Found 45 results matching 'genocide' within Publications > Primary History   (Clear filter)

  • Using indigenous and traditional stories to teach for climate and ecological action

      Primary History article
    Caitríona Ní Cassaithe and Anne Marie Kavanagh explore how herbs and wild plants were and are used to create natural remedies. They use archive material and oral history to promote and explore indigenous voices. They suggest how this could be applied and developed within your own communities. They also make...
    Using indigenous and traditional stories to teach for climate and ecological action
  • Key Stage 1 local history through fresh eyes

      Primary History article
    Upon approaching this article on teaching the local history component of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 I decided to focus on one school, to look at what they normally deliver, and to put forward suggestions that could be used to enhance their existing unit of study. I visited Pencoys...
    Key Stage 1 local history through fresh eyes
  • Place-names and the National Curriculum for History

      Primary History article
    Place-names, such as house or school names, are infinite in number and all around us. Every place-name may convey a message about the place. Often place-names record and celebrate local and national people, events and incidents, define what a place looked like in the past and how we used to...
    Place-names and the National Curriculum for History
  • Slavery in Britain

      Primary History article
    Images reflect the social customs and attitudes of the society in which they are produced, and we may nowdisapprove of these attitudes. Conversely, our own ideas of what is right and wrong may well have been unacceptable in the past. Among these are the rights accorded to children, the disabled,...
    Slavery in Britain
  • Towards inclusion: A study of significant figures and disability within the national curriculum

      Primary History article
    Since the early days of the National Curriculum, considerable progress has been made to introduce children to an inclusive view of history. The research of the late Hilary Claire (1996) served as a major impetus and now primary teachers strive to ensure that no groups or individuals are marginalised, particularly...
    Towards inclusion: A study of significant figures and disability within the national curriculum
  • Case Study: Constructing women's past and gender perspective

      Primary History article
    Pupils as Journalists Background of the Study Historiography has expanded to include all social groups and identities in the community. The social historiographical approach became extremely important in the 20th century (Cooper, 2007, pp. 41-2). In parallel with social historiography and related second wave feminism, women began to write their...
    Case Study: Constructing women's past and gender perspective
  • History, ICT and the digital age

      Primary History article
    Three things are important 1.Don't fall for the hype You are not a bad teacher if you are not using a lot of technology in history or any other area! Research evidence does not support many of the claims made about technology." Most of the evidence we have is anecdotal...
    History, ICT and the digital age
  • Teacher trainees writing history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. Introduction I would like to share some Cumbria University Year 4 primary history specialist student's written work with you. These students who are in their final year have just completed their last assignment...
    Teacher trainees writing history
  • Writing: demonstration and modelling

      Primary History article
    Pupils' historical writing can take thousands of different forms, for example, an advert, comic, magazine article, love letter, short story, exam essay, poster or account of a castle visit. For pupils to compose in any genre they must understand and assimilate the genre's skeletal framework, its mode, tenor, field - pp....
    Writing: demonstration and modelling
  • Poetic writing

      Primary History article
    Poetry is a major area for pupils creative and imaginative historical writing. Pupils writing historical poetry can draw upon a wide range of poetic modes, for example haikus, sonnets, blank verse. Poetry is an excellent vehicle for public presentation, with pupils reading their composition to their class members. To use...
    Poetic writing
  • Writing & History Overview

      Primary History article
    History provides an extremely rich context for literacy and writing, see Case Study 3: Evacuees. As such, Writing History is an element in a whole school policy towards literacy that emphasises Language Across the Curriculum for all subjects and areas. references. Case Study 1 illuminates the concept that pupil writing permeates...
    Writing & History Overview
  • Investigating the ancient Olympic games: A Case Study

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. In a 10-week unit on Ancient Greece, we gave the fourth lesson over to the ancient Olympic Games. The class was a delight: 32 enthusiastic Year 6 children in an urban county primary school. We knew...
    Investigating the ancient Olympic games: A Case Study
  • Ancient Greeks: The Olympics' War Games - Teaching through Drama

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. When I was a boy the Greek Olympics was one of the perennials of the primary history curriculum, alongside the Battle of Hastings and the execution of Charles I. I have memories of an old text...
    Ancient Greeks: The Olympics' War Games - Teaching through Drama
  • Campaign: Make an impact and history

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. What is the role of history in the curriculum? Is it to give a traditional education or because history is a powerful teacher that we all can learn from? In my view well-taught history doesn't leave...
    Campaign: Make an impact and history
  • Primary History 57: What History Should We Teach, 5-14?

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    Contents, Editorial, In My View, Article 04 Editorial 05 In my view: Campaign! Make an Impact and History - Alison Bodley (Read article) 06 In my view: Principles for a history curriculum - Jon Nichol (Read article) 07 Doing History: story telling How can we imagine the past? - Grant Bage (Read...
    Primary History 57: What History Should We Teach, 5-14?
  • Drama and story telling

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Everyone loves a story - especially a story well told. To encourage learning all primary teachers should consider the creative art of telling a story, as well as developing a variety of ways of interacting through...
    Drama and story telling
  • Choosing a topic

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Choosing a topic, creating teaching approaches and choosing resources for historical understanding  The Rose Report places history in the sphere of ‘Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding'. This allows for a more flexible approach to study, especially...
    Choosing a topic
  • Case Study: Working with gifted and talented children at an Iron Age hill fort in north Somerset

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. The phone call was over - manna from heaven. The opportunity to work with a ‘real' archaeologist on a ‘real' Iron Age site seemed far too good to be true. The cluster of eight South...
    Case Study: Working with gifted and talented children at an Iron Age hill fort in north Somerset
  • Primary History 96: Climate and Environment

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    05 Editorial (Read article) 06 The potential of primary history – Alison Kitson and Michael Riley (Read article) 12 How much has the weather mattered in British history? A possible development study – Tim Lomas (Read article) 20 A Significant Local Event: Carlisle floods – Sue Temple (Read article) 24 Earth heroes: Etta Lemon,...
    Primary History 96: Climate and Environment
  • Thinking about questions to ask a sailor who knew Christopher Columbus

      Primary History article
    Please note: this article pre-dates the current National Curriculum and some content and links may be outdated. The drama was an element in teaching a topic on Columbus with a class of 6-7 year old pupils. The Scheme of Work's title was WATER which lasted six weeks. The history element lasted...
    Thinking about questions to ask a sailor who knew Christopher Columbus
  • Primary History summer resource 2023: Early civilisations

      Primary member resource
    Our free summer resource for 2023 is intended to enhance your subject knowledge about ancient civilisations. We have selected two articles from the HA journal The Historian that provide you with an insight into current historical knowledge.  The first article includes Sumer, Indus, Shang and Egypt, early civilisations that are identified in...
    Primary History summer resource 2023: Early civilisations
  • Significant people: Mary Wollstonecraft

      Primary History article
    ‘I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves’ – Mary Wollstonecraft The National Curriculum gives the freedom to select any significant individual and many schools have already chosen those outside the commonly-used ones such as Florence Nightingale, Christopher Columbus and Queen Victoria. There is also...
    Significant people: Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Significant anniversaries: Windrush 75

      Primary History article
    It is 75 years since the ship called the Empire Windrush brought people from the Caribbean to begin a new life in the United Kingdom. Those who also arrived in the years leading up to 1971 are often referred to as ‘the Windrush generation’. Their contribution to Britain socially, culturally...
    Significant anniversaries: Windrush 75
  • Teaching Robin Hood at Key Stage 1

      Primary History article
    The stories of Robin Hood, which date from the Middle Ages, are integral to an understanding of British history. Although historians have not been able to identify a single historical figure that can be called Robin Hood, rooted in evidence, the myth or legend of Robin Hood has had a...
    Teaching Robin Hood at Key Stage 1
  • Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963

      Primary History article
    March 2023 sees the anniversary of a report that had profound significance on social history and which affected many parts of the United Kingdom. There is every chance that it had an effect close to your school especially if you are in a more rural or coastal area. The Beeching...
    Significant anniversaries: the infamous Beeching Report 1963