Found 113 results matching '2025' within Publications   (Clear filter)

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  • History Abridged: London’s women statues

      Historian feature
    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. See all History Abridged articles We live in a seemingly iconoclastic age. Statues that were once part of the established...
    History Abridged: London’s women statues
  • The new King

      Primary History article
    King Charles III acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 on the death of Queen Elizabeth II. This article looks at the lives of the three kings named Charles and investigates how things will change with our new king. It includes activities and a timeline of British monarchs from Tudors to present...
    The new King
  • Where might the Gunpowder Plot sit within the principles of the new model curriculum?

      Primary History article
    The government has proposed creating a model curriculum for history. This will contain a range of non-statutory and supplementary guidance to focus history teaching. In July 2022, terms of reference to identify principles and approaches underpinning the model history curriculum were published. There will be an advisory panel that will...
    Where might the Gunpowder Plot sit within the principles of the new model curriculum?
  • Teaching the British Empire in primary history

      Primary History article
    The height of the BBC Proms season is its last night in the Royal Albert Hall. It features traditional patriotic songs such as Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory. Cheerful crowds wave union flags as the magnificent music of Elgar and others swells to a crescendo. Contrast this...
    Teaching the British Empire in primary history
  • Teaching History 188: Out now

      The HA's journal for secondary history teachers
    Read Teaching History 188: Representing History History teachers are familiar with the challenges that arise as we try to help our students make historical sense of past worlds. Building historical representations of the past is imaginatively demanding – it requires ‘world-making’ and narrative expertise. The challenges are probative, not merely...
    Teaching History 188: Out now
  • Tourism: the birth and death of the little Welsh town?

      Historian article
    Millie Punshon is a sixth form student in North Wales and was one of this year's finalists in the HA's Great Debate public speaking competition.  It is no unknown fact that the Victorian city-slickers adored the north coast of Wales, and without them towns such as Llandudno, Beaumaris, and Betws-y-Coed may not have...
    Tourism: the birth and death of the little Welsh town?
  • The Historian 154: Jubilee

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    4 Reviews 5 Editorial  (Read article for free) 6 (Un)exceptional women: queenship and power in medieval Europe – Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Storey (Read article) 10 Dress becomes her: the appearance and apparel of Elizabeth II – Benjamin Linley Wild (Read article) 15 Reviews 16 The throne and the fairy tellers –...
    The Historian 154: Jubilee
  • Exploring the past through active enquiry

      Primary History article
    Story and enquiry – that’s what I think of when considering history. The stories of events and people pull you into the past and stories generate a curiosity that encourages exploration. ‘Finding out’ is central to what we do in history. Our early-years classrooms must provide vibrant and challenging environments...
    Exploring the past through active enquiry
  • Wangari Maathai as a significant individual

      Primary History article
    "Instead of a curriculum where race, gender and disability are mainly rooted in victim narratives, include positive representation. Go beyond teaching slavery and the Holocaust or gender narratives of victimhood…Actively use examples and narratives countering this dominance." Bennie Kara, (2021, p.59) The 2014 National Curriculum for history sets out that children...
    Wangari Maathai as a significant individual
  • Trade – lifeblood of the empire: how trade affected life in Roman Britain

      Primary History article
    The Ofsted Research Review: History highlights the importance of developing children’s understanding of key substantive concepts, ideas that are woven through historical content such as settlement, invasion, power. Children’s understanding grows more complex as they encounter these ideas in different contexts, enabling children to grow increasingly sophisticated schemas that support future...
    Trade – lifeblood of the empire: how trade affected life in Roman Britain
  • Mentoring Student Teachers

      Primary History article
    Up and down the country, providers of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) are involved in applying for reaccreditation so that they can continue to develop and support trainee teachers. This is being done against the backdrop of Ofsted implementing its new inspection framework for ITE, which has seen a number of providers...
    Mentoring Student Teachers
  • Flight from Kabul: a historical perspective

      Historian article
    In this article, Matt Jux-Blayney compares the British retreat from Kabul in 1842 with the most recent flight of NATO from Kabul in August 2021. Matt explores the various similarities between the two campaigns and includes personal recollections from his service in Afghanistan with the British Army. On 6 January...
    Flight from Kabul: a historical perspective
  • Ten texts for the Platinum Jubilee

      Primary History article
    With the Platinum Jubilee approaching later this year and celebrations planned for June 2022, here is a round-up of ten fiction and non-fiction books which will help you plan and find resources for your school celebrations...
    Ten texts for the Platinum Jubilee
  • Playing in the pandemic: Introducing the Play Observatory

      Primary History article
    What happens to children’s play in a global pandemic? In 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic was sweeping across the world, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from University College London and the University of Sheffield was beginning to plan a project to address this central question. We began with history in...
    Playing in the pandemic: Introducing the Play Observatory
  • Primary History 90: Out now

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    Read Primary History 90 As head of state the Queen stands as our figurehead, a role she has held for seventy years. During that time much has changed. For most of us reading this journal we have known no other sovereign, never had a time when the Queen was not...
    Primary History 90: Out now
  • Primary History 90

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    04 Editorial (Read article) 06 HA Update 10 Jubilee medals: celebration and creation – Polly Gillow (Read article) 12 The Queen in procession – Karin Doull (Read article) 15 Significance and interpretation: what are these concepts and why are they important in primary history? – Glenn Carter (Read article) 22 Happy and Glorious:...
    Primary History 90
  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... expanding the reach of the American Revolution

      Teaching History feature
    The Founding Fathers of the United States of America are never far from current political and cultural discussions. Whether prompted by the phenomenal success of Hamilton: the musical (2015), or the shocking scenes of riotous attack on the US Capitol in January 2021, the revolutionary intentions and legacy of such...
    What Have Historians Been Arguing About... expanding the reach of the American Revolution
  • Cunning Plan 185… for building difference into GCSE curriculum design

      Teaching History feature
    Many history teachers have been busy making space in their curriculum plans for different sorts of histories. This process, as Priyamavda Gopal has argued (in response to claims that moves to decolonise the curriculum constitute an attempt to censor history by editing out those bits viewed as ‘stains’ on the nation’s...
    Cunning Plan 185… for building difference into GCSE curriculum design
  • How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?

      Primary History article
    The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework became statutory from this September (2021). Although the seven areas of learning and development remain unchanged (including Understanding the World), the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) have changed within each of these areas. These new ELGs have been written so that they are...
    How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?
  • Sporting legacy: the history of endeavour

      Primary History article
    One of the highlights of 2021 for many people was getting up early over the summer and avidly watching events at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics unfold: feats of bravery and endurance, heartbreak and celebration. It will, of course, enter the history books and the pub quiz questions, not least because...
    Sporting legacy: the history of endeavour
  • Primary History 89: Out now

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    Read Primary History 89 Welcome to Primary History 89! It is always a joy to work with people who share a love of history, and who engage with history learning and teaching in so many different ways. One of the things I love is everyone’s willingness to share their knowledge,...
    Primary History 89: Out now
  • Primary History 89

      The primary education journal of the Historical Association
    04 Editorial (Read article for free) 06 HA Update  08 How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework – including the introduction of the ‘Past and Present’ ELG? – Simon Ellis and Mackay Howe (Read article) 12 Teaching ‘these islands’ from prehistoric times to 1066 – Paul Bracey (Read article) 20...
    Primary History 89
  • Petit’s impact on our understanding of Victorian life and culture

      Historian article
    Tiffany Igharoro, a Young Historian Award-winner, introduces us to the artwork of Revd John Louis Petit, showing that art not only reflects the times in which it is created, but can also be used to shape opinions. The Revd John Louis Petit (1801–68) created thousands of paintings in his lifetime, many of which...
    Petit’s impact on our understanding of Victorian life and culture
  • Capturing public opinion during the Paris Commune of 1871

      Historian article
    In the year of its 150th anniversary, Jason Jacques Willems offers his thoughts on the importance of centrist opinion to our understanding of the Paris Commune. 2021 is the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune, when a revolutionary Parisian movement was pitted against the French government. The Franco-Prussian War of 1870...
    Capturing public opinion during the Paris Commune of 1871
  • Out and About in South London

      Historian feature
    In an unusual Out and About feature, the Young Historian Local History Senior Prize winner Flora Wilton Tregear shows us what her local area can tell us about the history of public health. Taking the DLR out from Lewisham you pass through Deptford Bridge station towards Greenwich. Here my father...
    Out and About in South London