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  • Keeping the kids on school's attempt at helping sixth form students to engage in historical debating using ICT

      Teaching History article
    At post-16 level, keeping the ‘kids’ on message is critical. Teaching and learning must be focused on the relatively narrow goals of the examination syllabus, but set within broader historical and historiographical contexts. Students need to how know, and where, to fit their ideas into those of existing historians. Ideally...
    Keeping the kids on school's attempt at helping sixth form students to engage in historical debating using ICT
  • Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Does new vocabulary help students to express existing ideas for which they do not yet have words or does it actually give them new ideas which they did not previously hold? James Woodcock asks whether...
    Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their casual reasoning
  • Cunning Plan 103: why did Henry VIII marry so many times?

      Teaching History feature
    This enquiry sequence was inspired by an Historical Association lecture given last year by Susan Doran entitled, ‘Why did Elizabeth I not marry?’ Through its 14-19 conferences, sections of this journal and local branch activity, the Historical Association has started to secure stronger connection between up-to-date historical scholarship and classroom...
    Cunning Plan 103: why did Henry VIII marry so many times?
  • Teaching the history of women in Europe in the twentieth-century

      Teaching History article
    This article is based on Ruth Tudor’s book. The book is the collaborative result of a series of seminars and discussions which involved educators throughout Europe. Written with 14-19 year olds in mind, the approach explores how it is possible to investigate, to exploit to provide new insights and to...
    Teaching the history of women in Europe in the twentieth-century
  • Cunning Plan 98: Britain 1750-1900

      Teaching History feature
    Isaac Newton: ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction'. Learning that results from action and reaction deepens pupils' understanding of historical content and use of key study skills. It forces them to understand, to wrestle, to articulate, to challenge, to question. Getting pupils to act and react...
    Cunning Plan 98: Britain 1750-1900
  • Equiano - voice of silent slaves?

      Teaching History article
    Andrew Wrenn shows how a study of the life of Olaudah Equiano can support pupils’ historical learning in a number of ways. Not only is this a ‘little story’ that can help to illuminate or raise questions about the the ‘big picture’, it can also help pupils to reflect upon...
    Equiano - voice of silent slaves?
  • Teaching controversial issues...where controversial issues really matter

      Teaching History article
    This is the fourth in a series of Teaching History articles about teaching history in N orthern Ireland co-authored by Alan McCully. The first two articles (in editions 106 and 114) outlined teaching strategies to help pupils in N orthern Ireland understand and relate to complex and often controversial issues...
    Teaching controversial issues...where controversial issues really matter
  • Cunning Plan 126: What can Berlin tell us about Germany in the 20th century?

      Teaching History feature
    Berlin is a microcosm of twentieth century European history; a city that still bears many of the signs and scars of its experiences and upheavals. It is a must for any history department teaching the Modern World, taking history out of the textbooks and breathing life into it. All pupils...
    Cunning Plan 126: What can Berlin tell us about Germany in the 20th century?
  • The Tenth Grade tells Bismarck what to do: using structured role-play to eliminate hindsight in assessing historical motivation

      Teaching History article
    Neomi Shiloah and Edna Shoham show how history teachers in Israel have begun to move away from traditional talk-and-chalk based teaching. They describe a blend of role-play and ICT that not only grabs pupils’ attention and caters for different styles of learning but also helps pupils to appreciate the difficulties...
    The Tenth Grade tells Bismarck what to do: using structured role-play to eliminate hindsight in assessing historical motivation
  • Teaching History 21

    Editorial, page 2 The Contributors, page 2 Children's Inductive Historical Thought: an Interim Report from a Current Research Project - Martin Booth, page 3 Classified Advertisements, page 8 An Approach to Learning History in Primary Schools - R. N. Hallam, page 9 Young Children and the Past - Joan Blyth,...
    Teaching History 21
  • Teaching History 27

    Editorial, page 2 Notes on contributors, page 2 Oral History and the Raj - Andrew Reekes, page 4 Programmed Learning and Guided Learning in History - Brian Garvey, page 7 From a Victorian Scrapheap - David Jeremy, page 10 Simulations and Computers - Richard Ennals, page 13 Mr Polly's History,...
    Teaching History 27
  • Promote the past, celebrate the present: putting your history department in the news

      Teaching History article
    Dan Collins urges history teachers to promote both their subject and their department in the local press. Drawing on his experience of a history department in a large, mixed, multi-cultural comprehensive school in West London, Dan argues that there are many opportunities available, from national anniversaries to the success of...
    Promote the past, celebrate the present: putting your history department in the news
  • Triumphs Show 156: Fresh perspectives on the First World War

      Teaching History feature: celebrating and sharing success
    Year 9 think they know a lot about the First World War. After all, they read Michael Morpurgo's novel Private Peaceful in their English lessons all the way back in Year 7, they've seen Blackadder so many times they can recite it, and in the centenary year of the war's...
    Triumphs Show 156: Fresh perspectives on the First World War
  • Ensuring progression continues into GCSE: let's not do for our pupils with our plan of attack

      Teaching History article
    Dale Banham continues a theme explored by many other teacher-authors in recent years, how to ensure that progression does not just stop in Year 9, leaving pupils stagnant in key areas of historical learning before getting picked up again in Year 12. He produces a more thorough rationale and commentary...
    Ensuring progression continues into GCSE: let's not do for our pupils with our plan of attack
  • Polychronicon 142: 'instructive reversals' - (re)interpreting the 1857 events in Northern India

      Teaching History feature
    The dramatic, chaotic and violent events that took place in Northern India in 1857/8 have been interpreted in many ways, as, for example, the ‘Indian Mutiny', the ‘Sepoy War' and the ‘First Indian War of Independence'. The tales that have been told about these events have been profoundly shaped, however,...
    Polychronicon 142: 'instructive reversals' - (re)interpreting the 1857 events in Northern India
  • A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing

      Teaching History article
    Unusually, instead of moving from a narrative to an analytic structure, David Waters moves his pupils from causal analysis to narrative. By the time pupils are ready to produce their storyboard narrative, their thinking about the Great Fire has been shaped and re-shaped not only by structural exercises and argument...
    A most horrid malicious bloody flame: using Samuel Pepys to improve Year 8 boys' historical writing
  • The Evacuee Letter Exchange Project: using audience-centred writing to improve progression from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3

      Teaching History article
    Jenny Parsons' work in primary-secondary liaison in history is nationally acclaimed. She is often asked to share her department's practice at courses and conferences. Readers of Teaching History are already familiar with her work in another area: in the ‘Triumphs Show' of Teaching History 93 (the ICT edition in November...
    The Evacuee Letter Exchange Project: using audience-centred writing to improve progression from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3
  • Educational visits to Holocaust-related sites

      Teaching History article
    Kay Andrews, former history teacher and expert in Holocaust teacher education, relates how she found herself questioning the impact and purpose of overseas site visits for students. She raises questions about whether the typical eastern European destinations that dominate Holocaust-related travel are the most appropriate for student learning. She also...
    Educational visits to Holocaust-related sites
  • English, history and song in Year 9: mixing enquiries for a cross-curricular approach to teaching the most able

      Teaching History article
    Several articles in previous editions of Teaching History have touched on the themes of crosscurricularity, Assessment for Learning and the most able. Tony McConnell and Mandy Monaghan bring these themes together in describing how the English and history departments in their school have taken advantage of a natural area of...
    English, history and song in Year 9: mixing enquiries for a cross-curricular approach to teaching the most able
  • Seeing, hearing and doing the renaissance (Part 2)

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. In the last edition of Teaching History, Maria Osowiecki described in detail the fourth lesson in a five-lesson enquiry entitled: What was remarkable about the Renaissance? She also shared her resources for two lively, interactive...
    Seeing, hearing and doing the renaissance (Part 2)
  • It's a lot harder than politics'...students' experience of history at Advanced Level

      Teaching History article
    Does the experience of studying history in the sixth form prepare students adequately for study at university? There is plenty of attention given to the issue of continuity across the Key Stages but much less attention given to the transition from school into higher education. It is largely assumed that...
    It's a lot harder than politics'...students' experience of history at Advanced Level
  • 'Picture This': A simple technique to teach complex concepts

      Teaching History article
    When Peter Clements was introduced to the creative strategy that he describes in this article, his immediate reaction was to dismiss it as childish and trivial. Yet, upon closer examination, he realised that ‘Picture This' offered far more than a lively way of increasing variety and engagement in his GCSE...
    'Picture This': A simple technique to teach complex concepts
  • Polychronicon 137: Bringing space travel down to Earth

      Teaching History feature
    It nearly began like this: ‘On Christmas Eve 1968, two episcopalians and a Roman Catholic were in orbit around the Moon.' I was writing a book called Earthrise, about the first views of Earth from space. Most other books about the Apollo programme of the 1960s and 1970s took an...
    Polychronicon 137: Bringing space travel down to Earth
  • Cunning Plan 143: enquiries about the British empire

      Teaching History journal feature
    I wanted to give my Year 8 students ownership of their work on the British Empire by allowing them to suggest our ‘enquiry question'. In order to introduce the Empire, I brought in sugar, spices, bananas, chilli peppers and cotton. I then showed maps demonstrating the Empire at its height....
    Cunning Plan 143: enquiries about the British empire
  • Teaching History 26

    Editorial, page 2 Contributors, page 3 Trainee Teachers of History and Infants as Learners - John Fines, page 3 Howler of the Year Competition, page 5 A Castle in a Classroom - Carole Taylor and Joan Allmark, page 6 Indian Village: a Simulation Exercise - Thomas F. Willer and Bruce...
    Teaching History 26