Teaching History 97: Visual History
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
Evidential understanding, period knowledge and the development of literacy: a practical approach to ‘layers of inference’ for Key Stage 3 - Claire Riley (Read article)
How long before we need the US Cavalry? The Pittsburgh Conference on ‘Teaching, Knowing and Learning’. - Peter Lee and Ros Ashby (Read article)
Teaching History 97: Visual History
‘If you had told me before that these students were Russians, I would not have believed it’
Teaching History article
Bjorn Wansink and his co-authors have aligned their teaching of a recent and controversial historical issue – the Cold War – in the light of a contemporary incident.
This article demonstrates a means of ensuring that students understand that different cultures’ views of their shared past are nuanced, rather than monolithic – a different concept in philosophy as well as in...
‘If you had told me before that these students were Russians, I would not have believed it’
Placing history: territory, story, identity - and historical consciousness
Teaching History article
How do we relate to the past? Does it tell us who we are? Is it a source of examples to follow and mistakes to avoid? Or can we go beyond that to something genuinely historical? Arthur Chapman and Jane Facey argue that as history teachers we have a responsibility...
Placing history: territory, story, identity - and historical consciousness
Triumphs Show 129: Holding a live debate around an historical theme
Teaching History feature
Beheading Headlines: Holding a live debate around an historical theme
Studying the events surrounding the execution of Charles I is exciting on many levels: the first English King to be executed by his ‘people', the gory public beheading and the controversy surrounding the trial and verdict... But studying the Civil...
Triumphs Show 129: Holding a live debate around an historical theme
Teaching History 71
The HA's journal for history teachers
10 Bridge that Gap! Are There Opportunities within the National Curriculum to Promote Co-operative Work between History and English? - Ian Davies and Mary Bousted
15 The National Oracy Project - Hilary Kemeny
17 Oral History: Working with Children - Inge Cramer
20 Historically Speaking - Pauline Loader
23 Skilful...
Teaching History 71
Cunning Plan 134: local history at KS3
Teaching History feature
Question: How can we plan to integrate local history into Key Stage 3 schemes of work so that pupils are engaged by the relevance of the subject across different periods of time?
Local history can come in all shapes and sizes, from a large-scale oral history project to the perusal...
Cunning Plan 134: local history at KS3
Teaching History 124: Teaching the most able
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
06 Expertise in its development phase: planning for the needs of gifted adolescent historians – Deborah Eyre (Read article)
09 Duffy’s devices: teaching Year 13 to read and write – Rachel Ward (Read article)
17 Mussolini’s missing marbles: simulating history at GCSE – Arthur Chapman and James Woodcock (Read article)...
Teaching History 124: Teaching the most able
Dealing with the consequences
Teaching History journal article
Do GCSE and A-level questions that purport to be about consequences actually reward reasoning about historical consequences at all? Molly-Ann Navey concluded that they do not and that they fail to encourage the kind of argument that academic historians engage in when reaching judgements about consequences. Navey decided that it...
Dealing with the consequences
How including histories of trees can connect the past with the present and the future
Teaching History article
Barbara Trapani’s article sprung from, and is written in, hope. Through introducing the history of, specifically, Europeans’ relationships with trees in Madeira, the Banda Islands and Britain, Trapani enabled her Year 8 pupils to appreciate the ways in which exploitative nations have used irreplaceable resources and profoundly altered ecosystems and landscapes...
How including histories of trees can connect the past with the present and the future
Mussolini's missing marbles: simulating history at GCSE
Teaching History article
Arthur Chapman and James Woodcock have collaborated before: Woodcock extended Chapman’s familiar casual metaphor of the final straw breaking a poor abused camel’s back. Here, they collaborate more explicitly to suggest a means of teaching students to produce adequately nuanced historical explanation. Their two central ideas are to produce a...
Mussolini's missing marbles: simulating history at GCSE
Two Realms and an empire: history, geography and an investigation into landscape
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
The idea that subjects should abandon their ‘silos' and work together is bandied about currently a great deal - ‘subjects' and ‘silos' alliterate after all and so, of course, does the word ‘slogan'. What might...
Two Realms and an empire: history, geography and an investigation into landscape
Nurturing aspirations for Oxbridge
Teaching History article
An exploration of the impact of university preparation classes on sixth-form historians
Frustrated by the low numbers of students from her comprehensive state school who expressed any interest in applying to Oxford or Cambridge to study history, Lucy Hemsley set out to explore ways in which she might both inspire...
Nurturing aspirations for Oxbridge
Is any explanation better than none?
Teaching History article
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
What do we know about progression in historical understanding? In Teaching History 113, Lee and Shemilt discussed what progression models can and cannot do to help us think about measuring and developing pupils' understanding and...
Is any explanation better than none?
Assessment after levels
Free Teaching History article
Ten years ago, two heads of department in contrasting schools presented a powerfully-argued case for resisting the use of level descriptions within their assessment regimes. Influenced both by research into the nature of children's historical thinking and by principles of assessment for learning, Sally Burnham and Geraint Brown argued that...
Assessment after levels
How history teachers can support their own and others' continued professional learning
Teaching History article
‘If I wasn't learning anything new about teaching I would have left it by now!' How history teachers can support their own and others' continued professional learning
Katharine Burn has a longstanding interest in history teachers' professional learning - not just the ways in which experienced teachers can support beginners,...
How history teachers can support their own and others' continued professional learning
How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning
Teaching History article
How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning
Flora Wilson argues here for the importance of maintaining a fascination with history as an academic subject for experienced, practising history teachers. Just as medical professionals keep their knowledge up to date by...
How my interest in what I don't teach has informed my teaching and enriched my students' learning
Teaching History 121: Transitions
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
05 ‘It’s like they’ve gone up a year!’ Gauging the impact of a history transition unit on teachers of primary and secondary history – Geraint Brown and Andrew Wrenn (Read article)
14 Worlds in collision: university tutor and student perspectives on the transition to degree level history – Alan Booth...
Teaching History 121: Transitions
Historiography from below: how undergraduates remember learning history at school
Teaching History article
What do our students make of the history that we teach them? As part of an introductory module on historiography, Marcus Collins asked his undergraduate students to analyse the history that they had been taught at school and college using historiographic concepts. The results make for interesting reading. What do...
Historiography from below: how undergraduates remember learning history at school
Teaching History 98: Defining Progression
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
This issue deals with defining and examining the question of what constitutes progress in history. Using audience centred writing to improve progression from Key Stage 2 to 3, Steering your Ofsted inspector into the long-term reasons for classroom success, Using Key Stage 3 to improve performances at GCSE, Learning to...
Teaching History 98: Defining Progression
Can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?
Teaching History article
Patterns of genocide: can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?
Alison Stephen, who has wrestled for many years with the challenges of teaching emotional and controversial history within a multiethnic school setting, relished the opportunity to link her school's teaching of the Holocaust with a comparative study of other genocides....
Can we educate Year 9 in genocide prevention?
Move Me On 186: trainee provides little scope for students to use their knowledge in analysis/argument
Teaching History feature
Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon...
Move Me On 186: trainee provides little scope for students to use their knowledge in analysis/argument
Marr: magpie or marsh harrier?
Teaching History article
The quest for the common characteristics of the genus ‘historian' with 16- to 19-year-olds
Diana Laffin writes about historical language and explores how understanding different historians' use of language can help sixth form students refine and deepen both their understanding of the discipline of history and their abilities to practise...
Marr: magpie or marsh harrier?
Teaching History 86
The HA's journal for history teachers
6 Our History or Your History? - Gillian Wilson
8 The Constructive Use of Role Play at Key Stage 3 - Edwin Towil!
14 Why and how we teach history in schools: the case of the Roman soldier - Terry Haydn
16 In Search of the Missing Railway - Dave Welbourne...
Teaching History 86
Being historically rigorous with creativity
Teaching History article
After a Fellowship in Holocaust Education at the Imperial War Museum, Andy Lawrence decided that something was missing in normal approaches to teaching emotive and controversial issues such as genocide, a deficit demonstrated by recent research by the Holocaust Education Development Programme. As part of his fellowship, Lawrence created an...
Being historically rigorous with creativity
Polychronicon 150: Interpreting the French Revolution
Teaching History feature
For most of the last two centuries, historical interpretations of the French Revolution have focused on its place in a grand narrative of modernity. For the most ‘counter-revolutionary' writers, the Revolution showed why modernity was to be resisted - destroying traditional institutions and disrupting all that was valuable in an...
Polychronicon 150: Interpreting the French Revolution