Teaching History 141: The Holocaust edition
The HA's journal for secondary history teachers

The Holocaust edition
02 Editorial
03 IOE editorial
04 HA Secondary News
05 David Waters - Berlin and the Holocaust: a sense of place? (Read article)
11 Ian Phillips - A question of attribution: working with ghetto photographs, images and imagery (Read article)
18 Triumphs show: Using family photos to bring the diversity of Jewish lives to life - Morgan Baynham (Read article)
20 Christopher Edwards and Siobhan O'Dowd - The edge of knowing: investigating students' prior understandings of the Holocaust (Read article)
27 Peter Morgan - How can we deepen and broaden post-16 students' historical engagement with the Holocaust? Developing a rationale and methods for using film (Read article)
34 Wolf Kaiser - Nazi perpetrators in Holocaust education (Read article)
40 Polychronicon: Adolf Eichmann - David Cesarani (Read article)
42 Kay Andrews - Finding a place for the victim: building a rationale for educational visits to Holocaust-related sites (Read article)
50 Alice Pettigrew - Limited lessons from the Holocaust? Critically considering the ‘anti-racist' and citizenship potential (Read article)
56 Nutshell: Holocaust Education Development Programme (Read article)
57 Paul Salmons - Universal meaning or historical understanding? The Holocaust in history and history in the curriculum (Read article)
64 Move Me On: Trainee is wondering how to approach teaching the Holocaust, especially with her ‘difficult’ Year 9 (Read article)
68 Mummy, mummy...
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