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  • Cunning Plan 158: teaching about the history of the UK Parliament

      Teaching History feature
    2015 is something of a year of anniversaries. It is 50 years since Churchill's death, 200 years since Waterloo, 300 since the Jacobite ‘Fifteen', 600 since Agincourt, 800 since Magna Carta. Clearly every year brings around its own crop of anniversaries; this year just seems to have quite a few...
    Cunning Plan 158: teaching about the history of the UK Parliament
  • Teaching History 116: Place

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    This edition deals with how the purpose of history relates to the purpose of geography or how geography's shaping concepts fit into those of history. How do the two subjects strengthen each other? 06 Sense, Relationship, and Power: Uncommon Views of Place - Liz Taylor (Read article) 14 Cunning Plan: Geography...
    Teaching History 116: Place
  • Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica

      Teaching History article
    After discussing a new book about the Mexica (Aztecs) during a routine meeting with a trainee teacher, Niamh Jennings decided to construct a sequence of lessons around the history of the Mexica Empire. Struck by the vivid storytelling of historian Camilla Townsend in her book Fifth Sun, and fascinated by...
    Year 7 challenge stereotypes about the Mexica
  • What’s the wisdom on… enquiry questions

      Teaching History feature
    One way of explaining what is meant by an enquiry question is to start with what it is not. What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. It...
    What’s the wisdom on… enquiry questions
  • Teaching History 102: Inspiration and Motivation

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Learning to love history: preparation of non-specialist primary school teachers to teach history, Finding voices in the past: exploring identity through the biography of a house, Getting pupils to track their own thinking and much more... Why Gerry now likes evidential work - Phil Smith (Read article) Teaching pupils how...
    Teaching History 102: Inspiration and Motivation
  • Time's arrows? Using a dartboard scaffold to understand historical action

      Teaching History article
    Arthur Chapman presents a task-specific scaffold - a ‘dart' board - designed to teach students how to interrogate sources of information so that these become sources of evidence for particular claims about past actions, beliefs and aims. Chapman also uses his ‘dart' board to foster students' reflection on the degrees of...
    Time's arrows? Using a dartboard scaffold to understand historical action
  • Move Me On 194: dealing with students’ current concerns when teaching the history of climate change

      Teaching History feature
    Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon...
    Move Me On 194: dealing with students’ current concerns when teaching the history of climate change
  • Developing independent learning with Year 7

      Teaching History article
    Jaya Carrier’s decision to focus on developing a more independent  approach to learning in history at Key Stage 3 was prompted by concerns about her A-level students. In seeking to establish secure foundations for students’ own historical research, Carrier first examined the assumptions of her colleagues and her students. She...
    Developing independent learning with Year 7
  • Counterfactual Reasoning: Comparing British and French History

      Teaching History article
    Year 8 use counterfactual reasoning to explore place and social upheaval in eighteenth-century France and Britain Two linked motivations inspired Ellen Buxton's research study: she wanted pupils to make connections between British and French history and she wanted to explore the potential of counter-factual reasoning within a causation enquiry. It...
    Counterfactual Reasoning: Comparing British and French History
  • Helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house

      Teaching History article
    A host of histories: helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house Described by the author Monica Ali as a building that ‘sparks the imagination and sparks conversations', 19 Princelet Street, now a Museum of Diversity and Immigration, captivated the imagination of teacher David Waters. He...
    Helping Year 9s explore multiple narratives through the history of a house
  • Teaching History 132: Historians in the Classroom

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 Obituary: Martin Hunt 1936-2007   04 HA Secondary News 05 Cultivating curiosity about complexity: what happens when Year 12 start to read Orlando Figes’ The Whisperers? – Laura Bellinger (Read article) 16 ‘Billy plays the drums but Lizzie cannot play.’ Will music-making help them both anyway? Year...
    Teaching History 132: Historians in the Classroom
  • Move Me On 182: thinks that substantive knowledge is all that matters

      Teaching History feature
    Lina Power has interpreted an emphasis on knowledge organisers and factual knowledge tests to mean that substantive knowledge is all that matters. Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical...
    Move Me On 182: thinks that substantive knowledge is all that matters
  • ‘Man, people in the past were indeed stupid’

      Teaching History journal article
    In this article, which is based on Huijgen’s PhD dissertation Balancing between the past and the present, Tim Huijgen and Paul Holthuis present the results of an experimental method of teaching 14–16-year-old students to contextualise their historical studies in a different way. In the four lessons described, students’ initial reactions...
    ‘Man, people in the past were indeed stupid’
  • Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum

      Teaching History article
    Making a passionate case for teaching Black British history in the secondary school curriculum, Hannah shares here the personal journey she has travelled in planning for Black British history in her curriculum. She cites her inspirations and offers striking examples to illustrate her rationale and approach to teaching this history....
    Putting black into the Union Jack: weaving Black history into the Year 7 to 9 curriculum
  • Teaching History 103: Puzzling History

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    This edition looks at two types of puzzles: first, those we tackle as historians, puzzles about the past and, second, those puzzles that occured for people living in the past, puzzles form their perspectives - dilemmas, decisions and judgements that require us to imagine ourselves into their situation in a...
    Teaching History 103: Puzzling History
  • Teaching History 70

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    9 Change and Continuity: Some Reflections on the First Year's Implementation of Key Stage 3 History in the National Curriculum -  Robert Phillips  13 Implementing the National Curriculum, Term 1 - Ruth Watts  17 History Tasks at Key Stage 3: A Survey from Five Schools - Peter D. John  20...
    Teaching History 70
  • Maps, ICT and History: A revolution in learning

    Lez Smart outlines exciting new developments in digitalisation of maps which could transform pupils' work on continuity and change, on diversity of society, on local history and much more. Above all, he shows how easy to use (and how cheap!) this new resource will be. Lez Smart explains the opportunities...
    Maps, ICT and History: A revolution in learning
  • Lenses, mirrors and bridges: one department’s holistic approach to diversifying and decolonising local history

      Teaching History article
    As was the case for many heads of history, Jack Brown was prompted by the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 to reflect afresh on the content and questions asked within his school’s history curriculum, paying particular attention to local history. In this article he sets out the principles and...
    Lenses, mirrors and bridges: one department’s holistic approach to diversifying and decolonising local history
  • Polychronicon 164: The End of the Cold War

      Teaching History feature
    A quarter-century on from 1989-91, with a large amount of archive and media material available, these epic years are ripe for historical analysis. Yet their proximity to our time also throws up challenging questions about the practice of ‘contemporary history’, and the complexity of events raises larger issues about how...
    Polychronicon 164: The End of the Cold War
  • Helping Year 8 to understand historians’ narrative decision-making

      Teaching History article
    While previous work on historical interpretations has focused students’ attention on the particular questions that historians have been asking or the context in which they have been posing those questions, less attention has been paid to the process of historical narration itself – the decisions that are made in telling...
    Helping Year 8 to understand historians’ narrative decision-making
  • The how of history: using old and new textbooks in the classroom to develop disciplinary knowledge

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What are textbooks for and how do we think of them? As inevitably partial views of the past that reflect their purpose and moment of construction and their authors' location in physical and ideological time...
    The how of history: using old and new textbooks in the classroom to develop disciplinary knowledge
  • Designing an enquiry in a challenging setting

      Teaching History article
    The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) is a Cyprus-based organization that works to foster dialogue among history teachers and other educators across the divide in Cyprus. In one of their UN-funded projects, ADHR members worked with UK colleagues to shape a lesson sequence and resources on the Ottoman period...
    Designing an enquiry in a challenging setting
  • Cunning Plan 151: When and for whom has 1688 been 'Glorious'?

      Teaching History feature
    This enquiry is about how interpretations are formed and why they change. It aims to show Year 9, right at the end of their study of British history, the ways in which meanings of 1688 have shifted over time. It will test students' knowledge and strengthen their chronology of 300...
    Cunning Plan 151: When and for whom has 1688 been 'Glorious'?
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the consequences of the industrial revolution

      Teaching History feature
    The British industrial revolution stands out as a pivotal moment in human history. Its timing, causes and consequences have all been major topics of historical enquiry for well over one hundred years. Many of the great Victorian commentators – Engels, Dickens, Blake to name a few – who lived through...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the consequences of the industrial revolution
  • Riots, railways and a Hampshire hill fort: Exploiting local history for rigorous evidential enquiry

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Rigorous historical enquiry is integral to effective history teaching. The 2008 National Curriculum has recognised its importance by giving it a broader definition as a key process to include not only the use of historical...
    Riots, railways and a Hampshire hill fort: Exploiting local history for rigorous evidential enquiry