Found 111 results matching '2025' within Historian   (Clear filter)

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  • Presidential Lecture - Charles I: The People's Martyr?

    2012 Annual Conference Presidential Lecture Charles I: The People's Martyr? Jackie Eales, HA President and Professor of Early Modern History at Canterbury Christ Church University Charles I was renowned for his distrust of ‘popularity'. Yet during the 1640s he was forced to appeal to his people for support and in...
    Presidential Lecture - Charles I: The People's Martyr?
  • Local and Community History Month

      1-31 May each year
    The aim of the month is to increase awareness of local history, promote history in general to the local community and encourage all members of the community to participate. Activities happen across the UK and include trips, library exhibitions and local lectures. It is a great way for groups to...
    Local and Community History Month
  • Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?

      Medieval History
    Why Medieval History Matters, Professor Anne Curry, President of the HA ‘I don't mind there being some medievalists around for ornamental purposes, but there is no reason for the state to pay for them'. So, allegedly, said Charles Clarke when Education Secretary in 2003. In fact, medieval history has never...
    Podcasted Lecture: Why Medieval History Matters?
  • Short course: The impact and legacy of the First World War – Resources

      HA short course, 23 January–19 March 2024
    Beyond the mud and blood: The First World War and the social, political and cultural impact and legacy on ordinary people This resource unit accompanies and supports our short course on The impact and legacy of the First World War. The materials below are available to you exclusively as a registered...
    Short course: The impact and legacy of the First World War – Resources
  • Film: Introducing Professor Peter Mandler

      Peter Mandler becomes the new HA President in May 2020
    Professor Peter Mandler has accepted the position of President of the HA and will be taking over the position from Professor Tony Badger who will step down this later this year. Peter Mandler was born in the USA in 1958, educated at Oxford and Harvard Universities, and has taught in Britain...
    Film: Introducing Professor Peter Mandler
  • The development of the Department of Health

      Historian article
    Health as a specific feature of central government strategy is a relatively recent phenomenon and Hugh Gault identifies how this feature of everyday headlines in our newspapers has been managed until the present time. At the start of the twentieth  century Lord Salisbury’s Cabinet comprised four Secretaries of State –...
    The development of the Department of Health
  • Immerse yourself in history

    Historical Association membership is an enjoyable way to learn and expand your history knowledge, take part in local and national events, gain access to expertise and meet others with a similar interest in history. Membership includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine The Historian delivered directly to your door and access to the...
    Immerse yourself in history
  • Virtual Branch: Shylock's Venice

      The remarkable history of Venice’s Jews and the Ghetto
    This is the story of the Venice Ghetto, the corner of the city where Jews were exiled; free to walk the streets by day, locked behind gates and walls at night. Yet, gates and walls notwithstanding, from its establishment in 1516 until the fall of Venice in 1798, the ghetto...
    Virtual Branch: Shylock's Venice
  • Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe

    Normandy originated from a grant of land to Rollo, a Viking leader, in the early tenth century. By the end of that century Normans were to be found in southern Italy, then in Britain and, at the end of the eleventh century, in the near East on the First Crusade....
    Virtual Branch: From Pirates to Princes Normans in Eleventh Century Europe
  • Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire

      Foundations and Memory
    What can the early history of the English East India Company tell us about the foundations of the British Empire, and where does that history sit within current debates about Britain’s imperial legacy? In this session Mark Williams offers a timely insight into the history of one of the most significant...
    Virtual Branch Recording: The East India Company and Empire
  • Film: China's Good War

      How World War II is shaping a new nationalism
    In this lecture Professor Mitter uses film and other propaganda works to explore how key events of global history are being represented in China to develop a different understanding of its own past. The talk addresses a number of the factors for this change in how China is reflecting on...
    Film: China's Good War