 2014 National Curriculum highlights the role of history: perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles...
    Music in the history curriculum
  • Using the back cover image: Mummified cat

      Primary History feature
    For hundreds of years, travellers to Egypt have marvelled at the amazing monuments evident throughout the country. The treasures of Ancient Egypt became more fascinating after  the discovery of the Rosetta stone in 1799, which led to the deciphering of the hieroglyphic language. Many Victorian explorers returned to their European...
    Using the back cover image: Mummified cat
  • Teaching about ‘these islands’ since 1066

      Primary History article
    This article builds on an earlier publication in Primary History Issue 89 which considered the history of ‘these islands’ before 1066 in the primary history curriculum. Both articles address the first aim of the National Curriculum which indicates that children should:  know and understand the history of these islands as...
    Teaching about ‘these islands’ since 1066
  • One of my favourite history places: Bournville

    One of my favourite places is Bournville Village in the south of Birmingham – every time I go there it feels as if I am entering a different world, away from the noise and bustle of the city. Less than five minutes' walk away from the tourist attraction of Cadbury World is the village...
    One of my favourite history places: Bournville
  • Creating the 'creative history' website

      Primary History article
    Editorial note: The role of ICT in the Digital Age is a major, perhaps even, the major factor, in enhancing creativity in the learning and teaching of history. This paper illuminates another dimension of ICT in the Digital Age and creativity. It shows how a teacher's creativity  has produced a...
    Creating the 'creative history' website
  • Case Study: Hit the net!

      Primary History case study
    Primary History's editorial team set me the challenge of seeing how useful ICT would be in my teaching. The challenge was timely, as I recently inherited a Year Six History class with its unit of work "Life in Britain since the 1930s". Having taught predominantly KS1, this invoked both feelings of...
    Case Study: Hit the net!
  • Local history and a sense of identity

    The history co-ordinator often finds some real challenges as well as opportunities in addressing local history in primary schools. The advantages are well rehearsed – making history relevant to the lives of the children and giving them an improved sense of identity and place through engagement with the ‘real thing’....
    Local history and a sense of identity
  • The history of medicine – warts and all – for Key Stage 2

      Primary History article
    The story of the history of medicine is HUGE! In fact, it’s a story within story within a story… You only have to note the substantial amounts that have been written on the subject in the past, to realise that this is a story that could baffle and perplex even...
    The history of medicine – warts and all – for Key Stage 2