Found 111 results matching '2025' within Historian   (Clear filter)

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  • Films: Mikhail Gorbachev – Interpretations

      Film series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
    How much of what Russia is today, how its people behave, and how they are perceived is dependent on its history and those that have led it? Was it the first melting pot of the world? Do its broad range of cultural traditions and diversity play a part in its...
    Films: Mikhail Gorbachev – Interpretations
  • Film: Gorbachev - Interpretations

      Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the USSR
    Mikhail Gorbachev’s leadership and period in office is remembered differently in different parts of the world. Professor Archie Brown discusses the different interpretations the have developed in the West and in Russia to Gorbachev and his legacy. He describes the impact and development of Post-Soviet Russia and how this has influenced...
    Film: Gorbachev - Interpretations
  • Film: Gorbachev - Downfall

      Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the USSR
    Professor Archie Brown looks at the forces that led to Gorbachev's eventual downfall. He also examines the coup in 1991, the rise of Boris Yeltsin and the subsequent breakup of the Soviet Union. This film is part of our film series that looks at Russian history through the lens of leadership from Alexander...
    Film: Gorbachev - Downfall
  • Film: Gorbachev - Foreign Relations

      Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the USSR
    Professor Archie Brown discusses how Gorbachev fundamentally reformed Soviet foreign policy, redefined relations with the West, fostered closer personal relationships with former adversaries and how he transformed the Cold War world. He examines Gorbachev's policy towards Eastern Europe and the fall of the Iron Curtain, and looks at how his new foreign...
    Film: Gorbachev - Foreign Relations
  • Film: Gorbachev - Domestic Reform

      Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the USSR
    Emeritus Professor Archie Brown explains how Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 and describes the domestic and international situation the USSR found itself in at this point of the Cold War. He discusses Gorbachev's political and economic agenda and priorities, looks at the support and...
    Film: Gorbachev - Domestic Reform
  • Film: Gorbachev - Early life and influences

      Film Series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union
    Emeritus Professor Archie Brown of the University of Oxford discusses Mikhail Gorbachev's early life and the influence it had on his later life and thinking. Mikhail Gorbachev was born to a poor peasant family of Russian and Ukrainian heritage in 1931. Badly affected by both the famine of 1930-33 and...
    Film: Gorbachev - Early life and influences
  • Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples

      Guide Book
    This guide book was produced by Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed (Co-Directors NCAM Archaeological Mission at Jebel Barkal) and has been published on our website by their kind permission (© 2022 Timothy Kendall and El-Hassan Ahmed Mohamed) to support our podcast that examines the history of Ancient Nubia and the Kushite...
    Sudan Holy Mountain: Jebel Barkal and its Temples
  • The Legacy of the Z Special Unit in World War II

      Historian article
    The Spirit of Normandy Trust Essay Competition is aimed at young historians and organised by the Historical Association (as part of the annual Young Historian Awards). The 2023 winner in the Key Stage 3 (lower secondary school) category is Ayan Sinha, a pupil at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Wakefield. In this abridged...
    The Legacy of the Z Special Unit in World War II
  • Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans

      Virtual Branch Film
    How did descendants of Viking marauders come to dominate Western Europe and the Mediterranean, from the British Isles to North Africa, and Lisbon to the Holy Land and the Middle East? In this Virtual Branch talk Levi Roach, author of Empires of the Normans, tells a tale of ambitious adventures...
    Virtual Branch recording: Empires of the Normans
  • Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom

      The Black Crown
    How did a man born enslaved on a plantation triumph over Napoleon's invading troops and become king of the first free black nation in the Americas? This is the forgotten, remarkable story of Henry Christophe. Christophe fought as a child soldier in the American War of Independence, before serving in...
    Virtual Branch recording: Henry Christophe, the Haitian Revolution and the Caribbean's Forgotten Kingdom
  • The Historian 158: Music

      The magazine of the Historical Association
    4 Reviews 5 Editorial (Read article - open access) 6 ‘Since singing is so good a thing’: William Byrd on the benefits of singing – Katharine Butler (Read article) 11 Letters 12 A history of Choral Evensong: the birth of an English tradition – Tom Coxhead (Read article) 17 Reviews  18 Building new futures by rewriting the past:...
    The Historian 158: Music
  • Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire

      Age of Emergency
    In the 1950s, Britain fought a series of brutal wars against insurgents in the colonies of Malaya, Kenya, and Cyprus. How did people at home experience these wars? How did they learn about the use of torture and other unsettling tactics? And how did they respond to this knowledge? In...
    Film: Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire
  • Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain

    Mass-Observation is probably the most consistently useful source for the study of mid and late 20th social lives Britain. It was established in 1937 with the aim of investigating ordinary life and developing an 'anthropology of ourselves.' It used a range of different methods to collect information, from recording overheard...
    Recorded Webinar: Mass-Observing Modern Britain
  • Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis

      Mental health, class, gender and diversity
    Professor Julie Gottlieb has written extensively on inter-war British political and gender history, and her more recent work has provided alternative perspectives on seemingly settled debates in the historiography of British foreign policy and the history of appeasement. Through the lens of women/gender, social history, and now psychology/emotion, she argues for a...
    Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis
  • Film: A short history of Islamic thought

    In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment. In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the...
    Film: A short history of Islamic thought
  • Muddy Waters: from migrant to music icon

      Historian article
    Matt Jux-Blayney explores the impact of the blues singer Muddy Waters against a backdrop of significant social and racial change in the United States of the mid-twentieth century. On 3 July 1960, a man from Mississippi was introduced onto the stage of the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. He...
    Muddy Waters: from migrant to music icon
  • The Coronation of King Charles III

      Historian feature
    2023 will see the first coronation of a British monarch for 70 years. Only those now in their 70s or above will remember the last one. The UK is the only country in Europe still to carry out a coronation, a ceremony that has its roots in traditions over a...
    The Coronation of King Charles III
  • The First Crusade, 1095–99

      Historian feature
    As Christianity had spread across Europe, Islam had spread across the Middle East. At the end of the eleventh century the relationship between the Muslim leader of Jerusalem and the Christian communities and travellers to the city fractured. Along with other key relationships across Europe, the Middle East and around...
    The First Crusade, 1095–99
  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision

    In this second webinar in our series on writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman talks about the actual process of writing the story, with examples. The difficulty of the first page - how to start your story with impact and make sure the reader is gripped from the first line....
    Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision
  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 

    In this first webinar about writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman will talk about how ideas grow from reading and thinking about history. Once you have a good idea, then you need to research it properly, starting with secondary sources for context, then moving on to more specific reading. Visits...
    Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 
  • Film: Berengaria of Navarre

      History & Myth
    In this talk Dr Gabrielle Storey discusses the life and times of Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England, lord of Le Mans, and wife of Richard I. Berengaria of Navarre has been inaccurately labelled as the only queen never to have stepped foot in England. This talk will present new analysis...
    Film: Berengaria of Navarre
  • Film: Rome in the world/the world in Rome with Dr Lucy Donkin

    In-person tickets to HA Annual Conference 2023 are now limited but you can still book for an incredible virtual programme. To give you a taster of the fantastic sessions on offer, we've published one of the sessions from last year's HA Conference on Rome in the world/the world in Rome with...
    Film: Rome in the world/the world in Rome with Dr Lucy Donkin
  • Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea

    Professor Jan Rüger joined the Virtual Branch on 9th February 2023 to talk about his book Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea, tracing a rich history of contact and conflict from the Napoleonic Wars to the Cold War. For generations this North Sea island expressed a German...
    Film: Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea
  • Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady

      Historian article
    Joanna Hickson is a hugely successful novelist, specialising in historical fiction, and she describes herself as feeling that she actually lives in the fifteenth century. For readers of The Historian she explores and explains how she developed her understanding and knowledge of a highly significant Tudor woman who is a central figure in two of...
    Joan Vaux: a remarkable Tudor lady
  • My great-grandfather and the Italian Campaign

      Historian article
    This remarkable item by a student at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Wakefield was the winning Young Historian entry in the Key Stage 3 Spirit of Normandy Trust category in 2022. I’ve always known my great-grandfather fought in the Second World War, but never like this. When he left the army, he never...
    My great-grandfather and the Italian Campaign