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  • Move Me On 100: Deciding on lesson objectives

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Hugh Horsea, PGCE student, is having difficulty deciding on his lesson objectives  Problem:  Hugh is a few weeks into his first placement. He is enthusiastic and hard working and was successful in the first teaching tasks that he undertook. However, now that he has moved beyond directed...
    Move Me On 100: Deciding on lesson objectives
  • Holistic assessment through speaking and listening

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Giles Fullard and Kate Dacey wanted to enrich their department's planning for progression across Key Stage 3 with a strong sequence of activities fostering argument. They wanted an opportunity for students to draw together their...
    Holistic assessment through speaking and listening
  • Was the workhouse really so bad? An encounter with a cantekerous tramp

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Have you stuggled to find an invigorating, exciting local enquiry to motivate your Year 9 class ? How do you engage students in lively debate? This was the challenge for one Norfolk school who wanted...
    Was the workhouse really so bad? An encounter with a cantekerous tramp
  • Polychronicon 130: Dental, transcendental, regimental: Making Mangal Pandey

      Teaching History feature
    Have you stuggled to find an invigorating, exciting local enquiry to motivate your Year 9 class ? How do you engage students in lively debate? This was the challenge for one Norfolk school who wanted to develop a local study on the Poor Law and to create opportunities for students...
    Polychronicon 130: Dental, transcendental, regimental: Making Mangal Pandey
  • Move Me On 128: Assessment without Levels

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Meg Dawson is keen to find ways of recognising and recording students’ progress and achievements without resorting to ‘levels’.
    Move Me On 128: Assessment without Levels
  • Move Me On 127: Using PowerPoint as anything more than glorified chalk and talk

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Nat Turner is feeling confused and aggrieved about what is expected of him in using ICT in his teaching.
    Move Me On 127: Using PowerPoint as anything more than glorified chalk and talk
  • Cunning Plan 127: Abolitionist icons

      Teaching History feature
    What makes someone an Icon? A cunning plan to explore the relative significance of individuals involved in abolishing the slave trade.
    Cunning Plan 127: Abolitionist icons
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the long-term impact of the Black Death on English towns

      A Polychronicon of the Past
    In the summer of 1348, the Chronicle of the Grey Friars at Lynn described how sailors had arrived in Melcombe (now Weymouth) bringing from Gascony ‘the seeds of the terrible pestilence’. The Black Death spread rapidly throughout England, killing approximately half the population. While the cause of the disease, the...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the long-term impact of the Black Death on English towns
  • Move Me On 99: Struggling with just about everything

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Sophie Scholl, PGCE Student. is experiencing very seious just about everything. Problem: Sophie is approaching the end of her second school placement. It was clear from her first placement report that she was finding the process of learning to teach extremely difficult, but she displayed a...
    Move Me On 99: Struggling with just about everything
  • Cunning Plan 99: 'a world study after 1900'

      Teaching History feature
    This unit could still become a trawl through two World Wars and then the Cold War (if you don't run out of time). So, when reviewing your planning why not take advantage of being at the turn of a century? Ask pupils what will the twentieth century be remembered for?...
    Cunning Plan 99: 'a world study after 1900'
  • Move Me On 98: Marking & Assessment

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's problem: Bill Penn, PGCE student, is struggling with marking and assessment Problem Bill Penn is three weeks into his main school placement and making excellent progress. One problem, however, is beginning to emerge. He is being extraordinarily conscientious in his marking but is rapidly losing heart. He is increasingly...
    Move Me On 98: Marking & Assessment
  • Achieving progression from the GCSE to AS

      Teaching History article
    As the new specifications [as we must all learn to call them] arrive in schools and colleges, we must all grapple with the concept of a new qualification - a new AS representing an intermediate standard. What does AS involve? In what ways does it represent progression from GCSE? Angela...
    Achieving progression from the GCSE to AS
  • Move Me On 117: Putting her ideas into practice

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Mary is having problems putting her IDEAS into PRACTICE 
    Move Me On 117: Putting her ideas into practice
  • Move Me On 97: Having difficulty evaluating own lessons

      Teaching History feature
    Move Me On 97 This Issue's problem: Maggi Paton, PGCE student, is having difficulty evaluating her lessons Problem: It is the first term of Maggie's PGCE course and she is a few weeks into her first school placement. Initially, her mentor and other staff were impressed by her: she had...
    Move Me On 97: Having difficulty evaluating own lessons
  • Cunning Plan 97: A-Level: International Relations 1890-1914

      Teaching History feature
    'No war is inevitable until it starts.' Good quote. Not mine, but A.J.P. Taylor's. The outbreak of the First World War is a good way to test it! Did the statesmen of the day know the First World War was coming? Put another way, why was there no general European...
    Cunning Plan 97: A-Level: International Relations 1890-1914
  • Computers don't bite! Your first tentative steps in using ICT in the classroom.

    This article is for beginners. It will also provide perspectives and ideas for those training history teachers in the use of ICT for improving pupils’ learning. Drawing upon his experience in managing the HA’s NOF training programme, Alf Wilkinson outlines some practical activities that are ideal for getting the novice...
    Computers don't bite! Your first tentative steps in using ICT in the classroom.
  • Move Me On 123: Teaching Key Stage 3 only once a week

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Seb Cabot finds it hard only seeing Key Stage 3 classes once a week: he's struggling to build effective teaching relationships and tackle worthwhile enquiries. 
    Move Me On 123: Teaching Key Stage 3 only once a week
  • Cunning Plan 123: planning a school trip

      Teaching History journal feature
    School trips are a fantastic opportunity for learning, but they must be planned tightly. Each trip must be carefully justified – what will the students learn which they cannot learn in school? Is this sufficient to justify them (and you) having a day out of the classroom? Does the trip...
    Cunning Plan 123: planning a school trip
  • Move Me On 95: Becoming frustrated with A level

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Mary nightingale, PGCE Student, is becoming frustrated with her 'A' Level Teaching Problem: Mary Nightingale is in the third term of her PGCE course. Although her work with classes at Key Stage 3 and 4 is very successful, she is becoming increasingly frustrated with her A level...
    Move Me On 95: Becoming frustrated with A level
  • Cunning Plan 95: Medicine through Time

      Teaching History feature
    GCSE development studies require students to assess change over vast periods of time. How can we cover the content whilst ensuring that our students do not lose sight of the big picture? Look to your choice of big enquiries for the solution. Here is one efficient and motivating approach devised...
    Cunning Plan 95: Medicine through Time
  • Move Me On 94: Struggling to find questioning style to develop pupils' thinking

      The problem page for history mentors
    This Issue's Problem: William Cuffay, PGCE student, is struggling to find a questioning style which will develop pupils' thinking. Problem: William Cuffay is half way through the second term of his PGCE course and is showing considerable promise. He is thorough in his lesson preparation, and has a clear sense...
    Move Me On 94: Struggling to find questioning style to develop pupils' thinking
  • Move Me On 121: Teaching outside subject area

      The problem page for history mentors
    This Issue's Problem: Because of the demands of the modular structure on non-specialists, the school's Key Stage 3 schemes of work are extremely detailed, and include individual lesson plans that staff are encouraged to use or adapt depending on their level of confidence. Arnie began by relying on the plan...
    Move Me On 121: Teaching outside subject area
  • Move Me On 120: Teaching Citizenship

      Teaching History feature
    This Issue's Problem: Tom Payne is confused and concerned about the role he’s expected to play in contributing to the cross-curricular teaching of Citizenship.
    Move Me On 120: Teaching Citizenship
  • Cunning Plan 120: Berlin after 1945

      Teaching History journal feature
    Anna Hamilton and Tony McConnell have created a 'Cunning Plan' to tackle to the question, 'Why was Berlin such a significant theatre of conflict after 1945?'.
    Cunning Plan 120: Berlin after 1945
  • Triumphs Show 120.1 - Is music the answer to the Irish question in schools?

      Teaching History feature
    Ian Ollerenshaw shares with us a way to help GCSE pupils understand the complexities of the ‘Irish Question’ and start to empathise with diverse perspectives. He uses a medium – music – that is familiar to teenagers, beginning with their own music before moving on to songs specifically about Ireland.
    Triumphs Show 120.1 - Is music the answer to the Irish question in schools?