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  • Teaching History 105: Talking History

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    This edition explores the diversity of attitudes and experiences through speaking and listening. Using initial Stimulus Mateial (ISM) to promote enquiry, thinking and literacy, Speaking and listening in Year 7 history, Developing student teachers' work with museums and historic sites and much more... Beyond ‘I speak, you listen, boy!’ Exploring...
    Teaching History 105: Talking History
  • Unpacking the suitcase and finding history: doing justice to the teaching of diverse histories in the classroom

      Teaching History article
    Unpacking the suitcase and finding history: doing justice to the teaching of diverse histories in the classroom It has become a truism that Britain is a multi-cultural society yet, as Mohamud and Whitburn argue, there is still a great deal of thinking to be done by history teachers in accounting...
    Unpacking the suitcase and finding history: doing justice to the teaching of diverse histories in the classroom
  • Hidden histories and heroism: post-14 course on multi-cultural Britain since 1945

      Teaching History Article
    A school-designed, post-14 course on multi-cultural Britain since 1945  Robin Whitburn and Sharon Yemoh describe the design of a school-generated GCSE course on the challenges that British people faced in forging a multicultural society in post-imperial Britain. Drawing on their own research into their students' experience, they build a discipline-based case...
    Hidden histories and heroism: post-14 course on multi-cultural Britain since 1945
  • Stories and their sources: the need for historical thinking in an information age

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Information technology is of no value in itself or by itself: it needs questions to drive it and disciplined forms of thinking to make sense of the answers that it can provide. Inspired by the...
    Stories and their sources: the need for historical thinking in an information age
  • Using extra-curricular opportunities to broaden students’ encounters with history

      Teaching History article
    In this article, Jess Angell shows how her department seeks to make extra-curricular activities accessible to all. There is a strong focus on involving professional historians, since so many students seem not to understand who historians are, or what they do. But the audience is wider than just history students:...
    Using extra-curricular opportunities to broaden students’ encounters with history
  • What’s The Wisdom On... change and continuity?

      Teaching History feature
    When it comes to historical change and continuity, what are history teachers asking pupils to think about and do? What's the Wisdom On... is a short guide providing new history teachers with an overview of the ‘story so far’ of practice-based professional thinking about a particular aspect of history teaching. It...
    What’s The Wisdom On... change and continuity?
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 173: including BME history in the curriculum

      The quick guide to the ‘no-quick-fix’
    This page is for those new to the published writings of history teachers. Each problem you wrestle with, other teachers have wrestled with too. Quick fixes don’t exist. But in others’ writing, you’ll find something better: conversations in which history teachers have debated or tackled your problems – conversations which any history teacher...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 173: including BME history in the curriculum
  • On the frontlines of teaching the history of the First World War

      Teaching History article
    It is very common for people in politics and the media to make assumptions about what happens in history classrooms. Too often these preconceptions are based on little more than anecdote, examples from the Internet or memories of what someone experienced at school themselves. In this article, Catriona Pennell reports...
    On the frontlines of teaching the history of the First World War
  • How to make historical simulations adaptable, engaging and manageable

      Teaching History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Dan Moorhouse suggests that history teachers are sometimes put off role-play or simulations because the amount of preparation - intellectual and practical - appears both time-consuming and expensive. He argues that effective simulations need be...
    How to make historical simulations adaptable, engaging and manageable
  • Triumphs Show 180: From ‘most able’ to ‘mini’ historians

      Teaching History feature
    Finding ways to stretch and challenge the highest-attaining students has been a long-standing concern of many history teachers, and strategies for doing so have developed far beyond merely bolting on additional tasks. One way in which I have sought to challenge my own high-attaining students has been by setting them...
    Triumphs Show 180: From ‘most able’ to ‘mini’ historians
  • New, Novice or Nervous? 154: Using historical scholarship in the classroom

      Teaching History feature
    As another World Book Day goes past, you have been watching the English department wax lyrical about all of the wonderful books that pupils might read. You know that there is a wealth of well-written historical scholarship out there for pupils to dive into, yet you are not sure about...
    New, Novice or Nervous? 154: Using historical scholarship in the classroom
  • Teaching History 153 Supplement: Curriculum Evolution

      Secondary journal supplement
    A special supplement to Teaching History to support the 2014 National Curriculum. 1) Thinking about how the HA can support your department  2) Jamie Byrom: Alive ... and kicking? Personal reflections on the revised National Curriculum and what we might do with it 3) Michael Fordham: O Brave New World,...
    Teaching History 153 Supplement: Curriculum Evolution
  • ‘This extract is no good, Miss!’

      Journal article
    Frustrated that her A-level students were being overly dismissive when asked to judge the convincingness of academic historians’ arguments, Paula Worth drew on previous history-teacher research and theories of history for inspiration. After noting that her students would unjustly reject esteemed historians’ accounts for lack of comprehensiveness, Worth explains here...
    ‘This extract is no good, Miss!’
  • Teaching History 90

      The HA's journal for history teachers
    4 Editorial 5 Teaching History Briefing 10 A Role for History in Initial Teacher Education by Sally Pearce 12 In Touch with the Past: Music Making and Historical Re-enactments by Penlope Harnett and Liz Newman 17 Appeasement Role Play: the alternative to Munich by Robin Duff 20 Using Information Technology...
    Teaching History 90
  • History, music and law: commemorative cross-curricularity

      Teaching History article
    James Woodcock continues his theme from Teaching History 138 about the difference between superficial, thematic cross-curricularity and much more rigorous interdisciplinarity. His concern is to retain rather than compromise the integrity of the subject disciplines. Woodcock argues that interdisciplinary working adds value to learning only when the knowledge and the distinctive...
    History, music and law: commemorative cross-curricularity
  • Cunning Plan 173: using Black Tudors as a window into Tudor England

      Teaching History journal feature
    On 29 September 2018 I was fortunate enough to get involved with a collaborative project with Dr Miranda Kaufmann, the Historical Association, Schools History Project, and a brilliant group of people from different backgrounds all committed to teaching about black Tudors. In this short piece, I will share how I...
    Cunning Plan 173: using Black Tudors as a window into Tudor England
  • Teaching History 119: Language

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    05 Does the linguistic release the conceptual? Helping Year 10 to improve their causal reasoning – James Woodcock (Read article) 24 Are you ready for your close-up? – Heather Scott with Judith Kidd (Read article) 15 The Tudor monarchy in crisis: using a historian’s account to stretch the most able...
    Teaching History 119: Language
  • How should women’s history be included at Key Stage 3?

      Teaching History article
    Susanna Boyd ‘discovered’ women’s history while studying for her own history degree, and laments women’s continued absence from the school history curriculum. She issues a call-to-arms to make the curriculum more inclusive both by re-evaluating the criteria for curricular selection and by challenging established disciplinary conventions. She also weighs up...
    How should women’s history be included at Key Stage 3?
  • Disembarking the religious rollercoaster

      Teaching History article
    Sarah Jackson-Buckley and Jessie Phillips found themselves perennially dissatisfied with the outcomes of their teaching of the Protestant Reformation. Determined that students should take away a sense of the momentous political and social consequences of the Reformation, they turned to historical scholarship, and to the work of other history teachers on...
    Disembarking the religious rollercoaster
  • Move Me On 181: navigating the challenges of learning to teach history with visual impairment

      Teaching History feature
    Fiona Tait, a trainee with visual impairment, was unsure how she would navigate the challenges of learning to teach history... This feature of Teaching History is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a...
    Move Me On 181: navigating the challenges of learning to teach history with visual impairment
  • What have historians been arguing about: African history in the precolonial period?

      Teaching History article
    The George Floyd killing and the Black Lives Matter movement in the UK have led to an upsurge in interest in African history: how (and whether) it is taught, where it is taught, and who teaches it. Although it is widely recognised that slavery must be taught, there is a desire for history...
    What have historians been arguing about: African history in the precolonial period?
  • ‘It’s kind of like the geography part of history, isn’t it, Miss?’

      Teaching History article
    Verity Morgan took an unusual approach to the challenge of teaching the Holocaust, coming to it through the lens of environmental history. She shares here the practical means and resources she used to engage pupils with this current trend in historiography, and its associated concepts. Reflecting on her pupils’ responses,...
    ‘It’s kind of like the geography part of history, isn’t it, Miss?’
  • Teaching History 126: Outside the Classroom

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    06 ‘I understood before, but not like this:’ maximising historical learning by letting pupils take control of trips – Helen Snelson (Read article) 12 A search beyond the classroom: using a museum to support the renewal of a scheme of work – Hannah Moloney and Paula Kitching (Read article) 20...
    Teaching History 126: Outside the Classroom
  • Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    02 Editorial 03 HA Secondary News 04 Drilling down: how one history department is working towards progression in pupils’ thinking about diversity across Years 7, 8 and 9 – Matthew Bradshaw (Read article) 13 Cunning Plan: The generalisation game - challenging generalisations (Read article) 16 Were industrial towns ‘death-traps’? Year...
    Teaching History 135: To They or Not To They
  • Year 7 explore the story of a London street

      Teaching History article
    One street, twenty children and the experience of a changing town: Year 7 explore the story of a London street Michael Wood and others have recently drawn attention to the ways in which big stories can be told through local histories. Hughes and De Silva report a teaching unit through...
    Year 7 explore the story of a London street