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  • How to incorporate EYFS as a subject leader

      Primary History article
    As a subject leader you often have a lot on your plate and not always the time provided to do so. I have always been fortunate in that I have had support but I appreciate that in certain schools it can be difficult to fit everything in. Hopefully with this...
    How to incorporate EYFS as a subject leader
  • Assessment and feedback in history

      Primary History article
    Every year schools need to produce a statutory annual report for parents and carers, setting out ‘brief particulars of achievements in all subjects and activities forming part of the school curriculum’. This should include the strengths and developmental needs of each child. In a subject such as history, how do...
    Assessment and feedback in history
  • Tracking pupil progress

      Primary History article
    Assessment issues crop up with regularity in the pages of this journal. They have also been mentioned frequently in inspections and in the schools assessed for the Quality Mark. The problem with some of the recommendations is that they anticipate massive amounts of time and energy being devoted to it...
    Tracking pupil progress
  • ‘Not again!’ - an additional viewpoint on using railways

      Primary History article
    ‘Not again!’ I can remember my son muttering as his football thudded against the kitchen wall, ‘I went there in Year 2 and then in Year 4 and now I have to go there again in Year 6.’ He was referring to his school trips to the remains of the gunpowder factories in our village,...
    ‘Not again!’ - an additional viewpoint on using railways
  • How technology has changed our lives

      Primary History article
    This article links teaching about Sir Tim Berners-Lee to Changes in Living Memory and Significant Individuals and makes comparisons between Caxton and the impact of earlier developments in communications technology. It provides interesting topics for discussion about significance (pupils may be surprised by the idea that they are living through an exciting period of history at the moment). It even has the...
    How technology has changed our lives
  • Celebrate your sporting heritage

    National Sporting Heritage Day takes place on 30 September every year. It aims to support schools and other community organisations to engage withtheir local sporting heritage, explore the heritage on their doorstep, celebrate and share the information that they find and inspire children and young people to find out more....
    Celebrate your sporting heritage
  • Key Stage 1 local history through fresh eyes

      Primary History article
    Upon approaching this article on teaching the local history component of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 I decided to focus on one school, to look at what they normally deliver, and to put forward suggestions that could be used to enhance their existing unit of study. I visited Pencoys...
    Key Stage 1 local history through fresh eyes
  • Chronology: Developing a coherent knowledge

    Chronology: Developing a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain's past and of the wider world First, this article considers the reasons why it is essential for children to develop a chronological framework. Next it considers ways in which this framework is necessary for the development of the time concepts set...
    Chronology: Developing a coherent knowledge
  • Helping pupils to view historical film critically

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. Introduction: The teaching potential of film Films about historical events seem like the nearest thing we can give our pupils to a time machine. In commercial film, the physical appearance of the past has often been carefully researched, thus a snippet from...
    Helping pupils to view historical film critically
  • Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children

      Primary History article
    This article looks at the relevance of picture books in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a resource for introducing children to the idea of the past. Firstly examining its relevance to the Framework, Karin identifies some appropriate resources and how they can be used.  In particular, she links them...
    Using picture books to explore ideas around history with very young children
  • Pupils as apprentice historians (3)

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The Spring 2008 issue of this magazine, Visual Literacy, highlighted the excellent practice in using visual historical sources that exists in many primary schoolsWe should strive to preserve and extend this critical use of visuals, whatever...
    Pupils as apprentice historians (3)
  • Teaching about Remembrance Day in EYFS

      Primary History article
    Remembrance Day (11 November) is an important time for children to learn about how we choose to both represent and remember significant events in the past. Within EYFS, learning about remembrance most obviously lends itself to Understanding the World – with a focus on children making connections between past and present,...
    Teaching about Remembrance Day in EYFS
  • Subject leader’s site: assessment and feedback

      Primary History article
    Very few teachers prefer assessment to teaching yet the latter has little point if there is no way of knowing that what we teach is beneficial to our pupils.  The problem is that there is no such thing as perfect assessment and feedback. For example, you cannot assess everything –...
    Subject leader’s site: assessment and feedback
  • Historical fiction: it’s all made up, isn’t it?

      Primary History article
    One of the hardest things for children to develop in history is a sense of period. What was it really like to live in a Stone Age house for example, to get up every morning knowing if you didn’t collect food or hunt something then there would be nothing to...
    Historical fiction: it’s all made up, isn’t it?
  • Pupil voice: Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1

      Primary History article
    Why is pupil voice important? Children are at the centre of everything we do and safeguarding their well-being and ensuring their progress across the curriculum is a key emphasis for schools. Recognising the importance of pupil voice in this is key. Robin Alexander’s Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk (2017)...
    Pupil voice: Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1
  • Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity

      Primary History resource
    This free summer resource for primary members is designed to help primary subject leaders and teachers consider the implications of developing a school policy for teaching of diversity in history. This comprehensive guide provides timely advice and considers questions associated with teaching diversity and provides a rationale for its essential role in providing an understanding...
    Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity
  • It worked for me: investing in dialogue as a tool for assessment

      Primary History feature
    The school in which I work serves a community of locals and expats and follows the English National Curriculum. Situated in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, we are one of a growing number of international schools in the area. It is five form entry and only opened in 2009....
    It worked for me: investing in dialogue as a tool for assessment
  • Women in parliament since 1918

      Primary History article
    At the 1918 election just one woman, Constance Markievicz, won a seat, in Dublin, for Sinn Fein. She was in prison at the time. At the time, of course, the whole of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. All 73 Sinn Fein MPs refused to take up their seats, and...
    Women in parliament since 1918
  • It worked for me: Knights and castles

      Primary History case study
    For their 2016 summer term topic, Class 2 at Thrumpton Primary Academy learnt about medieval knights and castles. Their teacher was particularly excited when she found out about the choice of topic for the term, as she has a degree in history with a specialism in medieval history! We started...
    It worked for me: Knights and castles
  • How can we use significant anniversaries in our teaching?

      Primary History article
    Anniversaries enable us to draw out the significance of events and circumstances in the past in a number of ways. They can serve as a focus for assemblies, providing an opportunity to draw out work covered in history lessons or deal with topics which are outside what is covered in...
    How can we use significant anniversaries in our teaching?
  • Resourcing primary history: How to avoid going for any old thing

      Primary History article
    The recent survey of history teaching in primary schools conducted by the Historical Association revealed that the majority of respondents felt that they were short of resources to teach the revised National Curriculum. Not surprisingly most schools look to find resources that do the job cheaply. It is a truism...
    Resourcing primary history: How to avoid going for any old thing
  • Planning for 'Changes within Living Memory'

      Primary History article
    While changes to the Key Stage 1 subject content are not as extensive as Key Stage 2 it is necessary to be aware of the changing emphasis within the different themes. ‘Changes within Living Memory' has a couple of key issues to be aware of. First, ‘living memory' refers to...
    Planning for 'Changes within Living Memory'
  • Whole-school planning for progression

      Primary History article
    The challenge for subject leaders and school leadership teams continues to be managing the tension between what history has to offer your vision for learning and your children's entitlement to a high-quality history education. The new national curriculum has ensured that this year you have had a close look at...
    Whole-school planning for progression
  • TREE-mendous history!

      Primary History article
    Since the nineteenth century there has been a rich heritage of outdoor learning pedagogy in Europe, and today in Scandinavia the open air culture (frulitsliv) permeates Early Years education. In 1993 Bridgewater College nursery nurses returned from a visit to Denmark enthused by the outdoor educational settings and started their own ‘Forest School'. From 1995 the college...
    TREE-mendous history!
  • Assessment and Progression without levels

      Primary History article
    The new (2014) Primary History National Curriculum is finally upon us. The first thing you might notice is that the level descriptions have gone. These were first introduced in 1995 and became the mainstay for assessing pupil progression and attainment in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 across schools in...
    Assessment and Progression without levels