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  • Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13

      Teaching History article
    Thinking skills’ is a term that has been substantially over-used. It often seems to be rather a lazy shorthand for justifying the teaching of history by suddenly bolting on some ‘thinking’ - as if history is not all about thought in the first place. Arthur Chapman suggests using techniques from...
    Asses, archers and assumptions: strategies for improving thinking skills in history in Years 9 to 13
  • 'Didn't we do that in Year 7?' Planning for progress in evidential understanding

      Teaching History article
    Christine Counsell describes a lively activity, ideal for Year 9, in which pupils compare and interrelate a collection of sources. The activity leads pupils into thinking about the sources as a collection, and about the enquiry as an evidential problem. Or at least it can do. The article discusses the...
    'Didn't we do that in Year 7?' Planning for progress in evidential understanding
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 152: Describing Progression

      Teaching History feature
    'New, Novice or Nervous?' is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Every problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don't exist. But if you discover others' writing, you'll soon find - and want to join - something better: an international conversation...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 152: Describing Progression
  • Inventing race? Using primary sources to investigate the origins of racial thinking in the past

      Teaching History article
    Having been given some additional curriculum time, Kerry Apps and her department made decisions about what had been missing in the previous curriculum diet. Building on an existing enquiry (in TH 176), Apps decided to focus on how and when the idea of race in its modern sense developed in early modern...
    Inventing race? Using primary sources to investigate the origins of racial thinking in the past
  • Cunning Plan 165: Helping lower-attaining students

      Teaching History feature
    My GCSE students were about to embark on their controlled assessment, which asked them to weigh up conflicting views on the British military’s contribution to the D-Day landings. Students were asked to engage  with a range of historians’ views and textbooks as well as some contemporary source material to assess...
    Cunning Plan 165: Helping lower-attaining students
  • Working with sources: scepticism or cynicism? Putting the story back together again

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Many history teachers will remember the feature on Jamie Byrom's teaching in Times Educational Supplement of July 1996 where he attacked the recent fashion of history textbooks for encouraging only short (and usually formulaic) responses...
    Working with sources: scepticism or cynicism? Putting the story back together again
  • Polychronicon 160: Interpreting 'The Birth of a Nation'

      Teaching History feature
    Controversial from the first year of its release in 1915, 'The Birth of a Nation' has been hailed as both the greatest film ever made and the most racist. On 8 February 1915, it premiered in Los Angeles as 'The Clansman', the name of the novel and play upon which...
    Polychronicon 160: Interpreting 'The Birth of a Nation'
  • Connecting past and present through the lens of enduring human issues: International Women’s Day protests

      Teaching History article
    While studying for his master’s degree in education, Arthur Casey became intrigued by research suggesting that analogies comparing past and present might improve students’ perceptions of the relevance of history. In this article he reports on the findings of his own small-scale research study, in which he used a present-day...
    Connecting past and present through the lens of enduring human issues: International Women’s Day protests
  • Move Me On 184: struggling to see beyond tightly regimented teaching strategies

      Teaching History feature
    Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon...
    Move Me On 184: struggling to see beyond tightly regimented teaching strategies
  • Making rigour a departmental reality

      Teaching History article
    Faced with the introduction of a two-year key stage and a new whole-school assessment policy, Rachel Arscott and Tom Hinks decided to make a virtue out of necessity and reconsider their whole approach to planning, teaching and assessment at Key Stage 3. In this article they give an account of...
    Making rigour a departmental reality
  • Substantial sculptures or sad little plaques? Making 'interpretations' matter to Year 9

      Teaching History article
    Andrew Wrenn builds upon current, popular and practical work on ‘interpretations of history' analysed in recent editions. Using the public's responses to the temporary exhibition on the slave trade housed at Bristol City Museum, he offers a range of fascinating practical activities for Year 9 pupils. Many of these could...
    Substantial sculptures or sad little plaques? Making 'interpretations' matter to Year 9
  • Teaching History 42

    Editorial 2 History: A Most Crucial Element of the Curriculum, Gordon Batho 3 Report: Archives and Education in London 5 Towards a Nationally Agreed Framework I or the Teaching of Primary School History, T.D. Cook 6 Teaching Teachers: A Secondary History PGCE Course, Keith Jenkins 9 Bringing in the Horse,...
    Teaching History 42
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Royal Studies

      Teaching History feature
    ‘Royal Studies’ is much more than the study of kings and queens as individuals. It draws in their families, the institution of monarchy and monarchical government, court studies, relationships with the church, artistic and literary patronage, and more. While history ‘from below’ and studies of non-elite figures have enriched the...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... Royal Studies
  • A need to know: Islamic history and the school curriculum

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Nicolas Kinloch questions some of the principal justifications often advanced for teaching Islamic history in schools. In particular, he wants to move us beyond our concern with current events in the Middle East. He suggests that there are dangers in looking at Islamic history if it is...
    A need to know: Islamic history and the school curriculum
  • The teaching and learning of history for 15-16 year olds: have the Japanese anything to learn from the English experience

      Teaching History article
    What would you expect the differences to be between Japan and England in how pupils learn history in the post-14 phase? Perhaps your guess would be: Japanese school students learn a lot of historical facts and focus upon their own identity and English school students talk a lot more in...
    The teaching and learning of history for 15-16 year olds: have the Japanese anything to learn from the English experience
  • Developing transferable knowledge at A-level

      Teaching History article
    From a compartmentalised to a complicated past: developing transferable knowledge at A-level Students find it difficult to join up the different things they study into a complex account of the past. Examination specifications do not necessarily help with this because of the way in which history is divided up into...
    Developing transferable knowledge at A-level
  • Teaching the iGeneration

      Teaching History article
    Teaching the iGeneration: what possibilities exist in and beyond the history classroom? The development of communications technology in recent years has not only changed the ways in which students can access their world: it also changes the way they think about it. Sheldrake and Watkin draw here upon work that...
    Teaching the iGeneration
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 150: Getting pupils to see change over time

      Teaching History feature
    This page is the starting point for all who are new to the published writings of history teachers. Every problem you wrestle with, other history teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don't exist. But if you discover others' writing, you'll soon find - and want to join - something...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 150: Getting pupils to see change over time
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?

      Teaching History feature
    For such a boldly iconoclastic work, the Key Stage 3 textbook A New Focus on ... British Social History, c.1920–2000 (2023) provides a disarmingly conventional account of youth in the 1960s as ‘mostly better educated and informed than their parents had been at their age [and able] … to find...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... youth culture?
  • A search beyond the classroom: using a museum to support the renewal of a scheme of work

      Teaching History Article
    How many times have you been to a museum or a historical building or a significant place and thought that you want to capture some of its essence to bring back to your pupils? The challenges of geography, risk, expense and staffing can all act as limitations in the planning...
    A search beyond the classroom: using a museum to support the renewal of a scheme of work
  • Teaching History 41

    Editorial BEd Students at Work in a Middle School, Michael Gibson 3 Report: The First BALH young Historians' workshop, David Haynes & Ray Acton 5 BBC Educational Broadcasting and Irish History, Victor Kelly 6 Whose Class Is It Anyway? Ian Jones 8 Report: The Second National Conference, Sneh Shalt 11...
    Teaching History 41
  • Uncovering the hidden histories: black and Asian people in the two world wars

      Teaching History Article
    The stories we tell in history are often stories about ourselves. This can lead to tremendous distortion. Rupert Gaze was shocked when a young black student told him that there was no point in his studying the Second World War because it had nothing to do with him or his...
    Uncovering the hidden histories: black and Asian people in the two world wars
  • Potential and pitfalls in teaching 'big pictures' of the past

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Jonathan Howson summarises findings from the recent ESRC funded research project - Usable Historical Pasts - and suggests how its insights might inform continuing professional debate and enquiry concerning both frameworks and ‘big pictures'. In...
    Potential and pitfalls in teaching 'big pictures' of the past
  • Doomed Youth: Using theatre to support teaching about the First World War

      Teaching History article
    Many history teachers will have taken their GCSE pupils to School History Scene's Hitler on Trial for a rigorous and inspirational session, using drama, in preparation for the GCSE examination. Josh Brooman has now broadened the work of School History Scene by writing a new play, Doomed Youth, aimed at...
    Doomed Youth: Using theatre to support teaching about the First World War
  • Triumphs Show 108: Getting the whole school buzzing about history

      Teaching History feature
    It was the brainwave of the English department to bring in a script writer to work with Key Stage 3 students of the full ability range writing the lower school production. This was too good an opportunity for the history department to miss.
    Triumphs Show 108: Getting the whole school buzzing about history