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  • Cunning Plan 105: Crusades enquiry

      Teaching History feature
    Jamie Byrom’s article ‘Using a concluding enquiry to reinforce and assess earlier learning’ (TH 99) offered a practical solution both to weak knowledge acquisition in Year 7 and to effective, worthwhile assessment. This enquiry follows the same model. The assumption is that pupils would be carrying out this enquiry at...
    Cunning Plan 105: Crusades enquiry
  • Triumphs Show 105: Year 9s respond directly to 9/11

      Teaching History feature
    Caroline Godsell describes the reactions and concerns of two Year 9 classes after the 9/11 attack.
    Triumphs Show 105: Year 9s respond directly to 9/11
  • Triumphs Show 103: Using active learning to motivate GCSE groups

      Teaching History feature
    Phil Smith demonstrates how active learning can motivate GCSE groups.
    Triumphs Show 103: Using active learning to motivate GCSE groups
  • Why Gerry now likes evidential work

      Teaching History article
    Phil Smith resurrects the lovable Gerry who was first introduced to Teaching History readers by Ben Walsh. Gerry now pops up in another history classroom, and, sadly, has had a few terrible teachers since Ben was looking after him. Phil brings Gerry back to the path of righteousness. Through an...
    Why Gerry now likes evidential work
  • Are you ready for your close-up?

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. We are often reminded that we remember little of what we hear and read but much of what we teach. The very act of teaching forces us to clarify our understanding and to process it...
    Are you ready for your close-up?
  • Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark!

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Simon Butler advances a strong case for ‘comments only’ marking. Good assessment, he argues, is about encouraging students to reflect on their current performance and take responsibility for their own progress. Assigning Levels to pupils’ work is often justified in terms of the generation of targets which...
    Question: When is a comment not worth the paper it's written on? Answer: When it's accompanied by a Level, grade or mark!
  • Confounding expectation at Key Stage 3: flower-songs from an indigenous empire

      Teaching History article
    In this article Nicolas Kinloch examines aspects of an indigenous empire: that of Aztec Mexico. He attempts to persuade a group of mixed-ability Year 8 students to examine - and question - some of the assumptions they bring to the study of this empire. Their attitudes reflect quite widespread beliefs...
    Confounding expectation at Key Stage 3: flower-songs from an indigenous empire
  • Teaching the Holocaust: the experience of Vad Vashem

      Teaching History article
    No institution is better known for its continuing work on the Holocaust than Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem. In this article Richelle Budd Caplan offers guidelines for teachers, based on its unrivalled experience. She demands that our teaching of this subject should aim to restore the identities of the victims. To do...
    Teaching the Holocaust: the experience of Vad Vashem
  • Revealing the big picture: patterns, shapes and images at Key Stage 3.

      Teaching History article
    It is easy enough to incorporate overview and depth studies into a scheme-of-work. Units are carved up into those topics that last for several weeks and those that are covered in one. Isn’t that enough to satisfy the requirements of the National Curriculum? Many teachers have gone much further than...
    Revealing the big picture: patterns, shapes and images at Key Stage 3.
  • Cunning Plan 178: How far did Anglo-Saxon England survive the Norman Conquest?

      Teaching History feature
    Cunning Plan for using the metaphor of a tree to help students characterise the process of change and engage with a historian’s argument. In this Cunning Plan, Eve Hackett sets out how she used a recent work of history about the Norman Conquest as inspiration for her teaching of Year...
    Cunning Plan 178: How far did Anglo-Saxon England survive the Norman Conquest?
  • 'Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'

      Teaching History article
    How can the Holocaust be represented? In this article, Andrew Wrenn takes as his example the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He helps teachers encourage pupils to get beneath the surface, and look analytically at the Museum itself as an interpretation of the Holocaust. Such an investigation provides pupils and...
    'Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?'
  • Cunning Plan 101: how emailing enhanced students' debating skills

      Teaching History feature
    Richard Harris and Diana Laffin describe how e-mailing enhanced their students' debating skills.
    Cunning Plan 101: how emailing enhanced students' debating skills
  • Elizabeth I: ‘less than a woman’?

      Historian article
    Tracy Borman examines the femininity of the Virgin Queen. Elizabeth I is often hailed as a feminist icon. Despite being the younger, forgotten daughter of Henry VIII with little hope of ever inheriting the throne, she became his longest-reigning and most successful heir by a country mile. In an age when...
    Elizabeth I: ‘less than a woman’?
  • Using metaphor to highlight causal processes with Year 13

    Alarmed by his students’ random use of causal language in their essays, James Edward Carroll resolved to help his students improve their understanding of causal processes. Carroll decided to introduce his students to the metaphors that historians use to describe causation in the historiography of the Salem witch trials. By modelling...
    Using metaphor to highlight causal processes with Year 13
  • Polychronicon 170: The Becket Dispute

      Journal article
    ‘The Becket Dispute’ (or ‘Controversy’) refers to the quarrel between Henry II and Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, which dominated English ecclesiastical politics in the 1160s. It was a conflict with multiple dimensions: a clash of Church and State; a prolonged struggle between two prominent individuals; a close friendship turned...
    Polychronicon 170: The Becket Dispute
  • A poodle with bite: Using ICT to make AS level more rigorous

      Teaching History article
    Diana Laffin describes two substantial ICT activities designed to strengthen both motivation and rigour in Year 12. In her first activity, she uses the power of ICT to develop a critical sense of audience. She shows how this can have a direct impact on improving performance in relation to examination...
    A poodle with bite: Using ICT to make AS level more rigorous
  • The Hopi is different from the Pawnee: using a datafile to explore pattern and diversity

    Dave Martin identifies the factors which led to new knowledge and understanding in a mixed ability Year 7 class. Not only did these pupils acquire greater knowledge of the native peoples of North America, they also learned transferable techniques for identifying and analysing pattern and diversity. Clear learning objectives led...
    The Hopi is different from the Pawnee: using a datafile to explore pattern and diversity
  • Trampolines and Springboards

      Journal article
    Frustrated by his pupils’ tendency to compartmentalise source analysis into two discrete parts of ‘source’ and ‘own knowledge’, Jonathan Sellin reflected that his use of scaffolds might be to blame. Inspired by recent work by teacher-researchers Hammond and King on the importance of secure substantive knowledge in the area of...
    Trampolines and Springboards
  • Cunning Plan 93: Study Unit 3: 'The Making of the United Kingdom 1500-1750'

    This unit contains complex concepts. It is distant from twentieth century life. The challenge is to understand power struggles between King and Parliament, a changing society and a religious upheaval. How do we interest students in religion when they live in a society in which religion takes a back seat?
    Cunning Plan 93: Study Unit 3: 'The Making of the United Kingdom 1500-1750'
  • Cunning Plan 102: measuring and understanding progress

    Steven Barnes provides an innovative method for measuring and understanding progress.
    Cunning Plan 102: measuring and understanding progress
  • Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance

    In this article Kerry Apps introduces students to the significance of the witch-hunts in the modern era, at the time when they occurred, and in the middle of the eighteenth century. She presents her rationale for choosing the witch-hunts as a focus for the study of significance, and shows how her thinking about her teaching has evolved through her evaluation of her students’...
    Myths and Monty Python: using the witch-hunts to introduce students to significance
  • Cunning Plan 92: The Weimar Republic

    Teaching the Weimar Republic is rather like teaching the voyage of the Titanic. However much you stress the strengths of the Weimar vessel, they just can't wait to see it sink into the Nazi sea. I have found this problem to be so bad that many of them perceive the...
    Cunning Plan 92: The Weimar Republic
  • Cunning Plan 166: developing an enquiry on the First Crusade

      Teaching History feature
    "What shall I say next? We were all indeed huddled together like sheep in a fold, trembling and frightened, surrounded on all sides by enemies so that we could not turn in any direction. It was clear to us that this had happened because of our sins. A great clamour rose to the sky, not...
    Cunning Plan 166: developing an enquiry on the First Crusade
  • Exploring the importance of local visits in developing wider narratives of change and continuity

      Rethinking religious rollercoasters
    The authors of this article take a well-known structural framework for students’ thinking about the Reformation and give it a twist. Their Tudor religious rollercoaster is informed by local visits in their setting in Guernsey – an area where the local picture was not quite the same as the national...
    Exploring the importance of local visits in developing wider narratives of change and continuity