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  • Making the most of a census

      Primary History article
    This article looks at how children can utilise and manipulate mathematical data to make sense of a historic past. The focus is on helping children see the numbers as a resource for understanding the experiences of those that lived in this place. Aim: Understand historical concepts such as continuity and...
    Making the most of a census
  • One of my favourite history places: Meldon Viaduct

      Primary History feature
    'One of my favourite history places' is a regular feature in Primary History – see all favourite history places here. In this edition, Tim Lomas explores Meldon Viaduct and its surroundings: Visiting places you have read about or seen pictures of can sometimes prove an anticlimax. Others far exceed expectations. One such is...
    One of my favourite history places: Meldon Viaduct
  • Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Death is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues that teachers encounter, linked inextricably as it is to identity. I think it sometimes escapes our attention that, as teachers of history, we constantly deal...
    Dealing with the dead: Identity and community - Monuments, memorials and local history
  • The creative history curriculum

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. Do you give in to bullying, stay loyal to your leader, admit your actions, betray your neighbours, challenge discrimination or just keep quiet? These were the issues faced by Year 4 children at East...
    The creative history curriculum
  • Here come the Vikings! Making a saga out of a crisis

      Primary History Article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What are your first impressions when you think of Alfred the Great? Perhaps it's the story of the heroic individual being humbled by burning the cakes or for those of a certain age, it may...
    Here come the Vikings! Making a saga out of a crisis
  • History and the early years: A view from the classroom

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. History gives colour and vitality to the curriculum. There are just so many engaging things to do. Without history there wouldn't be so much fun; whether in handling objects such as: the old wooden toys,...
    History and the early years: A view from the classroom
  • Emerging historians in the outdoors

      Primary History article
    I love history and I love the outdoors. I often find myself wondering who has walked down the same worn cobbled path, or climbed the same rickety stile. I am intrigued about a toy car I found in the garden, and speculate about who it might have belonged to. I...
    Emerging historians in the outdoors
  • Getting to grips with concepts in primary history

      Primary History article
    Perhaps one of the most perplexing aspects of teaching history is the fostering of conceptual understanding. History subject leaders often find this a challenging issue. Even if they have a decent grasp themselves, it can be difficult for others in the school who have to teach the subject. Over recent...
    Getting to grips with concepts in primary history
  • Using a house for your local history study

      Primary History article
    A house can be an extremely effective focus for learning about the past, giving us insights into changes to domestic and social life.  We can explore how different inventions (e.g. electric lighting, washing machines, televisions) have changed the way we live, and we can look at some of the ways...
    Using a house for your local history study
  • Using the back cover image: painted wooden police truncheon

      Primary History feature
    This painted wooden police truncheon dates from the reign of King William IV (1830–37). It is decorated with a crown and the letters WIVR, standing for King William IV. For some pupils, its function may be obvious, for others it may be mistaken for a rounders or baseball bat, or...
    Using the back cover image: painted wooden police truncheon
  • Scheme of Work: Significant Individuals at Key Stage 1: Ibn Battuta

      Primary Scheme of Work, Key Stage 1 History (unresourced)
    The history programme of study for Key Stage 1 requires pupils to be taught about: 'The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements, some of whom should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods.' In this unit, children are...
    Scheme of Work: Significant Individuals at Key Stage 1: Ibn Battuta
  • Scheme of Work: Ancient Greece

      Scheme of Work, Key Stage 2 History (unresourced)
    In this unit children use a range of sources to find about the life and achievements of the Ancient Greeks.  Through their investigations they find out about the city states of Athens and Sparta, warfare and seamanship, everyday life, beliefs, culture, and through Greek mythology, some of the key events...
    Scheme of Work: Ancient Greece
  • Riding along on my pushbike… exploring transport in EYFS

      Primary History article
    There is a myriad of opportunities for exploring the history of travel and transport in Early Years. You could focus on the Montgolfier brothers’ hot air balloon flight in the late eighteenth century, the invention of steam trains and motor cars in the nineteenth century, or even the space race...
    Riding along on my pushbike… exploring transport in EYFS
  • Trade and pilgrimage in the Abbasid Caliphate

      Primary History article
    The Abbasid Caliphate stretched from North Africa across to Afghanistan and the North West Frontier. Within the caliphate there were movements of people, goods and ideas. The golden period of this early Islamic caliphate was around 900 AD. As the caliphs were building a major trading empire across the Middle...
    Trade and pilgrimage in the Abbasid Caliphate
  • Tracking pupil progress

      Primary History article
    Assessment issues crop up with regularity in the pages of this journal. They have also been mentioned frequently in inspections and in the schools assessed for the Quality Mark. The problem with some of the recommendations is that they anticipate massive amounts of time and energy being devoted to it...
    Tracking pupil progress
  • To boldly go: exploring the explorers

      Primary History article
    Exploration and a curiosity about the world are key human characteristics that have shaped and continue to shape our behaviour. Nowhere is this more true than with younger children who relish the opportunity to investigate their environment and all it contains. Promoting this natural curiosity and introducing stimulating challenge should...
    To boldly go: exploring the explorers
  • Ordinary Roman life

      Primary History article
    How do we make connections with past lives through authentic artefacts? My research evidence suggests that pupils do not really like having to imagine they are an evacuee or a Roman (for example), but do like engaging with and thinking about the reality of past lives. It has been surprising...
    Ordinary Roman life
  • Elizabethan times: Just banquets and fun?

      Primary History article
    Although much of the Key Stage 2 history curriculum relates to the period before 1066, we are expected to include 'a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066' (DfE, 2013,p.5) This raises two questions:a) How can a post-1066 topic be related...
    Elizabethan times: Just banquets and fun?
  • Castles: distinguishing fact and fiction in the early years curriculum

      Primary History article
    Castles is a popular topic which fits well into the expectations for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum. This article focuses on suggestions for the EYFS but there are links in the resources section for Key Stage 1 articles previously published. If you are...
    Castles: distinguishing fact and fiction in the early years curriculum
  • World War I: widening relevance in the modern world

    Hayyan Bhabha introduces a project that is using newly-discovered documents to show the contribution of Allied Muslim soldiers in the First World War, with the aim of developing empathy, mutual respect and religious understanding in young children of all ages. At a time of rising nationalism across the world, where Muslims are...
    World War I: widening relevance in the modern world
  • Writing books for young children about the First World War

    It is hardly surprising that there are very few books for young children which tackle such a difficult subject as the First World War. In considering our approach, we knew we had to balance two distinct considerations – being absolutely true to the facts, yet, being sensitive to the effect of...
    Writing books for young children about the First World War
  • Why stop at the Tudors?

      Primary History article
    When deciding to teach the topic of Benin to my Year 5 pupils I was somewhat daunted by the fact that I had never taught it before, and I was determined that it be a meaningful experience which benefited their narrative, chronological and historical skills-based understanding of the subject. I was...
    Why stop at the Tudors?
  • What confuses primary pupils in history? Part 2

      Primary History article
    Part 1 of this article looked at some of the main areas of confusion that often characterise primary pupils’ historical thinking. Part 2 continues this theme by looking at three more key areas of misunderstanding and possible strategies to help improve their understanding: Confusion 4: Not really grasping how sources can be...
    What confuses primary pupils in history? Part 2
  • Using museum and heritage sites to promote higher-level learning at KS2

      Primary History article
    The Key Stage 2 Primary History Curriculum sets ambitious challenges for pupils: "…They should regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance. They should construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information. They should understand how our knowledge...
    Using museum and heritage sites to promote higher-level learning at KS2
  • How significant is the tragic story of the SS Mendi?

      Primary History article
    Historical anniversaries and events are often in the news, commemorated locally and nationally. I have found that getting the children involved in topics relating to these can really help them feel the importance of their learning, help them to appreciate the past and feel a sense of responsibility – a...
    How significant is the tragic story of the SS Mendi?